Alright britbongs, are you a fucking pussy who wants to get fucked by nazi Europe or are you voting to leave like a sensible person?
Lets get the fuck out!
Did anyone watch the debate tonight?
leave that shit
I didn't, stuck in another country for a few weeks on work. Already submitted my postal vote to fucking leave. If we don't leave we're going to be bent over for sure
Only retards would vote for Brexit.
get outta that EU shit
and stop being pussies
So any zoos on here today?
ITT: best hentai blowjob
bump for lewd content
Post more you fucking cuck
google it idiots
This is get thread now
the first post
peep is GOAT
last try to get
ill ... be right back
Why is everyone keep bitching and whining at this hero?
who the fuck is this fuckhead?
is this a meme now
pls no
what's the story? i've seen this many times, can someone explain to me what I have missed?
Some girl got drunk at some college party, he took her outside and had sex with her, she passed out during the sex and now she's claiming rape on him. The judge new he didn't exactly rape her although everyone claims he did so he only got 6 months in prison
The non faggot version
Kinks of choice:
Anal, she receives
Why isn't Talisa naked?
Facebook Fap Thread continued
does anyone have the rest of her pictures? i know they've been posted on a few fb fap threads, but this is the only one i have :(
Hnnng the legs
For every dubs, i post 1 steam CD key. 8 left, go you niggers.
tenks for the key you got for free from some giveaway
Roll no.2
Roll no.3
Any polyglots/avid language learners here?
Anyway, I started learning french a few days ago, using Assimil and some Duolingo.
>"Bonsoir, comment ça va? Je m'appelle Anon. Nous sommes à 4chan. Es'çe que vous avez lė cigarette?"
I've been learning norwegian with Duolingo but stopped for a while, not much point because I almost never get in contact with it, but I will definitely continue, it was the first language I actually started learning by myself.
>"Hei mennesker!
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Yes :
-Object Pascal
Une cigarette.
And I think it's non puo. Use gooogle trad you faggot. You're learning useless shit anyway.
Ofc, I might as well mention that too:
Basic C++
Basic Java
Javascript + frameworks
Basic Ruby on Rails
Learn Mandarin, Spanish and German, depending what you want to do in life
>"Bonsoir, comment ça va? Je m'appelle Anon. Nous sommes dans 4chan. Est-ce que vous avez une cigarette?"
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /waifu/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I want my minimalism back
>3D is almost always trash
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For keeping in accent, its great. Hard to sing in a different accent you talk in after all.
Rory-sama claimed
Trips decides what I do with these energy drinks
Kill yourself
what kind, close up can pls
drink as many as you can
Pour them all empty in you anus.
post vid.
build a can castle
eat them all
Celebs part 4 or 4
I want the left pussy lip in my mouth, all of it, sucking and nursing on it
please tell me ass shots exist
ITT: post age and occupation
19 - tool room machinist
Pic related, my mill
27 - Junior project manager at a housing project company
Why only junior?
Apprentice tool and die maker/CNC machinist at automotive forging company.
How long have you been in the apprenticeship? I'm starting mine next fall
I start my new CNC job next monday.
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
The old thread was better.
For fuck's sake, not again
Thanks for dumping all these yesterday
Meanwhile somewhere in Germany there's a serial killer serving a 3 year sentence, and a murderer in Sweden is living the life of luxury in his hotel room they call a cell.
How come all countries can't be as harsh or harsher than the USA?
because they fell for the rehab instead of punishment meme.
don't worry things will sort themselves out naturally.
There are 600+ crimes in China that punishes by firing squad.
And in Saudi Arabia they just hung 5 bangladeshis a few days after their crime of raping murdering a 13 year old girl.
Europe is just cucked to death.
The steep prison sentences of the USA only result in a 20% reduction in crime. Nearly every prisoner will be released at some point and commit more crimes. Europe is more focused on rehabilitation and has a lower crime rate to show for it. USA and Europe represent 2 extremes of punishment styles.
That's a little overboard though, I'm all for being more extreme than the USA in some cases but China will kill you for a lot of things lol
Faces of /b/
>post rate chill
what about me m8s
thats sky feerreira and if you are here right now i just want to say i love you so much. you are a perfect creature.
youre cute but your presentation scares me
>filename not helping either
yes i need a haircut i kno
i dnt care
pics you should share thread + best you saved...
More if interested
Cumrag here, reporting in for dooodeeee
timestamped uncovered tits or gtfo
timestamp and tits or GTFO
Still havwnt showed your tits
More tits I remember yoi destiny.swf
>tfw this is literally happening right now
fucking kek
Tits or ass?
Titties m8