Last four digits of your post number is what Lego set you get, I'll go first...
Another shameful self bump cos bored.
I got ya mums set
Hmm, unique
Ill bite
shit.. why not
white people hate thread cuz fuck it
I forsee this thread failing due to extreme lack of viable material.
White hate, black hate...
I hate everyone.
Get on my lvl srubs
>tfw as a white person i identify as a nigger
and there is nothing black people can do about it
Hey /b/, I've been talking to this girl at my school for a couple weeks and Idk if there's anything between us but Idc at this point I'm bored, dubs decide what I tell her next. If there's too many dubs I'll do tripz
Ever thought about having your butthole licked?
do you like black cock?
Do you like Top Gun?
have you ever ate ass?
People of England (Scotland, and Wales too) post where you are
If you match you meet
Do I need to say more?
I.e me: South Yorkshire
I fucking hate the english
Hey, I'm Scottish too
Hello America. We have your president hostage. Be nice and tell him to stay out of our EU politics and you can have him back.
Also, SW6
It's nearly goddamn midnight - us british will mostly be asleep and not meeting no fucking people at this hour !
With that said though - east London represent!
Fb fap continued
Waifu claiming thread.
There's nothing gay in loving Dio Edition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>don't get erected
>insult other waifus
>naps are maybe a good idea
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
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Obligatory claim.
oh then everything is fine
except the fact that there is a really short time window where we could see eachother in here
how often did you nealry die?
reading this you seem to attract death like a mad man
We broke 4chan again, 151 pictures on last thread.
And a bread too slow to compare to mine.
r63 Dio is...not bad
Feels thread
thought of my dad
im going to talk to him right now
how big is your dick /b/?
bang on average. what are the chances...
6.8 inches
how long is that?
11.6 inches. I guess you could say it's in the 'lying' section
Even before an age of sexual maturity the white female is drawn to the black man. Why doesnt she like the white garbage truck drivers? This is indisputable truth thatwhite women prefer black men. How does this make you feel white "master" race?
Makes me feel like you're trying too hard
Even funnier is she's going after a bin man lol
Imagine what "trashy" coal burning slut she's going to be when she grows up..
another cuck thread posted by a cracker who's upset his gf dumped him for another ethnicity
when will this meme end
Wow that is far reaching. You take a child offering a man a cupcake and make it about race and sex.
You fucking pedophile.
Fuck you
are there any asians that don't fucking moan like asians??
Finishing dump of >>680692796
Fluffy thread! Last one reached image limit
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Poor fluffy.
I have a crush on a coworker that's 14 years old. From the way she looks and talks to me, I can tell she feels the same way.
What's the worse that can happen? I'm 24 years old. Age of consent is 16 where I live. If I pursue it, what can I do to avoid getting in deep shit legally?
dont get caught fucking the shit out of her
consider legal issues AVOIDED
Should post more.
Just wait two years dude and be glad you're not in the US
>wait two years
She'll be a granny by then.
Fap Thread. ITT post girl you've fapped to.
Requesting more from generous anon of this slut
pick one or two you'd fap to and tell me why , will post more of the girl you pick
Anyone want more?
>tfw with boyfriend for 8 months
>long distance relationship
>getting hit on 24/7 @ gym
>boyfriend not as hot as I'd wish
>still kinda love him
>wouldn't wanna cheat but need sex
Should I break up, /b/ros?
>pic related
Ya. Fuck whom you want before it's too late!
Honesty is best policy, Say you been needing sex and see how he responds.
But at end of the day you do you.
Do you think you'll br able to make the long-distance short-distance?
If no, break up.
If you don't want to put in that effort, break up.
Where you from?
I feel bad fr him... But I would if I were u.
Newfags can't triforce
â–² â–²
^ ^
Who the fuck writes this shit?
Also cringe thread.
Self bump
One more self bump
Bumping for funny shit
I have this for you, OP
Some OC at my school
R34 thread
Seems like not.
kek, this thread died instantly
It's too bad, really, since OP's image is pretty nice.
Fuck it. I'm going to save this thread
God-tier porn sites?
None of the obvious big name tubes allowed. If you're not a serious porn connoisseur: gtfo
My go-tos:
semi well known but doesn't get enough cred for the amount of HD scenes they have
Literally google of porn. If you know the scene you want or a specific star or JAVcode it will find it in HD in 99% of cases
Perfect if you don't care about watching full scenes (has 10 min clips) but
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gimme for rips
beware of ads
Dubs decides what I do to my girlfriend. She's small and asian.
Pic related
shit on her chest
sharpie in pooper
show ass
shit in her mouth