Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>3D is almost always trash
>Most importantly, talk shit about other's waifus
tracer claimed!
mercy a slut
Wait its a replica? I need to take a closer look when I rewatch SAO..
>After my 58th rewatch of mirai nikki LMFAO
He was here last night, no?
Still here
Kik sl00tz thread
Did anybody get wins from that shyxelf girl?
Join and share nudes
Hey demut here.
Last one was pretty good, even scored a cam girls kik.
EWolfies aka Scarlet quinn
beckyloveandkisses got this off her fag bf
i lost my YLYL folder cause of my factory reset can i plz have some good ones guys
>i lost my YLYL folder cause of my factory reset can i plz have some good ones guys
Explain why you didn't back your shit up.
fun fun
didn't think about it sue me
ITT: Post slutty girl's kiks.
I'll send a dick pic, will post results / wins.
Other anons, don't ruin this by trying to mass message the girls posted, then nothing good will happen...
>anons, don't ruin this by trying to mass message the girls posted, then nothing good will happen
>thinking anyone will listen to that
Another bump
What is your dream car, /b/?
Mach 1
OR charger
oh no no no for me it has to be the challenger hellcat
itt: Make America Great Again
Nice P99
who dat? he look sad
Some guy who sold his land for beads
Let's do this because why the fuck not
Why the fuck not?
Roll homo Nigger queen
Faggots inside.
very cute
reposting, thread died 2quick
oh this stuff~ , pretty good~
Im doing ok, you?
some people just want to see the world burn
dont be sad, youll get it again someday
>Im doing ok, you?
I'm doing alright. Still looking for a job, and a bit sad that I missed a second devil quad
How it taste like?
Oh good, i found it, cant deny the thread the glory of the Crab Born.....I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
>celeb fap thread
>bonus points for nudes
i'll start, emma watson is 11/10
She is such a feminist that she gaves me a raging boner always
fake ?
This is the official perfect ass thread!
Big, white, shapley, phat as hell!
Pro tip, you cant beat it
the fuck? thats awful
Best ass here
If you could fuck just 1 of them, which would you choose?
Either row 2 pic 1 or row 3 pic 3
I can't choose
They all look like the same cookie cutter boring vanilla broad
id rather just beat off forever
2 row 1 is hot af
put me in
Girls sucking dick
Post OC if you got it
continued from >>690596092
old OC
requesting tits/pussy pics from the anon who posted this one.
Cuties thread
my mum
Milf! any moar?
Jesus, Natalia looks tired
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>3D is almost always trash
>Most importantly, have fun!
won't be here for long, I wanted Ui to be the one to start the thread.
Best type moon claimed.
Anyone else miss this faggot?
I was honestly hoping they'd keep him around for longer to torture him.
Only character that isn't dead boring, seriously I'm getting tired of Jon Snow and Arya's plot armor.
After the whole reek thing he was pretty boring.
thought of sansa cutting his dick of and rape him with it
Fatties, go!
Post the last pic you saved.
a/fur bread get in
I know right
Let's play a game bros.
We'll begin once at least 5 Houses are claimed.
Open Houses: Arryn, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Stark, Targaryen, Tully and Tyrell
>If more than 7 join before we start I'll switch to a bigger map
Bumping until X:00
Claim Baratheon
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag, Lord of Storm’s End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
Claiming Targ
>Princess Sansa Targaryen
>>690599374 - hey bro
>>690599417 - hey bro
3 more
Open Houses: Arryn, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Stark, Tully and Tyrell
Claim Lannister
>Lord Linken Lannister