This is what I call singles.
Now these are what i call godly dubs
Kill yourself dibshit
you goofed up you nigger. Check these out
Who? I mean people you literally want dead.
People who block paths by themselves
People who automatically hate people.
American niggers
ask a straight black bull living in Los Angeles anything. been in the lifestyle 15+ years have some amazing true stories.
> amazing true stories
go on...
do you do porn?
he doesn't need to. he has welfare
whats it like having a chode?
Post them faggot
ITT we say something in our local language
You did good, kid.
You did good.
cheese, beer, and cheese curds
Homosex, Poop, and Spoodermar.
lets go back to having the OP message ride my dick
CUCK THREAD. Post your gf's or wives for approval.
>pic related, she cuck'd her husband.
she looks like a bitch
She's a wannabe SJW, which pretty much confirms bitch, if you ask me.
This isn't a tribute thread, faggot! And she looks hideous, I wouldn't show her either.
She's been posted for years! I like her slender body though. Would impregnate/10. As long as she's not wearing those glasses.
Why don't you have a concealed carry permit /b/?
fuck off nigger
I'm 20 and live in Florida.
I live in commifornia
i cant even own a gun unless it's for sport
Because I'm 20 and broke
As soon as I meet the requirements, I'll be getting a shotgun and pistol, still deciding what to buy though.
you roll you do
fuk u nig
nah my nig i'm going to watch a movie
Rolling need sleep
reporting in
get one with songrequest
let's do this anons, need target
Let's get her goin
Great work with the adress OP
Why not start a pantie thread?
dirty and stained?
okay nvm that's all the type of pantie pics I have. Discharge and piss stained.
bump for interest
pls share
Asian amateur nude thread! I'll post what I got, you post yours. I have a huge stash but need boots and bumps to keep the thread live.
Got any amateur bj pics?
Yalegirl, one of the new classics
Ylyl ?
Job title/pay/age
professional shitposter/9 zimbabwean dollars an hour/70000
Professional family photographer/specializes in solo shots
Sex and beer are my pay
Shit that sounds like a good job.
> $100 / day 'cause I'm not yet under contract
I'm technically a "long term substitute" filling in for a teacher who had a mental breakdown or something. I don't think she's coming back but we'll see.
Furniture mover/$13/27
I'm suicidal
dubs gets my exs nudes
roll with a request and if you get dubs, you get the request
here's a teaser
Full Frontal
Let's go
Completely naked except heels
rolling. Let's go.
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
Catie is so hot (;
You know it
She is the best queen 4chan has ever had forever our queen she will be even after she dies.
pics you shouldn't share cont.
Moar please
gross why would u spit on a girl like that
Waifu claiming thread.
Claim your waifu and discuss
Obligatory claim.
>implying anime is a 4chan website
Different early claim
I'm sorry, that was a bad idea.
>no rule 34 thread
So fake... I can clearly see there are 7 strands of rope tied around her thigh in the frog tie. Anybody who knows anything about rope bondage is gonna know an even number of strands is always used (typically 6). This pic is so inauthentic it makes me cringe.
I always ask myself, how do you ctrl+f all ten pages of 4chan at the same time? Is such a thing even possible?
how new are you my friend :^)
Have you ever used the catalog?
>holy shit
dubs gets nudes from my ex - trips gets her name
wait, Op got dubs does that count
My fav chicken so cute!