i bump dying breads
That picture is cringey
I'm responsible for the recent onslaught of lame binary/secret messages threads. I made an ARG almost a month ago and people have been copying it ever since.
Here's the original post.
I'm sorry, everyone. It was supposed to be a one-time thing. I didn't think it would get this bad.
my cars finger tried to friend me in teh back fo ym mmos cccar
It's k, anon. I forgive you. You're really good at drumming up suspense.
Anyone here practices martial arts?
Whats the best martial art for self defense?
>Inb4 just get a gun
Not the fucking point, you cant take guns everywhere or use them without a high chance of going to jail.
kung jew (krav maga) is generally regarded as the best civilian option for self defense.
If you cant find (or dont want to give money to the j00s) a krav maga place near you then you could look for muay thai
Fuck this faggot >>692933443
ninjutsu is your way to go op
For self defense
>Krav maga
>authentic Systema
>Muay thai
>Japanese jiu jitsu
>Kung fu
For 1 on 1 combat
>Combat sambo
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Ninjutsu isn't a martial art, dumbass.
I thought bjj was good for self defense?
guys im depressed, ylyl depression edition because i need to laugh
Dont be sad because sad backwards is das and das not good
Okay /b who do you want me to send dick pics to. I will post results.
show us the dick you're sending them
post a kik, i'll send the names there
Please post response
Comfy game locations
No pics but Hjerim in skyrim, even though a serial killer used to live in it I still think it's comfy as fuck after refurbishing it. :^)
Literally anywhere in Oblivion
Why does Oblivion run like garbage on my rig? I can run Fallout 3/NV at Ultra 60fps and Skyrim at adjusted high at 60fps, but Oblivion at ultra keeps dipping below 30. What gives?
post your shit here
ask a chink anything
Why are you such a chink?
not much of a choice
Ching Ching bing bong?
there's always a choice, become an hero.
Too bad. Knock it off, faggot.
Favorite pics you've saved of other anons sluts.
You'll never guess what the Key/ bunny girl had found for the thread before it 404'ed.
Put the tip in your pussy
in butt
You never posted the sock pic
shove directly in anus.
Pussy first.
Is there any feeling better than the 4-5 seconds you're cumming?
Name things ALMOST as good as cumming since you can't name anything as good as cumming
cumming into a womyn while she is orgasming?
eating a tripple chocolate cheescake
the second you finally get get that piece of food out of your teeth thats been their for days.
not getting any fiber for a week then taking a huge shit
You have obviously never done any kind of drug.
What does /b/ Think of this. If she actually gets convicted (which she won't), this is a huge compromise on First Amendment Rights and half of /b/ would be fucked for telling someone to kill themselves.
On a scale of 1-10, how much of a faggot is the prosecutor?
1, because it's not up to a prosecutor whether or not someone goes on trial.
this isn't about free speech. the case rides on the fact that he was going to walk away from the suicide attempt, and she told him to go back and finish it. This is a causal link that no amount of "kill urself fagt" could ever compare to in a court of law.
She should burn in hell, First Amendment rights doesn't protect you from convincing someone to kill themselves any more than the Second Amendment right protect you from committing a shooting spree and being able to walk free
>this is a huge compromise on First Amendment Rights and
no, that bitch literally fucked that guy over psychologically and she antagonized him relentlessly telling him to kill himself pretending it would be a double suicide over the phone, and then tried to cover it up to make it look like he killed himself out of nowhere.
>half of /b/ would be fucked...
she should have told him anonymously like we do, then they wouldn't even know what she did.
post pics of your girlfriends in this thread, other anons say what they would do to her
Op with them Cuck trips
I'd make her beg me to stop then I'd blow my load in her and call her a filthy slut till she cries.
What would you do to her?
Waifu claiming thread.
fun edition
Previous: >>692936797
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, fun or somthing!
DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
>DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
>DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU...
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bellabooty claimalooty
DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
>DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU DESU DESU used desu desu desi DESU desu DESU DESU desu used DESU DESU used desu DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
>DESU desu used desu DESU DESU DESU used DESU DESU...
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Don't open this faggotry cancer
Delete this post
delit this
delet -_-
Draw thread
wake to the sounds of explosions from cunts setting off fireworks at midnight.
taking requests & streaming
Vampire request guy here
Spine guy here: happy 4th everyone
Night guys and gals
Requesting a badass android with a gatling gun for a hand and welding a socket wench lightsaber in the other. Maybe with a Bastion kind of vibe to it?
Sit on my face
fb thread
more of this stunning whore
fucking whores
would suck a dudes dick for this girls nudes
Waifu claiming thread.
rattle edition
Previous: >>692934185
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
Are the shitposters home edition
>people not knowing how to catalog
>insert kyouko 'absolutelydisgusting.jpg'
hey so there's this chibi RPG game i really really want to play it's called Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart can a kind anon get it for me? it's the #1 of my wishlist thank you for stopping by!! TheCoolGuy/wishlist
shoot yourself
Don't bother with that one
You have 111 games and you think someone will buy you a game? fucking jew
thanks dude will consider it
screen cap your game count, just about everyone on steam has a shit load of games from bundles or free steam drops
also nice dubs sorry you feel that way
I guess. I wouldn't drink it for pleasure.
Hmmm, that sheat!
Kind of tired of this quasi-tripfag stuff. But then again, I'm a gay fur so am I to say judge.
Here you go anon.
Alright you know the drill
Evens= you fap
Odds= go to sleep/ get off of 4chan for the day
Op rolling
Pls let me sleep
Rollen, because i cant make life chioces for my self