real deal tranny here, ask me anything
how many dollar to the pound
How big is your cock? Ever fucked a girl?
What's the meaning of life?
what is to be?
why is the sky blue?
Any graffiti writers on /b tonight?
I'm trying but I'm struggling to find a tag I like, could someone do BAN in graffiti for me?
what the fuck is the point if nobody can read the fuck it says? so people can be like oh its that fucking guy again great? your handstyle looks like the same generic shit i see all the time
Gotta practice mane. I used to have people do shit for me and it got me nowhere just gotta practice and take different parts from different writers and make your own style with em and not completely biting either
>implying we do it for normies and not other writers who actually CAN read it
if you're ever in NYC you might see my stuff under the nam AZR
I'm not saying sex should be stuck at 18 or 21 or anything. It's a comfortable 16 where I live.
What you say is logical and I agree with it. It's not "I know" but "I could reasonably know"
I got a little carried away with Ivana Kiddyfiddle and lost track of my argument a little.
Well, yeah. Why the fuck do you think there is such a massive thing about not taking advantage of drunk people?
Dumping my YLYL material. Also YLYL thread.
1. Loli
2. R34
3. Anon Curb (
4. Harambe Memes (Make them spicy)
Praise god emperor trump
/r/ feets
Ahhhhhh my childhood
Called it... st-explains-what-may-be-wrong-with- trump-supporters-brains/
I understand what it means and I'm still voting Trump.
Thanks for locking down Trump votes, shill
Do you really think demonizing so many people is gonna fly?
I just looked up the definition....ding ding ding...we have a
I wish we could have a study showing why people who follow the Muslim ideology are retarded. I guess that's racist for some reason though.
This 100%
No webm?
Holy Mods!
wow it sure is summer in here
its Monroe you new fag
the last 2 digits of your post decides the age of the next woman you fuck
You got fucked.
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>697979815
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I don't want
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still here
Gardevoir claimed
Saber claim
>Inb4 janitors
fb fap thread #3
ok /b/, I started this story earlier today but never finished and the thread 404'd. Idc if anybody still wants to here but here's my story anyway. Pic related, it's her. Also, general greentext/feels bread.
>be me
>7th grade
>haven't hit puberty yet
>constantly picked on/ beaten up for it
>chads at my school make fun of me for not having hair on my balls yet
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>eventually broke down
>close to tears, just tell her everything
>tell her I hate myself, I don't know why people are like that to me, never did anything but be nice to them
>she just hugs me
>after a minute she whispered "well I like you, you're nice and I think you're cute"
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>life went on like this for a while
>summer came and things got better
>did everything together that summer
>got invited on a road trip with her family to the grand canyon
>a lot of the trip was her sleeping on my chest or me sleeping with my head in her lap in the back of a suburban
>when we got to grand canyon national park...
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>people picked on me less during 8th grade year
>didn't pick on her at all, just tried to steal her away from me
>so many guys liked her, didn't understand why she would want me
>to be fair, I didn't either
>Towards the end of 8th grade year, we figured out that we probably wouldn't be going to the same highschool
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Coming from the last thread
>at this point my balls have dropped, I'm rapidly gaining weight and height
>agressive as fuck, nobody in their right mind dares touch me
>yet I can't say no or even be assertive with her
>just kinda watch as that guy starts to control her more
>he eventually gets her to block normal contact with me
>I came over to her...
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Draw thread: tell us your greatest fears
hows everyones day? takin costume requests
honestly i was just going to repost it but the moment i laid my eyes on it again i realized that my art career was a mistake, so i chose not to
hola tortilla
requesting you coloring in a coloring book!
>greatest fears
honestly its dying
im terrified of non-existence
D-dooootttt, don't go! You are too adorable!
Ooooooooohhh my sides. Kek
Thanks~ Means a lot!
Size difference ahoi
A death where some of my close friends dont know ive died, and think ive simply cut contact, which would be terrible
Pics you shouldn't share with us
is there more?
were you the guy asking about her name?
HALT! Dies ist ein Deutscher Kontrollpunkt!
By order of der Führer, hand over your papers!
1 - Armed Resistance Fighter. Re-roll, if 1-5: You die in the firefight, if 6-9: You safely manage to retreat. 0 = You kill the guards single handedly.
2 - Innocent German civilian, released.
3 - Criminal, arrested on sight.
4 - Juden! Arrested on sight & sent to death camp. Re-roll, if 1-9: You die in the holocaust. 0 = Your camp gets liberated by allied forces.
5 - Gestapo, released.
6 - Loyal Nazi supporter, released.
7 - LOST PAPERS, temporarily
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Jawohl, ok!
Dont shoot, its me!
Criminal scum!
fb fap thread...go again
From teachers dating app profile
/s/ fur bread
there you go faggot
bros help me fill my reaction folder
Oh shit you got me doing it.
fb fap thread...go
No loli thread?