pics you shouldn't share
+more of this girl if you have it
Theres 2 threads just started which one to use?
cute. more?
this one seems less cancerous
new fb fap thread. pick a slut.
either of the two on the right.
Which one?
always wanted to fuck these girls when in high school
which would /b/ fuck?
So since desu is back I need some more for my folder
>dump all you have
Пока двач мертв, набегаем сюда
Он жив вроде.
Как раз сейчас он живее всех живых, ньюфажек.
2007's now
ITT: Images you really like
REALLY edition.
Can we talk about jelqing now?
Choice/Roll Image Thread
Make /b/ great again
(Raid) ideas thread
We gotta start somewhere
C'mon boiz
bump we must bomb threads that suck
We should agree on what to spam and the go to town to the trap/furfag/loli/etc. threads
pretend 4chan is moving to tumblr and start a tag
ITT: seriously overrated chicks.
look at her
Finally, someone with some sense on this board.
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Syndra claimed
Miho claimed
Shinoa claimed
Tenryuu claimed
I'm nearly done with "work"
So like this maybe?
Also Claimed.
Starter pack thread
What keeps an atheist from murdering and stealing all they want? The fear of reprisal? Is the fear of prison the only thing preventing an utter breakdown of society by those with no moral compass?
pic related
They have no understanding of Godliness.
Personally I murder and rape people all I want to, which is not at all. The fact that you need a magical wizard telling you not to, is scary
There are universal moral rights we follow because we thinks thats something everyone should follow, no matter what he belives in. Easy as that.
So, whatever bad you don't do is only because of the repercussions?
Bait images ?
Need more
I'm having difficulty posting images
I made this a while ago but stopped using it
only shit you lost to edition
>nigga u srs?
>thats more likely my kid than yours
Free the nipple
Shit black people do thread
= yell in movie theatres
Be generally unpleasant in every way possible.
= exist
blare shitty music in traffic then when you look at them they yell at you
in houston at least
harvest cotton
wait, do they still do that?
install huge-ass and inexpensive subwoofer in their cars
nigs cannot afford subs like dynaudio
Rekt thread ? My folder is pretty low as shit
Your mom's pretty low.... On her standards
My congratulations sir, on the weakest comeback in history.
bumping, cus mines weak too
We GTA now
Your mom's pretty low...on my DICK
This one trick can get you "suicide"-d and basically you're fucking stupid.
But actually this.
If any of you can crack the code, you will forever change the election.
DC Madam's attorney has hidden an election bombshell. It is due to be released in two weeks.
>“There’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records,” Sibley says about the website. “If I die, disappear, whatever, they will be out.” Sibley says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that...
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bump 4 interest
Thanks. There's a thread on /pol/ and g but we need more help.
Bump 4 big white booty
You become gay when you cant get sex from a girl so your brain makes shortcuts for something easier: Males.
The brain is a mean bitch.
No, it's because big masculine men are better in every way.
I posted it in totally the wrong thread.
Nibi, post allegedly hideous face pic to give us all an idea of what we're dealing with?
I've always liked guys more
I dont post face here
Get trips or higher and I'll livestream my suicide
Also, if you re-roll you gotta get quads or higher, etc
You're a pussy OP and won't deliver.
I will deliver. I'm sick of my life, and I know you faggots would love it.
Rollerino Kekerino
Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?
A lot of times, i did it to her yesterday in her face and then she shag one of my friends, i dont even care cause i have more pussy to fuck
I have the opportunity to this week, haven't decided yet
No, never had to. I had the heart to break things off when it was no longer what I wanted. I've had plenty of strange come at me hard, though. My deflector skills are top tier.
I know quite a few people that have and it ate them alive. Nobody needs that shit on their conscious. It might not bother you tonight, next week, next month even... but it will. When it does you'll regret it. Shit, even coming close will bother you. It all depends on how serious your relationship is ultimately.
Nope. Never bothered me and it's been years. I literally think there is nothing wrong with cheating on a gf. Marriage or kids makes that different
thats not cheating
more details?