anyone tattooed
anyone who says "that's so gay"
anyone who uses "faggot" as an insult offline
anyone who uses terribly weak arguments, whether Pascal's wager or resorting to shouting "are you kidding me?"
anyone who says "smh you just don't get it"
anyone who demonizes Republicans/Democrats
anyone with tattoos and ear gauges.
young people who slur when they speak and drop 'nigga' after every other word.
people who chew gum
muslims from or living in London
People who say "same difference".
Feels thread anyone?
you know the drill
this game sucks
Why is there an 11 and 12?
god bless me with trips
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
Hey both, sup?
Cock rate thread. Rate me bros.
I like foreskin but I'd suck it, 8/10
7/10 but you already know that. Would worship if you humiliated me while I did it.
Small and cute. I like cute better than size.
Dubs decide what to say next
My face would look better if you sat on it
hitler fucked annie frank in secret nazi documents after ww2 just begun. and fuck niggers and their tits you bitch
>bump this thirsty ass bitch
You're attempts at getting nudes are worse than when i tried to get my 15 year old sceond cousins nudes.
Shit nigger imma need about treefiddy
bunny breast edition
not bad, id say pretty good today. other than it being hot af, iv been having a pretty calm saturday, even might purchase overwatch today.
Dis wat u meen
/r/ loli butts
hi hi
using a track pad so responses will be slow. hows errybody?
go away
Loli continued
Thigh highs for the win
The Thigh High Master
Loli chat room
What do you think about guns?
They're cool
cool as shit but totally unnecessary, impractical and dangerous in everyday life unless you live in a 3nd world country
Guns aren't just for self-defense, you idiot. They can be used for recreation, for competitions, and for hunting.
that doesn't make them any more necessary, practical or safe, you idiot
I think guns should be a mandatory possession by law for all non-criminal healthy adults especially in Europe and America
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
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Snek a best.
I love pop music :)
memelord coming through
lets starts a wallpaper trade
No porn webm thread? PORN WEBM THREAD!
Your webm wasnt good enough to get alot of posts. Do the one with the girl getting fucked in the ass from 2 camera angles. That one gets alot of posts
sauce? plssssss
Exposed bitches cont again...
anyone save that chick who was messaged?
Someone text this pic to my friend. She hangs out with him.
Whats the number
Really, no one wants to talk about the Bernie supporters and Mexican Nationalists attacking Trump supporters at this weekend's rally?
Anyone? What the fuck. These assholes were waving around Mexican flags while physically assaulting American Citizens who did nothing more than go see their favored political candidate.
Fuck Bernie. He may not say it out loud, but this is what he wants. FUCK BERNIE. ence-breaks-trump-rally-san-jose-pr otesters-hurl/story?id=39576437
What's worse, the Mayor of San Jose literally gave the police instructions to allow it to happen. Dozens of people physically assaulted in front of the police, and NOT A SINGLE ARREST.
I cant wait to shoot of them niggers or beaners if they put their hands on me.
This is liberalism in a nutshell. Hypocrisy and violence and hate. Zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees.
This is why I vote Trump.
you boner you loose
>hardcore edition
>dat pathetically thin dildo
Girlfriend/wife sharing cont
please post more
anyone interested in trading wife pics? post your email
im here
Ok, this is my gf. When she stops getting drunk, I'll stop posting for the day. She's reading the comments and laughing her ass off.
What do you want to see?
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Lets play a Game of Bros
Start at 5
safety bump
Almost died there ...
Claiming Baratheon
>Lord Barett, the Berserker of House Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
>Ours is the Fury (1/1)
>>687846373 - Hey bro
We can start with 3 more people
Ill claim Arryn, but if anyone want it they can take it
OK. I'll bump every 5 minutes starting now
Claim Tully
>Sig inc
Deutsch THread
#original nr2
wie gehts?
was habt ihr am we gemacht?
winter oder sommer?
wasser oder cola?
hol mal neue bilder ran
will mehr titten von femanon sehen!
Verstehe, Schade.
leude, wasn das wohl fürn teil?
grad dran vorbeigelaufen...
Sup /b/?
Get trips for requests
Anything major will go on vola
Sharpie in the pooper.
Write slut on forehead
Wouldn't dubs be more appropriate
Pussy pic plz
whatcha smokin on?