Sending rap lyrics to an ex. Dubs decides lyrics, if they're real
Stop talking to your ex you cuck beta fag.
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
This has to be a cringe thread.
roses are red,
violets are blue,
I already had AIDS
when I came inside you
Great song by Atmosphere
Sitting next to me. What do?
Post more
That's her fuckin' problem, op. Bitch needs to be running on a treadmill.
Put a quarter in her cleavage and say "CHA-CHING!"
Cha Ching.
This is not an Awoo~ thread. DO BETTER.
You save you lose
Post pictures to get Cum Tributed (cummed on) and do some requests yourself. Everyone contribute for a good thread.
PIC RELATED - I will fulfill a few requests so post the pics you want cummed on.
Fake thread. You're all welcome
Make them share your cock op
Keep thread going. Not OP but I'm down for this tonight.
Can you post a pic of the underside of your cock with your foreskin all the way down .
Cosplay Thread
OP here
Bump for more
for the love of GOD sauce please
I don't know
But you guys should bump for more>>676652145
Kobold Adventures Part 2
Last OP is kill, apparently. New writefag picking up.
That's a crazy looking dinosaur.
What's a kobold thread
Lets see if new writefag is any good.
Can someone red pill me on what happened? I left after Sithis pointed a bow at us naked.
loli thread
then dump some faggot
More like this one please, it's my fetish (guys putting their hands on girls' hair, grabbing her head)
no loli at all
sjw hate thread
All type of boobs gf,wife,sis,friends
bumping for sisters
Younger sister, stolen off her micro SD. I enjoy regularly running image restore programs and cum to her cute tits daily
damn go on please
Wat is this? Boobs for ants?
Girls you have nudes of that you have never shared. Have been debating a long time on sharing her!
Don't think I've shared this before, but would only be a little surprised if this girl has been posted to /b/ before.
Do it op, for us!
alright /b/. had too many nights of existential crysis in a row. ready to join the forever nothing. how should i an hero? painless preferred but if someone lands a trips ill do whatever it says.
Join Isis
** must be doable tonight
tired of living not gonna prolong it. if this thread dies without a trips or a good painless way im just gonna go jump of the 4 story place uptown a couple blocks
Sage goes in all fields.
You have so much potential. It would be a waste.
I can only give a virtual hug but existential crysis will come and go.
Get the fuck off b and talk with your family.
What if you streamed it for all the good people of /b/ to see?
Killing self is bad
Seems interesting. Monitoring this thread.
Now you have my attention OP.
For the threesome video, I'll keep watch
What like this?
White master race is the most alpha on the planet.
Massholes get in here
Anybody in the 781/508 lurking tonight?
508, what's up?
thread for the worst state in the Northeast? Sure why not
Central MA or Southshore?
Have you ever even been up here faggot?
dead central, leicester.
sounds like he's from here.
Dankest of the dank pepe thread. Let's go faggots.
Minnesota/North Dakota thread. Post your girls and i'll post more of mine! I'll start with Serena from Coon Rapids!
What the fuck is on her underwear.
Owatonna here
h/fur please i need a wank bank
I love herm cock!
Waifu claiming thread Quatr.0
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>Emi a qt<3<3<3
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Ruby claimed. Cute and deadly
Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
>Ruby a qt <3<3<3
Obligatory claim.
>This kills the man
I need hugs.
>emi a qt
claiming booty queen
Rate faces of /b/?
I'm 18
fucking faggot
is that /10?
Is that supposed to impress anybody?
Is the thread called impress/b/?
Is this supposed to impress anybody?
Insecure sods the lot of you
Thread 4
Civ been going almost 5 hours
build a medieval style tower
current war status
faggot enemy OP gave a faggot passiveagressive response
what do the tanks do bros?
im here, bump and shit
fire a warning shot, at a house.