Better isn't always doing well.
I know because I'm better now myself.
This doesnt look like gfur at all
Is that, like, an actress or something?
no go to
cock rate thread
would let dominate my holes/10
7.5/10 would suck
Nice veins
Rate mine plz. Also, ex claimed today she is dating a "big" guy and smiled about it. Just the other week she was crying she wanted me back. Not sure what to think.
California girls. Starting with some 909
wtf why didnt you save them after?!?!!
yea dude why?
I grew up in the 909!
>>700157176 because ugh good god they didn't turn out well
It's me again faggots!
Odds fap
Evens sleep
Trips fap to traps
i don't got dubs all i got is this 7
who is that?
Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread
Previously on /waifu/:>>700162453
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Just got done watching my 63rd Mirai Nikki rewatch
Time to give this baby a rest and watch something else
Hey you! Who is this eurobeat master..?
Grinding in what? usually i can't stand grinding..
Trying to figure out something to do..
Claiming then going to sleep
TBH that's how a friend of mine recommended it to me. You see some characters in the first episode who show up in Zero as well, but in reality, you could just watch through Zero then go straight into UBW from there. Actually, just do that. Watch Zero then watch UBW
Feels thread
>me 19
>really like a girl in uni
>she likes my friend
>asks me if I'll hook them up
>in exchange she hooks me up with her friend
>her friend is beautiful but I still want her
>decide to hook her up with my friend
>I know what my friend is like with women
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damn, if that's true then fuck
If that really happened to you OP, that is a life changing experience.
I just wish I asked her out instead of being a pussy, believe in yourself and don't make my mistake
>Poorly describe a game and see if anons can guess it
Old thread
A journeyman and his gang try to destroy the owner of a factory.
>Play as batmans lost lost bro
>kill terrorists
>find out terrorists are actually the good guys
>try to make it up to good guys by saving the world
> be me, teenager
> going camping with three friends
> power goes out
> someone comes and kills two of my friends
> i run to the exit
> realize i am incapable of climbing a fence
> die brutally
people still havn't gotten it so i'll make it easier
>PTSD simulator
here's an indie, also my favorite game of all time:
> be me, spy for hire
> bae gives booty call
> ohfuckyes.jpg
> head to her place
> shit she's dead
> better go punch cops to death
Can we get some asian girls on here?
fake and gay
Fine Ill start it
file ill dart tits
That's one splitting headache!
if it's s/fur then stop being such a fucking faggot
Seig Heil!
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
i'll show you my arm and go from there.
Plz rate me and my gf doggystyle
I have a few selfies of Hannah left and a pic of her knees. you guys want just the selfies or both?
new fluffy thread old one got derailed
there ya go
post your celebrity crush
looks like she has a nipple piercing, fucking hot as fuck.
i was going to use one of my cringe images but that kid in the back is the best
She's got two; wears them all the time.
Jesus fucking Christ with a cactus!!!
She's got hideous!!
She looks like a gremlin but I'd still bang her
ITT: List the conspiracy theories that you believe are true, and the biggest reason for each.
wtc had explosives inside and collapsed due to controlled demolition
biggest reason: there is no way building 7 (the 47 story one) would collapse being only hit by debris
bush did 9/11
People are hired to shit post on this board to keep oldfags away. People were getting sick of all the illegal shit that was getting posted by the deepest basement neckbeards. By posting the same trap, ylyl, pics you shouldn't share, etc threads. The oldfags would eventually get tired of /b/ and leave. Balancing out the illegal posts that use to be made.
The U.S. government killed JFK and RFK. And they tried to kill Ted but fucked it up.
Soylent green is people
How come no moar???
Good boy, Op. Way to post maor!
What are you guys into, I. Have. Heaps...
Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread
Previously on /waifu/:
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're
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Shizuru get
still here
Bayonetta... Don't get me started Jesus Christ ;w;
I just started to get good at a certain combo, and the rest was history. I wanna learn Lucina though. What do you play it on?.
Oh you!
Clap clap clap?
>Shizune chair scene
Claimed, no trollerino
>>700162213 (Lily)
>Do Lilly
>Again and again
Mexi Thread
Ey weys no sean sordos y saquen los zeldas wardeados que tengan
How about fuck off?
Toda la Madre
On tan las cheches putozz?
Ola amijitos jjejejee
Gimme attenshun plez
Need confirmation that am not fat because of insecurity and lack of any personality nor intellectual value.
no year or time on timestamp = fake fake fake
idk femanon turn around.
Hey there,sharpie in pooper!
Loli Thread
>Cont. from >>700140397