new alcoholic thread.
I will start:
> You know you are an alcoholic when: you have a garbage basket only for beer cans in your room.
Go !
Can we jsut talk about WHY were alcoholics?
for me its the crushing realization that nothing matters
Alcoholic here, can't think of anything funny
But don't you realize the freedom that that brings? You are a step away my friend
Any alcoholics here started to experience nerve damage? Its fucking scary as fuck. I only admit it here because im totally in denial
Haven't, what is nerve damage like
when ur just a simple meme farmer and some old lady calls u a white supremacist
but back to the trump rally
my school is rather smol, so him coming to our arena is gonna be a nightmare for traffic
obligatory gay
her hate-speech is radicalizing frogs all around the world
Hopefully the density of people will cause an altercation between (((protestors))) and supporters. That'll be fun.
Down on Cypress Avenue
with the childlike vision sweeping into view
The click and clack of the high heel shoe
Ford and Fitzroy, Madame Joy.
asian amateur thread.
Does anyone have her full nudes? She used to post on soc as Asuka~
So I got drunk and made out with my boyfriend do best friend. He told me me the next day that he would never tell my boyfriend but I do t know if I can trust him. Should I tell my boyfriend that he took Dante of me ND forced me to or should I trust he won't tell. I have no where else to live besides my boyfriends house so I don't know what to do
ould I tell my boyfriend that he Took advantage of me and forced me
Hey pretty lady. Tits or gtfo
Tits and then advise
Tits for advice
I'm not some whore like your mom that will just pull out her tits. I'm a fellow annon so post advice or fuck off.
is this guy seriously going to be the next President?
Yup, now go cry and write a Huff Po article about it
he is reaching his final form. America's President.
No way that's happening, OP.
Yes, he is.
4Chan Hunger Games continued.
Summer vacation! Finish your homework at all costs!
Wall of fail! Give these Students Fs!
>126 images
>150 image limit
Skynet in
At least a particular faggot isn't in this new thread. (Yet)
Gretchenfag here.
Also, fuck you to whoever posted Gretchen and Megu porn in the last thread.
hey /b/, link me to an account sharing forum
looking for netflix, hulu, hbo, ufc, nfl, brazzerz, bangbros, evilangel, etc
odds sleep evens faps
feeling licky
what would you do with your superpowers?
333 get
fuck it
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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I'm doing well, you?
>triple nibble
>a long heavy sigh is released
I think for now, until I get my forma supply restocked, Metal Auger will suffice. The fire rate on the Soma is enough to put anything down, and the punch through from Metal Auger lets me shoot through almost anything.
Still here
>>704100111 (Maki)
I usually just sit in a chair on the beach, I'm not one for swimming or playing games. I'm right there with you about sand
>>704100555 (Shinoa)
I tried some vanilla flavored stuff that tasted so bad to me, though it could be because I mixed it with water instead of milk
>>704100630 (Yuno)
Yeah...I guess if you keep an eye on them it won't be too bad
>be me
>genuinely middle of the political spectrum
>agree with liberals on some things, conservatives on others
>but not in 2016
>say one fucking word that's not completely in line with their views and BOOM
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*don the masks
>fucking rage typing
yeah, I pretty much feel the same about it as you
This is just because of Trump making all republicans look bad. If it was some of the other candidates they wouldn't of overreacted.
Who gives a shit? Seriously, op, just live your fucking life faggot.
>live your life
>work environments and college campuses are becoming clusterfucks of liberal groupthink
I'm trying /b/ro but this country is going down the toilet fast as fuck.
Drawthread: Low Sodium edition
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
If someone could draw Hillary as the Hilloli /pol/ thing please support the cause.
draw a cute milk please
Reposting this just in case my request gets lost in the void
When was America 'Great'?
when wasnt it? shit troll
1945, fag. 2-time champions.
When we used every part of the buffalo.
1950's and early 60's.
pre 1990.
dash is short
dash is FUCKING short
And that's exactly why I hate myself. It's already hard for them so imagine what it's like for me. Tall women have it hard as well, but luckily I'm into that, so having kids with a tall women is a win/win.
Why /b/?
Why must I be so attracted to children? How do I fix this sickness?
kill urself
You could kill yourself
kill yourself
I feel you. I have found a solution though. Simply bite the tip of a shotgun and then slam the butt into the ground really hard. Problem solved. You're cured. Be more original when begging for random cp posts.
Kill yourself
Utah thread. Where y'all at?
Fuck off Mormon.
Provo/Orem here
SLC gotta be
Do mormom girls do naked selfshots?
slc sucks
am here
What are /b/'s top 5 red flags when it comes to dating women?
>has a cellphone
>has tattoos
>has had more than 2 sexual partners
>has more make up than the bare minimum most of the time
>isn't doing any kind of physical activity
>has a cellphone
A girl with a cellphone will use it to pump her brain full of degenerate shit just as we do on /b/ and other such sites. A girl with a cellphone will keep contact with her exes, even if she tells you the opposite. This is one of the many examples why I think a girl with a cellphone is asking for trouble.
Good luck finding a (decent)girl that doesn't have one pal
Stay in your basement OP.
Odds faps
Evens sleep
and den...