(Sorry Mummafluffah, I fell asleep in the last one)
Yeah, I got nothing better to do than lurk here.
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
still here
Just got back from 4 weeks in America. I've now spent 2 months in total in America, and can safely say I'm happy to never go back. Your country is populated by niggers. Not just black niggers, but white niggers. You are one big shit stain of a country.
Here are some of my learnings:
>Americans are polite and courteous, but are not friendly or kind. Like they've been taught from a young age to say excuse me and please, but don't know how to show genuine empathy to other people.
>the most unfriendly group of people in America are white males from 18-35.
>US women are bat-shit boring. They fall into one of three categories - consumer driven airheads (thr biggest group), political zealots, uninformed do gooders.
>Americans are political zealots.
>my Brazilian friends understood my English better than your average American.
>as soon as someone speaks with an accent, Americans lose all respect.
>America still uses 1c coins for some stupid reason. I ended up just throwing down fistfuls of them onto the street.
>Americans identify cultural diversity by what US state they originate from "oh I'm from Maryland", or "I'm from new England" like that's supposed to mean something - you're an American as far as anyone else is concerned. No one cares.
>I had to give a tip to a girl who forgot to bring me a beer, bring us an iced tea, bring us a side of potato, brought me meat cooked ad medium rare when I ordered medium, and who rolled her eyes when someone at my table asked the price of something. When we tipped below the recommended 15% minimum she refused to acknowledge us as we left, even as we said bye to her. We had to pay for that service.....
>las Vegas is the US in a nutshell. Cultureless, classless but a shit ton of money. I love the way Americans use their money to try to recreate 2000 year old cultural icons. It's so tacky you have to laugh
Sure there are some exceptions. There are some really great, top notch Americans, but they're in the minority
Whatever, go back to your shithole of a country and never come back.
Cant think of anything to refute, pretty top notch man
I'm already back in my country and have no intention of ever returning to your shit hole.
You're s political zealot, who has no real actual evidence to support your idea that you're "the greatest".
>talks shit about the USA
>is a filthy, favela dwelling Brasileiro
ahahahahahahahahahaha eat shit you dirty little nigger
Im not Brazilian. I met with some Brazilians while in the US.
Typical American. Doesn't read and jumps to conclusions that they fill with delusions usually orientated around "muh freedums"
Odds = sleep
Evens = fap
0 = do something else
Post your 10s
Wieder eine Rebellen-Edition
1. Schonmal beim Sport bös verletzt?
2. Beim Date mal richtig verschissen?
3. Beim Spannen erwischt worden?
4. Haben eure Eltern damals auch eure Porno-Sammlung unterm Bett gefunden?
>blödsinn. die woche noch ne simkarte gekauft, wollte niemand nix sehen.
Dann hat der Verkäufer sich nicht an geltendes Recht gehalten.
>fucking firefox stürzt ab nachdem ich einen scheißlangen post verfasst habe.
>soll ich einen anderen browser installieren?
Mach mal einen reset
Die Geheimdienste haben kein Interesse an der Auswertung meiner Daten.
Theoretisch wären solche Daten sicher sehr zielführend, aber a) muss dazu das Interesse bestehen und b) sind sie immernoch nicht 100%ig zielgenau.
Ich bin ja kein Staatsfeind, ich liebe lediglich die Freiheit
>WPS ?
Hat leider auch schon viele Schutzfunktionen, die das bruteforcen praktisch verhindern. Manchmal klappts aber doch.
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
> 1. Schonmal beim Sport bös verletzt?
Was für Sport?
> 2. Beim Date mal richtig verschissen?
Was für nen Date??
> 3. Beim Spannen erwischt worden?
Nö, aber beim nächtlichen begrabschen der eigenen Schwester.
> 4. Haben eure Eltern damals auch eure Porno-Sammlung unterm Bett gefunden?
Nein. Pornos sammelt man ja auch nicht unterm Bett.
>1. Schonmal beim Sport bös verletzt?
Ja, Schulter ausgekugelt, war nicht tödlich aber tat sehr weh
>2. Beim Date mal richtig verschissen?
Komischerweise nie - let the girl talk
>3. Beim Spannen erwischt worden?
>4. Haben eure Eltern damals auch eure Porno-Sammlung unterm Bett gefunden?
Ja, war peinlich (weils so viel war)
Wallpapers pt 2
Continuing dump
dual screen?
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Still lovely.
But you don't.
Trust me. I watch you post.
I'm just teasing. How're you?
If trips get lewd
still here
oh. uh maybe just take it easy and relax for today then
oh. i dont really play many platformers
Fluffy tail is fluffy.
Fill up my reaction folder
NYPA faggot
Describe games badly
>gajillion guns
>native american
>SM64 clone
>you play as wolverine
>bro says capitalist pricks are treating workers bad and they all need to die
>"i'm not a terrorist bro"
>capitalist pricks kill bro
>"terrorism is my middle name bro"
No Russian?
Chubby, Fatass, Plump, BBW, SSBBW Thread II
i just saw a ghost. clearly im losing my mind, as ghosts do not exist. ask me anything.
Have you done something bad? How big is your penis?
Answer this please.
was it naked
everybody's done something bad. but i havnt done anything abnormal (i think).
just under average
ITT: we post our favorite liqour and judge each other for it. Or if you don't like liqour post your favorite beer
Jameson & Bud Light.
Smirnoff, Jagermeister and Bailey's
Vikinger Met ( Vinkings Honeywine)
underage b&
Describe your ideal girlfriend?
thats a guy
This girl is beautiful, plz, tell me where she is live, for i am desire speak with her
A tomboy who would rather sit in and watch TV than be treated to an expensive dinner.
Looking like this would be welcome too.
agreed, in fact I'd rather have a tomboy with something in her head and a good sense of humor than a stupid but "socialy beautiful" bitch
>pls tell me where she live so I can stalk her on fb and fap
Drawthread: Unmatched laziness edition!
Boston Marathon. Is it still called punching if you use an ied?
Drink the Kool-Aid
>implying all gun crimes are ones of impulse
>Satoshi Uematsu went through the locked rooms of the care facility, where he had worked until February, and stabbed 45 people in less than an hour.
I'm sorry I don't take arguments from people who simply put a line through words and think that's enough to keep me from reading them.
Also tell the Heartbreak Kid there to fuck off.
No creepshot thread ?
Creepshot thread. Keep it going with some OC.
>Tips for Apple / Android "Creepshotting"
my SIL
What wallpaper do you use anon?
Dude that's awesome
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<g fill="#3F3F3F">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="1680" height="1050" class="myfill" />
Fb fap v1
damn, moar right