Hillary for PRISON 2016!!!!
Order your authentic bobblehillary today.
hi Trump shill, go back to hell please
Why people want to vote for this bitch?
hillary is above the law
deal with it
Gr8 ass thread
What's the most offensive joke you know?
how do yo fit 50 jews in one car?
2 in front, two in the back, the rest in the ashtray
how does OP take off his condom?
I shit inside nigger assholes
What happens when white christians think they are under attack?
They make america great again.
That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak....
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i've heard about this
he can't show any pain whatsoever while getting circumcised or he will be caste out the tribe, maybe even killed
not only that, but before hand all the other grown men promise him many things if he pulls through without showing pain
I'll start. 505, 19, male, bi.
19 m, 978/413
505 male 23 definitely not bi
>517 checking in.
845, m 23
Welcome to the whatever-the-fuck'th /b/ Hunger Games! First 47 tributes with a name and picture are entered. 48th becomes the banner.
I added a few new events so this should go well.
Capra Demon
Boy scout
Post girls with god tier natural tits.
Only the best naturals, big and small.
Creepshot Thread
any sister or family member creeps?
The is flat. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip
You cant
Your 21st chromosome exists three times. Prove me wrong.
>sneaky selfbumb op fag
"The is flat"
ITT: Girls you've posted before --> anons reply if they've fapped to them/have them saved.
Who's fapping/ saving these Cuban tits?
I'll dump my pics that aren't publicly available if you dump yours. Here's one in good faith
can we get a nice r34 thread going
Apparently not
Roll trips for nudes.
Here we go this shit again...
gimme dose nudes
J...John Green?
ENTIRE face qt trap/trans thread!
no faceless hons
no just lips on down and body hons
make a thread for that >.<
I wanna see just q t 3.14 traps/trans
sauce. now.
there is none, my friend
hang in there ^.^
It's imposible that was born a man
lucario is the best dog
not gonna lie I might've just made that up in the basement of my brain
I am back
It wouldn't be unheard of, especially for a degenerate of that magnitude
what hungers
YLYL thread
15 year olds are the ones who approach me. they care nothing about age so I guess that is the joke?
suuuure they do bud.
I don't have to prove it to you, and don't really see why it matters to you if they do or don't. Just go out, make a lot of money, go to the gym, go clubbing and you'll find out your self.
Kek grow up
At what age did you lose your virginity /b/? & how did it go?
>county fair
>meet fwb down in a field where workers/exhibitors parked behind the horse tracks at night
>lay down in the field behind some cars
>no condom, cut neck off balloon and manage to get it to stay on dick
>tight as fuck, hurts
>try a few positions, can't figure out how to get it in
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15 in my basement while parents were home. Condom broke. Girl forced me to tell parents so they could buy plan b
kek 19
Fucked this 17 year old and her boyfriend is pissed.
Smashed her for like 2 hours and got top, didn't even cum.
9/10 bitch had a fat ass
hasn't happened
dunno why i'm posting itt
24 and still a virgin.
Draw thread
I drew Nim a heart
>What does your avatar look like nowadays?
Like this
Or this:
But I intend to make some renovations with her soon. Been wanting to update her for a while
>What are your interests nim? You always seem so distant and lost in thought...
a lot of things... hence why I always look that way
>Would... you rip apart another anon for substitution?
but who?
I'm back to life!
also taking small requests cuz homework
How about a big,muscley(not disproportionate) hairy guy after work,anyone?Colored preferably but not is still very appreciated.
Loli Thread
Last one hit limit
3D gifts?
3D gifs*
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Miho claimed
Reporting for duty!