New Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing
>no rolling
>No sexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind
>Discussion is welcomed
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Lol nice thread faget
They don't sound that nice, so I wouldn't expect anyone to eat them often. I try to keep away from that sort of stuff more, it seems a bit unhealthy
Kyouko claimed.
Obligatory filthy early/pre bake.
/b/ hunger games thread
The first 24 entries with a name and image will be entered in the game.
Good luck
Ronald McSmooth
Pretty Faces
My father
FB friends you'd fuck pt. 2
Rough anal with no lube.
Requesting this girl
s/fur thread for me to fap to please
Everyone, report in!
dicks out for harambe
whats up?
What now, darling?
I'm mostly here
gonna post the ones i still have
but you can start rollin gentlemen
trips or higher gets the cum
Were waiting for ya over here, bud >>694930506
Can you tribute?
hey /b/, I'm looking for Brazzerz/netflix/hulu/bangbros/etc accounts. Don't suggest a shitty blog or paste. I'm looking for a forum. The last one I was a member of merged with another one and sucks dick now.
^^^ there you go op
pics your not suppsed to shae
anyone interested in the gf?
Cringe Thread Go !
Pic related and OC
why is this cringe? you're just an asshole dude
Dude just wants people to play with. Physical disabilities aren't cringy.
I don't have an issue with this.
He seems cool, id chill with him and walk with him while he scooters about
also gotta make sure he only catches geodudes to remind him he barely has arms and no legs
don't see what's cringy about this one
he seems like a fun guy
New Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing
>no rolling
>No sexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind
>Discussion is welcomed
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kagami claimed!!!
Gonna delete this one aswell like last time?
Yeah.. Hand-kun was very nice, I miss the guy honestly
Shiro claimed.
Crank up the level some more!
I'm not convinced. You DO sound like the real one.
SCP thread
You have to spend 12 hours with an SCP and make it out alive
The last 3 numbers of your post tell you which SCP you will get
If the 4th to last number of your post is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 check this list:
If the 4th to last number of your post is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 then check this list: 2
i.e. post 2123 would go to the first list and look for scp 123
Tell us what SCP you got and how fucked you are, pictures welcome if available
For new people:
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Please tell me this isnt real. I'm sure there are some neckbeards doing this, but this cant be the norm?
I personally always shower after a good shit.
wtf do you do? Use those stupid fucking wet wipes?
What? Wiping my ass with toilet paper? Yeah, I wipe my fucking ass.
Anal bleaching? I know porn stars so it. Doubt it is very widespread through.
I just called but some nigger picked up so I hung up.
Wash your ass you nigger.
What do you do when you have dirty hands? Wash them or rub them with dry paper?
4chan webm porn thread
post the best of the best !
>because i have difficulty finding porn on the internet without assistance
nipples are stiff, lets go!
Who else is a filthy degenerate druggie? What's your favorite drug and why?
>Nothing beats snorting speed and being up for days until psychosis kicks in and you start questioning what's really real and you make a promise that you will never do drugs ever again and cry because how? How in the fuck did your life get that way? You had so much ambitions but you pissed it all away and sure you have sex every now and then but that still doesn't fill the empty space inside. Then you sleep it off and when you wake up you end up doing it again
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I can't stop myself from smoking weed. I will smoke out of anything if pushed, I will smoke weed stems and seeds if pushed. I smoke it because it the only happyness I have dammit.
Put the ice down.
I know you are enjoying speed but have you ever done any psychedelics? Any tryptamines?
I understand where you are coming from to a degree. Don't turn your one happiness into a gross experience.
I sure am. Did.. well, most of stuff there is out there, favourites would be:
DMT - because DMT
2c-b - sex probably can't feel any more amaizing
weed - love&hate relation with it, I'm fucking addicted, it almost doesn't work anymore, yet I keep smoking
yo i concur with this guy, >>694913059
, although i must also concede the entertainment/experience you mentioned.
boredom is a major perpetrator of my repetitive cycle of lifestyles. i would have to say fear of failure leads to self sabotage as well.
I love weed too!.. i'll smoke res,stems, try to avoid seeds, well they also don't come around as often so that may be the difference....
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N,N,-Dimethyl Tryptamine.
It induces a REM stage 4 dream while awake. You close your eyes and there are entities made out of colorful lights and patterns. They approach you and always try to show you things. The walls of the space you are in will be made out of moving colorful patterns. You can feel what the Bible calls the familiar. Which are spirits that are not our loved ones, that pretend to be our loved ones. You can feel friends and family with you. It's A good feeling but I believe that is a demon dwelling.
Wanna see a dead body? Trips and OP delivers. 100% not a faggot. Hopping on a Greyhound right now; getting the motherFUCK out of town.
Tossing my phone when I get to Cruces. You got 3 hours. OP will deliver.
Ready to be on the news again, /b/itches?
op lies like a fat whore
this surely isn't bait
Trips 555 now show it!
ITT favorite pics you've saved of other anons girls/girls you've saved you want moar of.
Not posting pics your own girlfriend like a total cuck edition.
Looking for more of this girl
Shit out of luck.
She actually survived it for those who haven't seen longer than the five or so seconds on this webm. :-)
I'M HAPP :O :) :D ;)
Suuuuure :^)
Hold the door
Does the shelter have a snack bar?
Allahu ackbar
Close the damn door newfags
shit, misery and the all fluffy way
Go on...