Hey, anons! Tonight, I am your bitch.
Dubs tell me what to do. I will
>i will
I will do whatever you want. I am horny and bored :)
shave your eyebrows
Get off 4chan.
Sharpie in pooper
Slit wrist
Berniefags, what do you think of this?
http://therightstuff.biz/2016/05/05 /an-open-letter-to-bernie-supporter s/
Basically it says that even putting aside some of the commonalities that Trump and Sanders share, voting for Trump is a way to fuck over the establishment that crowned Hillary before a single vote was even cast. I've had the same thoughts but it was surprising to see it laid out, especially on TRS. What do you think?
I didn't get up that early today.
I mean, yeah, it's trying to persuade you to vote for the God-Emperor instead of Hillary, but how's it deceptive?
I think choosing to vote for a candidate because you want to "fuck over the establishment" is a very childish way to choose your candidate.
I have to agree.
It's like they don't think there will be any repercussions from it.
OR YOU COULD VOTE LIBERTARIAN and be rid of the establishment AND trump. Because lets face it the Clinton machine is going to crush Sanders. It's happening. There is still hope in a 3rd party though. The libertarian nominee will be on the ballot in all 50 states this election and with Clinton and Trump being the party leaders... our chances are better than ever. Vote libertarian!
Maniac asylum edition.
Cardbro reporting! :)
anon reportin
>all the anons come in to watch the drawfags in their cages and throw shit at them
it's not...my fault you're such a good cook.
wanna like...come over and make out or something?
Waifu claiming thread.
>Everybody Loves Tsuyu Edition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of you're waifu
>talk shit about other waifus
>discuss stuff
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Frog legs are NOT on the menu
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Miho claimed
Play with me while i sleep
Good night waifus
In the end, I hate to say it, you need me more than I need you because I'm what separates the wolves from coming in here and chewing on your bones.
butt ur stilla ho
Oi shut up blud
celeb bread
is this real
welp, now im okay with jerking off to a clown
even with my coulrophobia
Seems legit.
Is this real?
h/ fur thread anyone?
Any free key ?
get it fast
Really..This troll
??? is short for binary digit
also reposting those 2 keys in case someone didn't solved the riddle
More help ? I don't understand :/
Good evening, Anonymous!
You know the drill by now, right? Advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation found here!
>trips asks a question for the Hermetic Tarot, gets a detailed reading
can i get a fortune for Cheyenne?
heres your bump
morning rey, hows things
hmmm... roll. this is superlurk
superlurk got double dubs>>683006292
anything for that?
I'll help your thread out OP. Here's my GF.
I used to steal this cute korean girl's socks in high school
Bikini Time?
Mmmm yeah baby!
Who's she?
moar of her
Does anyone have pics of stinky uncircumcised big black dicks that were floating around here earlier? I'm sure at least one of you faggots saved them.
ask your mom
No but you can post some more
True or not?
sadly yes
mods are faggier than ever
True although /b/ was ok back then
Now recently with all the shemale faggots its unbearable.
feels good to be from the left side
Waifu claiming thread.
Judy spam edition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>naps are NOT a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: judy is overrated
Shinoa claimed
Obligatory claim.
Yeah, coke is fine.
It's my cousin's birthday and he's feeling a little down. Would any kind femanon be willing to write CJ on your fine breasts?
Wait like a minute my phones on low battery so it won't let me take a pic but I'll give the pic when it's charged
Holy moly OP here thank you so much how about your soles
nice tits femanon,
wyd tonight?
ITT: We judge each other based on our favorite band/artist.
I'll start
at the moment i am hooked on toto
Dream Theater
>with Portnoy
>radiation city
Just ate 5 tabs of acid, 4 grams of shroomies and a weed brownie, it's my first time doing acid, and I've done shroomies twice before. what should I do for the next few hours?
Serious mental issues
try not to die u fucking retard
Jack it to trannies.
Go to a rooftop and scream CHECK MY DUBS
You should not tell lies to /b/
I am so bored please ask me questions... :)
How about tits or you are just another neckbeard faggot. No one else post in this thread until then
How did you time travel to the future, and what happens tommorrow
If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it
take four men to build it?
I just posted a picture?
Confirmed neckbeard.
Faces, comment, critique and rate thread continued.
I, am a sucker for a cute face. Plus those eye brows look good, and the stubble. 8/10
Do we post our pictures here again?
You got it
Wheres my friends :(
hey what does the quick reply button do on 4chanx?