>Let's play a game, /b/ros.
Dungeons-and-Dragons-esque game, OP is the Dungeon Master.
Create your character and describe his weapons and abilities; you may have no more than 3 weapons and 4 abilities in total; power of your weapons must total 10 points.
Your character can be/have literally anything, go nuts; the more you describe your character, the more it will influence the game.
Each time you perform an action, OP will decide whether to roll the dice and what you need to roll to succeed; Last 2 digits of your
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I stay asleep
need minimum of 20 to stay asleep
wake up faggot
Ma'name is Nigro i am 30 year old fat man from south africa i like wielding glocks and 2 handed weapons like my penis and steel pipes
My class is barbarian/wild animal and im 6.7ft tall
My skillset is
1- Last hope KFC: When below 10% health automatically eat chicken and regain 30% hp
2- Nigger experience: can easily lockpick and break into buildings
3- Loud nigra: Can shout really loud once a day stunning enemies except white policemen
What shall Nigro do?
Following my animalistic instincts I will approach the nearest village looking for watermelons to eat as im hungry from my travels
Asian thread
Fyck i was searching dor this but now already at work bah
Timestamp and tits or gtfo.
Tits or gtfo
Hoi. Show your plushies.
Tits or gtfo
Loli thread. Anyone got a link to the source? Post your loli archives
hygiene is important
needs some loli shota crerampies
Celeb Fap Thread
One last Gillian to wrap up this chain
Then I'll start up with another Gentile lady
I like pale legs. So here's a little Ellie Kemper. I don't have much of her.
I love you
1. Post a clothed picture of a girl and post a number other anons have to roll
2. anons then roll by requesting a new pic, (ff, ass, boobs, face, etc.) All requests must be a direct reply to the OP. if not your roll doesn't count
3. If user rolls the required number OP must then honour the request.
4. Rolled dubs gets another clothed pic from OP, up to 3 min. OP can stop adding numbers at any point past the minimum
5. Trips gets 2 free pics
6. Quads gets complete dump in thread, imgur, or mega
7. Quints gets insta, fb and twitter
Ass spread
Tits and face
roll 0
cringe thread
Be him
Wear a fedora for long
Turn balding
Waifu Claiming thread
>Late Night Crew edition
The rules are simple
>Drink alcohol
>Choose your 2d waifu
>Post your waifu
>Insult other waifu's
>Do drugs
>Spike waifu is best waifu
>Naps and alcohol recommended by 10/10 Spiegels
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum
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The cutest? You really think so? I love nine inch nails <3 I could listen to this all night long as long as ya keep me warm
YLYL Thread. Post your worst you fucking autistic fags.
Cheer me up guys. I just learned the military probably isn't going to accept me because of self harm scars i have. My only hope now is to cover them with multiple tatoos.
>I just learned the military probably isn't going to accept me
God so you're not going to die for Zorg.
Fuck you this was a dream of mine
Who would ever willingly sign up to the military? I avoided it by saying that I would rape someone in the showers if they forced me to join.
CLOCK STOPPERS LIVE STREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheating/cuck thread
Faces of /b/ thread!
>Anotha anotha one
>chain you in the basement/10
flaming faggot/10
Stop making these gay threads.
I don't mind he looks rapeable
Attention whoring faggot
hey /b/ i'm looking for a pass sharing board so i can get some regular pr0n passes
Faces of /b/, round 2
Same rules
Red finally takes down the christmas decorations, getting rid of all the green.
Glorious lavender master race invades red!
Lavender cucks red
Lavender fucks all the reds to death.
Lavender points at blue and laughs.
Let's have a decent rekt thread for once, shall we?
Tribute request cont
Looking for some to tribute her
>tfw youll never fuck your sister
wow OP i was going to go to the mall with my girlfriend and her mom but i saw this thread and came in like a wrecking ball!
thx d00d
my dick is diamonds
really fucking hot
Was sketchy at first but the download was literally so easy a baby can do it. Porn was worth it.
roulette thread
roll bitches
Just looked at my vagina and its a blue/greenish color
what does /b/ think is wrong with me
you are a nigger
i am sorry, it's incurable
either you bruised it or you have interesting heritage mixture, no worries either way