What are the filthiest porn sites on this planet?
The mainstream sites aren't cutting it for me, they often have the same content. I'm not going to really specify what I'm into because I'm still discovering and want to explore more filthy, degrading, extremely hardcore, disgusting porn. I'd like a gradient so I can find where I sit, thus nothing only at the extremities.
Thanks in advance /b/ !!
You've found it
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm referring to videos.
Easy : http://genki-genki.com
Xpee or the popular Heavy R
Hey niggers choose my steam profile picture for the next month
there ya go
Dubs don't lie
This nigger
What's he looking at anon?
a list of girls you've fucked.
I wish things were different
neutrinos passing by
non-porn webms
Holy shit.
I want a copy of that nigger's mixtape.
also dubs
Unimportant sprite thread
Wait a minute... there seems to be a very crude watercolor painting of a man in a bishop's hat...
Your Grace?
... Your Grace?
/b/ros, what is this? Im scared :(
Eyes are the organs of vision. They detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. In higher organisms, the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, converts this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmits these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain. Eyes with resolving power have come in ten fundamentally different forms, and 96% of animal species possess a complex optical system. Image-resolving eyes are present in molluscs, chordates and arthropods.
Cancer. And the worst kind at that.
Not sure but i think an artery popped up
Maybe you watch too much in monitors,displays
Looks like Pinguecula. I'm only in my first year of medicine so don't expect me to be right.
Pictures you saved from other anons: PUSSY AND BUTTHOLE FOCUS edition
my sister's ass
Pics of girls you saved from other Anons
>calls people lonely,retards
>is one who's on b
>Calls out someone on /b/
>Is on /b/
im absolutely infatuated with a girl. 20 years, shy as anything, virgin, no social media, no phone. Essentially a neet but cute as fuck and doesn't have problems like lack of hygiene.
I'm sick of fooking sloots, how do I break down the barriers to this amazing innocent girl and make her mine
Tell her you like her, simple as that.
Yeah, or follow her around, grunting occasionally
Also that you want to spend more time with her, because she's interesting/funny whatnot
Sounds like she has problems. Proceed with caution
In my expirence, shy girls are the the easiest girls to get, besides fat girls, tomboys, and cougars.
Fuck em up OP
would you kiss this girl guys
she looks like a dude with a feminine penis
as if anyone here really had the luxury to choose
Self harm thread. Check out some tasty cuts of meat.
Trips get noodz. Quads get bate vidz. OP Standing by to delivrar
Why not
rollin rollin rollin..
Sexy sisters thread. Post your sibling you want to fuck.
Bump for sister nudes
i wish
this fucking thread again!!!!!! Go fucking kill yourself loser.
sup /b/
just inherted $25,000,000
ask me anything
trips wins $10,000
OP is lyin
Post proof
>what is the first thing youre gonna buy?
Why do you come on /b/ and lie? Do you get a thrill out of your lying? Or do you enjoy shitposting and giving everyone cancer?
Why are you so pathetic you need attention from 4chan?
Mom thread
>post your mom
>rate other moms
>bonus points for swimsuit pics
sis and mom
My ma
would you fuck? she needs to be hatefucked hard in front of me
oh yes!!! first pic you came to? any feet?
Let's play the train Game /b/
The rules are simple:
Type the last 4 digits of your post into Google and click images. If there is a train in the first page of results, you lose!
Good luck
This is dumb
train incoming
Roll me
Wallpaper thread , haven't seen one in a long time
Post yours and steal from others
Trips decides new meme
Milhouse of course.
Millhouse is not a meme.