4chan, im having a panic attack.. i need to be reminded that not just me, but the whole is fucked
pls help
>the whole is fucked
nope, its you, you're a pussy, and we can't help you
SCP-1545 loves you.
smoke a cigarette
shit works
people are gettin killed all over the world and shit
get over it stop freakin the fuck out
Pics you promised not to disseminate/pics you saved continued
:O cont. please!
Im not going to play this game: 2 giveaway!
>1.Get same digit dubs
>2.Post email and a picture of Hitler
>4.Get Steam Key
What are the 2 games?
cmon papa hitler give me at least wesker dlc in RER2
Now that I got your attention, a challenge for you!
Singles get: Post how long you've lurked for.
Dubs get: Post your real first name and how long you've lurked.
Trips get: Post your real first and last name along with how long you've lurked for.
Quads get: Post all of the above along with contact info (phone #,address,social media,etc)
Quints get: I dunno, an hero.
Let's see who is lucky.
Fuck off Randy
That is a nice ass
Started lurking in 2012
about 2 years ago, in august
I will deliver.
merp friday merp
meh i tried
More porn or nigger propaganda?
shut up you nigger
Sauce on vid?
OP what is it like to be you?
Are you proud of who you turned out to be?
Can you look yourself in the mirror?
Have your parents died, hopefully, so they don't have to see what they failed at?
Steam giveaway thread!
I've got 3 Nether codes to give out because I purchased a dlc version of this back in 2014
It's decently fun.
Roll trips to get a code, you can reroll as much as you'd like and make sure you put your steam id in your post.
Final roll
chem assignment due at midnight
Everyone post your kik names and i will add you dump your fav girls this is not the pic of the group chat
What is your number one childhood game growing up?
Pic related is mine
RS or age of war, can't pick.
SimEarth nigger.
Faces thread, with rates
fuck. off.
annoying fuckboi hairstyle/10
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
Can't find the nostalgias.
Tell me you did NOT have one of these lying around.
If anyone remembers this, then good for you.
Still the best of all time.
Loli train rolls on.
Thread proudly sponsored by the following:
Animal Gore Guy
Gore Guy
And viewers like you.
it doesn't stop does it?
Not till the redditors leave
because of the overwhelming spideys, imma start contributing to even it out a bit more
Pokebox, knot your standard edition.
It really does, I think I have 12 decent quality pics.
There's no turning down that GIRTH.
ayy 203
bri m. shelton
What's with the main pic?
Hey b I really fucking hate myself right now. I sexually assaulted a good friend of mine. While I was drunk I still did a fucking terrible thing. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself. I mean this was a good friend of mine and I just fucking stabbed her in the back. I have apologized and she accepted it but I just still hate myself. Advice/thoughts. And yes I know kill myself.
TL:DR I am a piece of shit. I am not the first piece of shit and I am not the last piece of shit. I am just a piece of shit.
I'm sorry.
Describe the assault
Would it make you feel better in Gimp Man destroyed your life and your anus!
Also, was it full rape?
was it like aggravated penetration, or like took advantage of her when she was drunk i.e. you both kinda just drunkenly went with it
I just keep touching her while we were chilling on the couch. She would move my hand or move her position but in 30 seconds I would start again.
Ohio sluts
440 checking in
Haven't seen one of these in weeks.
Anon-ib DOT Co/oh
< 30 > Girlfriend has cheated on me after 5 years. Time to pay her back https://hive.am/vxjM9 Enjoy this leak /b/, it has 3 videos of this bitch. Will remove it in a few minutes
Ashley B elyria
Part II!
Hope Ikarous shows up. Not.
electric boogaloo
Yeah, they just checked out buddy, don't count on it.
Thank god. Fuck that stupid bitch.
Fortune telling? How is my relationship with her going to turn out?