Creeps, ill start with some OC
Calling concealed carry fags.
What scenario would arise where you have a child in the car and bringing a weapon is a good idea and could save your life?
To me it immediately puts you and the child in more danger compared to not having a gun.
So I am truly interest why this would be a good idea and save a life.
You're in a vehicle with locks and windows, anyone coming up to the vehicle with a gun already has an upper hand and if you pull your gun you're dead.
nig nog didn't follow instructions
nig nog ded
>implying anyone on 4chan is old enough to carry an actual gun
I've had a ccdw for 6 years now. I'm never without it. I also don't flash my gun at homeless people and have them call the law on me. I'm also white son that helps a lot too.
I live in PA where I am not required to inform an officer I have a concealed weapon. And I never do. They don't need to know if all I was stopped for was a moving violation.
Not Supposed to share/GF/Wife
You shouldn't be sharing that, fam.
Yea, please don't share anymore. There is a reason you were supposed to keep that private
Big pregnant milkers.
italian thread
che schifo l'estate edition
che dolce che sei, finito la scuola?
sorry, germanfag here. all i know in italian.
oh that's ok, you started with an important word
I'm Italian, and these posts really give me cancer. Porcoddio, atleast try to get a valid subject and then go on talking about it
ITT: If your post ends in 32, you must delete system32.
No pussying out.
what if i have a mac
Bored? Fapping? Feeling lucky?
You know what to do.
>If 0 you are a eunuch
>3 always gets dominated by High Queen Dominatrix Cersei
>Dubs may reroll but only once per get(if next roll is also dubs then rerolls restored again)
>Trips and they all dominate you
>If 666 trips they all have huge dicks
>Quads takes the throne
>Quints is Night King
cmon 3 or 6.
Maybe give it a rest for a while, son.
Last post from OP
>So my Auntie drove me to my first day of High School
>a lot if not most kids would be like the peppy Boy Scout with braces
>my Mother never did get me Braces
>I was more like a Tom Cat slinking around the neighbourhood, not having a peticular destination at all
>I just wanted to get through my classes without any confrontation
>that semester I had: Math, Science, ELA,
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Holy fucking shit is this b8?
This is some of the most poorly written drivel i have ever read, even on /b.
Fuck off.
new shota bread
Writefag from a couple of days ago. Thread died before I got to post my story, and I never found a shota thread yesterday. Still finished it though.
It is based on pic related.
pastebin com/ LeTyFSwY
and now I must bump so people can have a chance to read it.
How long before the chimp-out
Here is story
Anyone have the live stream?
oh fuck snoop dog is kill?
I think it was the president
That's a innocent man's life you sick fuck, grow the fuck up, pray a tragedy like this never happens to you or your family
I always get comfy when when cops shoot blacks, riots confirmed and protests confirmed, streams when? comfy time
why do so many straight men find traps so alluring?
Because it's taboo
I like femmine looking traps because they are 90% female looking plus the best genitals among the 2 available choices.
basically. passable traps are hot because psychologically its wrong but you still find them attractive cause they look like girls. So that sort of paradox in your brain makes you really horny for some reason.
idk sexual desire is weird
What if the Christian God is real?
prove that he isnt
We'll all be bored to eternity. Fuck it.
Then we are all fucked. An egotistical, vindictive, heartless bastard as the master of the universe..... yeah we'd be fucked.
i probably still wouldn't be christian, basing your morality on reward and punishment is pretty childish
Chubby thread continued
>starts chubby thread with girl that weighs 120 soaking wet
Fuck off.
OK man. What's your definition of chubby?
Giving away 200 copies of CSGO, dubs gets a copy, get rolling boyos!
cmon i want to play battletoads so bad
Lets play /b/ roll 7 and die
ok lets go
heck yeah lets roll
Last one standing wins
Dubs: nuke 1 country
Trips: nuke 2 countries
Quads: nuke entire continent
nuke the u.s.
North Korea
Claim you're celebrity wife, ones someone picks her, she's gone, so be quick.
I pick Natalie Portman.
Dubs to steal.
Emma Stone
Anna Kendrick
AnnaSophia Robb
Gimme dat bitch
Ignorant faggot.
Which sport is manlier, rugby or football?
Radball > alll
No protect.
Rugby obviously
earthbound >>>
the series that is
I'll give earthbound credit for being the only reason undertale exists, but it's not nearly as well designed. It's just meta enough that the player forgets he's still playing an RPG.
a jRPG, even.
R34 thread
There more of that?
Yes there is.