Straight shota thread please? I need to fill my folder
I need to fill my weird kink
I'll try to keep posting what little I have :(
Rat wanker thread.
Also Dallas you're a fag.
Doxxing edition
my real name isnt actually demos
Jesus. Martin get a life beyond the threads.
Holy shit, dude.
my name is william
None of this was cool, it has never been cool- It wasn't cool when Guts, Tuco and I did it six years ago, it wasn't cool when the ponyfags did it three years ago and it's not cool now- I just enable him to see what happens.
Member wen there was only 2 genders?
member when there weren't so many niggers?
'member when you were in 6th grade and all your friends watch south park secretly and loved all the refrances to shit and aids?
I 'member
Member when Lain predicted the modern internet and became a meme?
Lain 2016
remember when we closed the pool?
anyone member this? or anything similar?
Chubby/ Fat thread
wrong webm
FB fap cont
>post pics, rates, and wwyd to them
Bend her over the railing and fuck her tight cunt silly while people watch from below.
Trips decides Pepe the Frog's replacement.
Taco Juan
Why not just keep Pepe? Now the Normies have less reason to use him.
Why replace something perfect fgt?
Post your girls, WWYD, general cuck activity. Cucks looking for bulls share general area
Starting with shared girls
very nice checked
Shota Thread guys.
Get in here boys, and show us some lovelies...
bump, though I have nothing to dump, just a lurker
I want this shirt
Roll you fucks!
For I am the penis wizard!!!
new guy reporting in
OP trips edition
Welcome, newfur. Enjoy your stay because you're here forever.
WGM, yeah?
C'mon, you know it's this beautiful face that's making it amazing.
So /b/ whats the gayest thing you've ever done?
post pics
>Sissies get in here
Had gay sex with multiple men. :3
Managed to cum with my legs spread in the air fingering myself and jerking it for the first time recently.
Let a dude put a dick in my ass
Being buttfucked by a hung black guy while high on ecstasy was fairly gay
Jerked off to some gay porn... kek
Qwad g3t
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>705823135
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>PLS don't
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Going to bed
Red Wolf standing by
Someone tell me why
I just wanna know so I can die
Tell me why you're leaving
I can't tell this feeling
Let the time pass by
Nyet plz
I didn't think chocolate covered grasshoppers would be any good at all, but they're alright, you never know until you've tried it.
Cute gif
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a celeb thread is born
Hngg yes please
Any Sophirs around?
Fuck she's just too damn hot
anyone else?
Hmmm, I would say skank lol
I would fuck her though
My wife.
God-teir bands
theyre retarded junkies who abandoned their children
best band
All their albums are good.
Post girls and have other annons say what they would do
Who would fuck her ass on the beach
i would slap her will fucking her ass violently
she mak me hard after raping her i would jizz in her mouth
Itt post original content pictures that you took.
Could be totally random. Shit that makes sense doesn't make sense whatever just make sure it was taken by you.
She responded.
Dubs decide what to say.
Ill take that chink ass and fill it with so much cum youll cry cum for days and when you cum itll be my cum and if you have to cry itll be my cum still, cuz its like 5 quarts
I want you to make poopies on me, I've been a bad boy and need poopies
Send a picture of your dick and say "is this lovely you chinky cumslut?"
Cmon guys
pics that should be shared
second one of her
ehhh close enough