Cock tribute thread, must roll dubs on pic posted for trib, no re rolls
fuck... by one....
Hey I know you are you cocking on Kik?
Worth a shot
1. Post a clothed picture of a girl and post a number other anons have to roll (OPs roll doesnt count)
2. anons then roll by requesting a new pic, (ff, ass, boobs, face, etc.) All requests must be a direct reply to the OP. if not your roll doesn't count
3. If user rolls the required number OP must then honour the request.
4. Rolled dubs gets another clothed pic from OP, up to 3 min. OP can stop adding numbers at any point past the minimum
5. Trips gets 2 free pics
6. Quads gets complete dump in thread, imgur, or mega
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Tits with face
nude outsude
nude beach
in public
got some more of her if there is any interest
Yes, go on please
something like that?
No FEET Thread ??? FEET Thread !
hey /b/ros, can we get a reaction pic thread going? I am in desperate need
Shameless desperate self-bump... I need the reaction pics
listen here you little shit you better start showing some goddamn appreciation or you're never gonna get any reaction pictures for the rest of your miserable life you wanker
Fuck you this is a whatever you want thread now
oh shit, I thought the thread died... my bad
Thank you kindly
old thread died,
trap/sissy thread
Here you go!
got one without the little dress?
Anyone saved the pic from the last thread about the guy who got castrated against his will?
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Slow night, again.
Alice 2 claimed
Tank commander is claimed.
Every night all night.
Hello there.
It's an alright morning at the very least.
Odds fap evens nap
Need nudes
What is your biggest current problem anon? Are you hopeless?
no friends, lonely, no idea what i want to do in life. the usual first world shit.
Starbucks employees not writing correctly my name
I'm faking my way through jr collage. no idea what I'm doing.
ive talked to a girl though, so thats nice.
Girlfriend dumped me for being an abusive alcoholic
Quit drinking, have yet to get back out there properly though. Not drinking is hard. Family life not great (does behavior like that spawn in a vacuum? not really).
But moving away from home soon, hopefully getting a new job in the city when I do, new roommates seem cool, cool location, I usually do better with hipstah-goils than suburban trash anyway.
Things are not fantastic, but looking up.
God-tier Album Thread: Last one hit image limit when it was getting good.
not gonna post again.. imma wait
Where my early 90s industrial metal at
helpless chicks getting annihilated by large men/beasts thread
better have more than one faggot
tfw your NEET faggot ass is waiting for more posts with your micro faggot cock in your hand
This thread was a disappointment.
Celeb Thread: How Bout Some Different Chicks Edition
If only I-I c-could b-be a-a-a real m-man my m-mistress Jessica Alba could r-respect me...
dubs confirm
Incest/Wincest story and picture thread!
my cousin and i made out and i fingered her when we were high and drunk as fuck one night
I sniff my aunts panties
Anyone got any pictures or stories to tell?
Did she like it?
Found out a close friend of mine fucked his sister when she was 14 or so. Made her do all kinds of fucked up shit. Not gonna lie, felt bad that I got a boner when I was told about it cause she was legit one of the hottest girls I've ever known, even at that age
Just had the worst game of Overwatch since I bought the game. Give me some requests to calm me down.
How's it going? Any requests?
draw me.
Would you kindly, draw an English soldier narrowly evading a strike from a German's shovel, amidst almost harrowing chaos?
NUDE GAME, improved edition
Rules are simple:
1. Post a clothed picture of your girlfriend/wife and choose a number between 0 and 9.
2. If someone replies with that number (last digit), you post any picture they request.
3. If someone replied with dubs you post another non nude
4. Best to make your request in your reply and not later as to avoid confusion.
5. If you post a pic of your girl for rolls but don't put a number, ALL ROLLS on her will count as valid.
6. reply only to pictures with numbers, dont reroll on your roll expecting OP to see it.
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full frontal
Reply to the post you want
booty in panties
4 for more
My girlfriend wants to have sex more than me. I didn't think that was possible. Apparently I'm dating a nymphomaniac or something.
She even masturbates more than me.
She moved in with me just over a month ago. We used to try fuck everyday, but sometimes we couldn't because she was still living wit her parents. But since we moved in together we've been fucking like rabbits. Everyday day without exception, sometimes twice a day.
But now she is saying that it isn't enough. She wants more sex.
We fucked three times today. This morning,
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How old are you two?
I'm 24 and she's 18.
She's cute. Just yet her to do all the work. She can ride while you're enjoying the view.
Show us more of her
I have the opposite problem. Which is worse?
Honestly, you don't have to do all the work in sex if she's that sexually driven. She'll be content riding your dick all night as long as you let her.
She's probably a succubus tho so you should attempt to banish her
>tfw bull is 8 inches and bf doesn't know and spoils me
life is good
>tfw no-one cares faggot
Shoe on head
>8 inches
8 inches is average m8, get a proper bull
his dick is fat af
The last 3 digits you roll in this thread determine which Pokémon you have to fuck for the rest of your life. If you roll 802 or higher, you must reroll.
Post results
Why not
Not bad
Anyone of you guys want me to send pictures of my 8" cock to your wife, gf mother, sister or someone you know on kik? Just post their name here or EVEN BETTER send it to me in private to avoid them getting spammed/whiteknighted. My kik is justoneguy511.
pls send it to my girlfriend, her kik is satans_servant13
that's a dude lol
an ugly dude
Fucking Loli Thread
Give me the loli.
I like me some rich loli.