Drawthread: "I'm not raging, I'm disappointed" Edition
Previous thread: >>684122894
/r/ loli butts
fuk this thread
Funny vaginas
Lewd her
What did I do to disappoint you dad?
Friday night, who's drinking?
I'm drinking to try and forget/come to terms with the stupid shit I did last night
What did you do last night op?
yeah man. got myself some fanta. good shit I'm already dizzy
i can't remember, but I sent some horrible texts to my friends and people I work with, I'm thinking I got thrown out a bar by the bouncers which hasn't happened to me before but too scared to ask the guys i was out with because finding out would give me bad anxiety.
>not drinking Dr Pepper
what are you doing with your life
dr pepper is like the jack daniels of soft drinks
my gf is preg, wat do?
manipulate her into having an abortion.
Marry her and be a honourable father.
fuck her again
Tell her life starts at conception and that abortion is murder.
Then leave town and legally change your name
I don't have enough money to do that
how? she refuses, she says the fetus already have a soul
Choose two for your threesome
Left and Mid
left and only left
Blondie and brownie
two times left
Left and Right.
Ok /b/ name my band
Word Press Photo 2014
Ghost and Goblins
Blind Indian Albino Boys
Monkeys uncovered
Are there any websites where I might be able to stumble across some pizza without having to order? £10 steam code for any person able to get me what I need
I can get you arrested. Name and address?
Just fucking go to a pizza place and pay with cash you retard.
Search tags in different languages on porn pages
Make your own Pizza
>special rulez:
1. Roll
2. Post what you roll
>If you fap, you must post
roll roll
i rolled 63, therefore I post best pocahontas pic
here we go
Who else works out here?
Im sure not many, but theres gotta be some.
Only a month in and starting to see some results.
Pic related, just hit one month today.
tits and ass because they're always relevant.
most fucked up bellybutton
this is true. half innie half outtie. and hurts like a bitch when touched.
Anon that lifts here , been working on bulking now need to cut and hit the core more.
I need a wallpaper, but I don't have any ideas
Dubs decides my wallpaper for a month.
>venture outside of /b/ faggot
kek doit
Marriedfags.... tell me if I'm right or wrong on this... Got into a huge fight with my wife last night. Worked late and was really looking forward to seeing her when I got home. The minute I pull into the drive and see her, her phone rings. Its some dickbag dude from her work. She stays on the phone with him for 45 minutes. It got me really pissed that she thought it was more important for her to talk to him than me. We had a huge fight about it. Who was wrong, her or me? I know I'm irrationally jealous. But the reason why is that both my two ex'es cheated on me. What do?
Stop marrying sluts. I just got married for the first time, and I'm in my 40's. Why? Because I took the time to find the RIGHT woman, instead of just marrying whatever piece ass could say "I love you" after receiving a gift.
You young people who meet bitches and then marry them and then wonder what went wrong? If she jumped on YOUR dick so quickly and easily, what makes you think she won't jump on another?
OP again... forgot to mention that she had just spent an entire 10 hour shift with the dude. Why in the fuck does she need to talk to him again after that?
sorry bro, lawyer up
Op here. I'm 45 years old. And this one was a long time coming. I was single for 10 years prior to marrying her.
you're missing the most important part...
Is the pic related?
Waifuism thread, The Restoration
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>If someone is new insult them with sarcasm
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
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Probably will
And if you ever feel pain radiating out your left arm while you are having chest pain, CALL 911!
kagami claimed
>im a great tease edition kek
Medieval thread
Only Medieval arts or begone with thee vile heathen
What are you talking about, that's tottaly medievil
Good job on those IV IVs
PokéBox thread: Arcanine's birthday edition
That's a weird thing to celebrate
Don't leave me hanging friends!
It might be you and ne for a bit since its around finals season for colleges
Hell im only posting cause work is slow
It is but the arcanine deserves it. He wears a cute bandana and that is the only reason you need to celebrate.
Well that sucks, but eh. Finals are done for me.
Let's get a good ol fashion WHITE HATE thread going.
Fuck the crakkkers
I never wronged a mud monkey. ;'(
trips get link for the perfect website.
you can only enter with direct link.
You mean these trips?
There we go, check em
Post a girl(s) other anons rate and say how they'd fuck them. Replies get replies.
face fuck her hard, then swap to the ass then come back to cum in her mouth
suck her dick like no tomorrow...
Hey guys here my gf rate her she 19year old.
My gf left me because I have low self-esteem.
Wtf do I do.
Pic related
An Hero
get a new one
>oh right you can't
Don't think about her currently riding the guy with a huge, throbbingly high "self-esteem"
did you fuck those titties at least?
you ahve "low self esteem"
and she has purple fucking hair
nuff said, time to move on
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
this made me go nuclear (my penis)
hahah I am cumm
yesssss very hott big booty ;))
I cummm :DD
oh yesss very hot I like ;))
my penis very errect 8)
A very calming porn.
my dick is diamonds
Make these breasts your desktop/wallpaper for more
Nah. I'm good.
whats her name?
you like that shit op?
Does anyone have the link to the video where this sister is masturbating in places like the garage and gets caught by her brother everytime and she gets him to fuck her?
ill bump out of curiosity
Bump out of interest.
bump for science
its funny cos its true