So, why are you single /b?
Starting off
>Gets attracted to girl
>Fuck/hangout a couple of times
>All of a sudden get bored of them
I hate people
Nice dubs and outlook sir
every girl i have ever dated has broken my heart
How so my man?
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Best fox is here
and a pretty good Stug III driver
I guess it's not a whale, but what I'm trying to say is that the only kind of people who would be jealous are lonely teenagers craving for a hole to fuck that believes that one day they'll find a "hot girl that has the same hobbies as me" but usually a "weeb girl" tends to be a bit depressing to look at, maybe your girlfriend is incredibly hot, or maybe she's as much of a disapointment as any other basement dwelling scum, but I could never know. The odds are agaisn't you, though.
Name a stronger superhero
>protip: you can't
the Hulk is the strongest in any universe
Dr. Manhattan
The hulk is a bitch
doggo dinner time thread
hey hey
Hey, Snuffles!
Beefy boys pls.
Dubs decides. No dick pics.
Why haven't we fucked yet?
what is the size of your labia?
She lives abroad... still send?
Norsk tråd! Siste nådde bildegrensen
Bumper med Kiannagif
har du mer?
Nei, lastet ikke ned noen flere.
No porn webm thread?
always where protection or you might get infected by the porn meme
Comfy/Lonely Wallpapers and Pictures
old one reached limit.
old thread is here for reference
trap trea
need sauce for all
need a name for this
Roll a 69 to see how big it can be...
Loli post image sources fags lets go.
Image source
You ever talk to a psychologist about the loli shit..?
and stop posting samples
Rate my gf pls
7/10 so far anon, you got more?
Should i do this NOFAP SHIT?
Yes it helps with social autism.
Ive been thinking about it. I cant get erections. I am,depressed and anxious. I sleep too much.
Maybe not fapping 10 times a week would help
everyone claiming that this shit helps is a fuckin retard, there is no scientific prove, it's mostly placebo
no where in these rules say you can't fap... just that you can't fap in ur own bedroom where you sleep....
So if i jerk off in the living room i'm fine... yay
Now that you've seen this image you are cursed. If you don't reply to this thread, you will spontaneously combust within 1 week.
Go ahead, keep scrolling toughguy.
Nice pic though.
wat is that
pls no
damn it.
Let her pussy juice flow
OP where's my 3+ fingers in pussy win?
Pull them panties up that pussy to make a camel toe
Whatever you do, do it on live cam !
ITT: It's 2007
I can't wait for GTA 4
The graphics are gonna be absolutely stunning!
"what what in the butt"
What's ur gamertag so we can play halo 3 live lol
"i wonder whos going to replace Putin as the next russian czar"
Comfy/Lonely Wallpapers and Pictures
wie gehts, wie stehts?
wart ihr heute produktiv?
was gibts zum essen?
wie viel geld habt ihr auf der bank?
trump oder clinton?
>wie gehts, wie stehts?
ganz in ordnung
>wart ihr heute produktiv?
schon irgendwie
>was gibts zum essen?
>wie viel geld habt ihr auf der bank?
>trump oder clinton?
meh trump
Gyrospizza und Souflaki
0, aber meine Eltern zahlen alles.
>wie gehts, wie stehts?
9/10: urlaub, 2x sex heute
>wart ihr heute produktiv?
>was gibts zum essen?
gab rührei zum abendbrot
>wie viel geld habt ihr auf der bank?
ca. 20.000€
>trump oder clinton?
clinton, kann aber eh nicht wählen
>9/10: urlaub, 2x sex heute
will auch wieder
sehe die ganzen 17 jährige heutzutage
und will einfach nur ficken
fast schon drauf und dran tinder zu benutzen, obwohl ich davon nichts halte
habt ihr eure Pimmel von Edeka?:
fb fap thredd
far right
reminds me of eva green