Here's a picture before I call an ambulance. I hope they remove my balls! Pic Related, it's my scrotum and it doesn't hurt *that* bad.
how and why
Also do I have two and half balls or is that something else?
Time stamp now
This is a lame thread.
It's probably fake and gay.
If it's not fake and gay, you're not going to be able to reply to the thread due to ambulance.
I admire your dedication to mutilate yourself/pretend to mutilate yourself, but this thread isn't going anywhere.
fake and transexual
I have a 100 pill bottle of acetaminophen about 15 pills of cyclobenzaprine. I am currently breaking them all up and going to make a cocktail. Just wondering if the 100 acetaminophen is enough or should I get one more bottle for safe keeping?
Took 25 grams of acetominophen once, have fun puking blood and rithing in pain on the floor.
I don't care about the pain.
Sure, that will do it. Might take about a week though. What is your age, height and weight? Also, what is the strength of the cyclobenzaprine?
You probably aren't going to die from that OP, you will suffer though, - a lot-. just keep that in mind.
28 5'9 about 190. The cyclobenzaprine is 10mg.
God Tier Metal
Aluminum > Steel
Debate me.
Steel > Aluminum
Can agree, ghost is god tier
Oh thank fuck, OP here, glad you fucking posted Fleshgod Apocalypse, you are among the gods yourself my dear friend.
A Million Deaths is true metal.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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rude :o
double trips. Confirm rood. I am sorry..
This thread has more Touhou though
Don't have Flan hugging your wife, but I got another hug.
Sluts you know
Hey I'm just hanging in my apartment. Don't work til Thursday afternoon. Took a tab of acid with a miller high life and half a xanax to take the edge off. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT.
draw thread
it ever ends.
doge samurai
heya Turbo.
shen tastes purple
taking requests
baby keep that crow butt up because I'mma eat you up.
Pics you've saved/want spread/want more of/shouldn't share part 16, GO!!!
I want more
Can i have a r8 br0s?
There another one
Get is better
2/2 digits
Ask a male girl scout leader anything.
Let's get a few out of the way
>not gay
>not burger
>never fucked a girl scout
>girl scout
pick one fgt
Do you even like any of the scouts? (Not in the sexual way. Just in general.)
>male girl
Learn to read fag. Never said girl scout.
Of course I do. Why would I waste my free time on them otherwise?
Leaders who don't like the kids usually are
>not leaders for long
bad game descriptions v3
>Be the sixties baby
>Open people's minds, man.
>Richard Horvitz keeps nagging at me and harshing my buzz
>Trip out hardcore
>Fight the KGB
> Cockfight simulator
> PETA is in it, too.
> Oh, and there's ninjas.
We Happy Few
Fatass blew up the world.
God tells random kid to fix it.
Feels ensue.
Rest of the party is only situationally useful.
>Still has no story
>sexy humanoids
>ugly humans
>terminator worshippers
>the flood
>waste too much time on it
>still don't understand lore of it
trips decides the background of my new bank card
get rollin'
will post (censored) results when the card gets here
Alright Legit Op, FIRST TRIPS gets a game worth 20 or less. start rolling and leave steam name.
Okay, I'mma hit you with them trips Ooh Ooh Pick Me
My Summer Car
lol same pic as the other thread VERY legit.
YLYL thread
New secrets/confession thread anons.
i bump dying threads from page 10
I watch Dance Moms
I can get drunk and suck my own dick for my dominatrix ex over skype while my wife sleeps in the other room.
Trips decide what I do with 6 living ant queens.
inb4 rekt thread
Fuck em
!GET 222!
Drown them in piss.
keep them all together and watch as their spawn fight to the death until one rains supreme also give them some fucking sugar water jesus
Release them under your house
late night /Comfy/ thread. Post comfy pics, stories, tips and even your on rooms.
comfy time now
fuck off summer
this hole looks comfy
I think I'm finally happy. I found the guy of my dreams, and he's here to stay. I'm finally at ease with everything, and the stressors in my life seem to be fading. How are you doing, OP?
feels thread, last one just died
i need them feels :(
So hows life op? what is new?
Hey I'm showing my girlfriend /b/ for the first time. Show her what it's about.
Tits or gtfo
I don't even care about her tits, I've seen plenty. Show she is a real femanon with timestamp.
show her this game instead
it's much better than /b/
mostly pictures of animals. itt: corgis
Paulina Rose
Facebook : paulina.rose.9
Gallatin, TN
Have fun /b/
Bump, also.. moar!
Couple non nude