any midwest fags on /b/?
Illinois reporting
Nice Trips /b/ro
MI reporting in
Michigan thread lurker reporting
OK bros. I like play on 4chan and sometimes i win some games. Now, i have 4 shitty keys. First dubs win Commander - Conquest Of The Americas. Next...we will see. Post with ID.
id/KapitanKlos/ greets!!
faggot nigger
Rolling cause why not
ITT: You faggots convince me Windows 8 or 10 is better than 7.
>protip: you can't.
I can't
>self bumping
Good luck
nobody can do that, thread created in vain
DirectX 12
winner winner chicken dinner
was even too scared to type the rest after the first one
Canadian Girls Bread
Bonus for nudes, post area code
bump more 604 plz
nobody has anything?
The American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs—and she shows all this and does not hide it.
-Sayyid Qutb
Let's see some examples, gentleman /b/astards!
I'll start.
huge tits thread. LETS GO
here you go
many varieties of tits
Men holding tits
ITT: We post our cum jars
has that solidified?
How would you fuck these two?
love the feet on right!! more!!!
with a bomb safe suit
mmm keep going!!!
No more feet on right but have left
Found sisters strapon
taste it
Yeah suck that you fgt
Plant a camera and wait for the goods.
found like so?
put it somewhere else in her room, so she knows someone not only saw it, but moved it
suck it in the mean time
print out "tasty" in big comic sans letters and place it next to it
Waiting for the spy cam to come in
top tier star wars thread
ITT: Deutsch THread
Coolster Facharzt?
Judentum vs. Islam?
Welche Sorte Mensch verachtet ihr?
Habt ihr schon einmal jemanden richtig verprügelt? Ich erbete Grüntext
Wie erfolgreich seid ihr im Vergleich zu euren ehemaligen Klassenkameraden?
nochmal die frage:
>sei ich
>sozial isoliert
>bekannte kommen nur auf mich zu wenn sie was brauchen
>16 jährige typen fragen ob ich was mit ihnen machen will (alkohol kaufen, sie mit dem auto wohin fahren)
>disko, haben keine aufsicht
>brauchen mich
Soll ich mich cucken lassen und mitgehen oder sagen...
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lass dich an ne knackige 16-jährige verkuppeln du dummer Hurensohn
im Gegenzug kaufst du denen Alk, wie behindert bist du eigentlich
freitod ist keine option?
Lauf einfach Amok und knall jeden ab, der dich ausnutzt
>lass dich an ne knackige 16-jährige verkuppeln du dummer Hurensohn
im Gegenzug kaufst du denen Alk, wie behindert bist du eigentlich
Fuck oslo, there is no good weed here,
do a real drug you fucking pussy
Doesn't exactly look terrible, but it's far, far away from good quality, trichomes are extremely present, so it was all picked at the right time, too bad it was compressed, probably loads of seeds and stems in there
Dude, I'm from cali and I ain't seen stress in a koo ass minute.
What this guy said, besides the seeds.
You still get better dope then 90% of the rest of the world and still bitch about it
That weed is just cured with water. it reduces smell and volume and makes it look terrible. Kind of a turnoff for selling and buying it, but its the only way to smuggle weed instead of hash into norway.
Well /b/, I think I might die. I was used to a few drops of blood, but this is new.
It was a boring shit life, nothing of value was lost.
You drink too much moron.
go see a doctor you twat waffle
English mother fucker do you speak it
You're fine. That red blood is from external bleeding... probably an anal fissure or hemorrhoid. Castro-intestinal bleeding results in dark black and strong smelling poop.
I would lay off of shoving things in your ass and eat more fiber.
my ass has been doing that everytime I shit for the last 2 years, you're good fam
This is how the white race ends.
but who faps to gif of black guy cumming on white girls?
Technically, this is how both races end.
How humanity ends
Im guessing you were a pregnancy connoisseur in sex ed class
But who was girl?
My grandmother is about to lose her house, it's up for foreclosure on the 31st of this month.
What should I do?? I have no means of $3100 by then. She's called a attorney to help. Talked about filing for bankruptcy... This is all new to me and I can't deal with her getting put out of her home.
She got sick and stopped making payments on her taxes. So they want her house for 2013 back property taxes.
Bump. I need serious help. I'm so fucking stressed I probably will breakdown if this shit happens.
Pimp her out on the streets. It's where she'll end up either way
Get the fuck out.
She would end up in a nursing home. Either way it's not a good outcome you dense fuck.
Why she can make some cash working the corner. Do it faggot
become a prostitute to make the money
Why did she quit and how do we bring her back?
I heard she quit because her asshole fell off
Too many anal scenes, doctors recommended finding another profession
Anal prolapse. Her sphincter dosent work any more so she can't control her bowel movements.
Relevant to my interdast. Would appreciate a real answer
Pics you shouldn't share continued
gott damn
Lets have a sex talk. What fetishes does /b/ have?
i got kind of face fucked one and i really loved it but.. i never had it the same way after that, any other time a guy got rough i got scared and panicked and he stopped
I love naked cartoon children and pink and purple furry animals and I live in my parents basement and have a neck beard.
Mom son wincest n age gap
Prostitutes. Seriously love these disgusting animals. The more strung out and desperate the better.
time stop and "do what you want to do with me but i will just do what i want"
And by teens I guess you mean young looking 20-30 year olds. Check'd
Faster faggot
>Teens thread
>Doesn't post teen.