Slav ylyl thread
Heil mein führer
No effort, broke, and homeless.
way too hot, nobody wants to touch that for fear of getting burned; there ain't enough ice in the world
anti-social, shy, broke
Social anxiety,no social skill,path of exile 24/7
Tfw have gf, still not happy
Mom son thread. Green text, comics, win
Bonus internets if you post your mom.
Hop in the mech
Dead already OP?
So /b, what's your deepest desire?
It's okay, you can tell me.
Come on, you can tell me.
To not let the Controllers win.
pic related
Oh, but we have already won.
Should girls shave there armpits and why is the answer "No"?
Protip: because it's fucking hot.
Too few people recognise the glory of a slightly smelly girl armpit.
that's just nasty
>implying you can't have a fetish for smooth pits
it depends i kinda find it hot
the best of greentext
Waifu claiming bread
>one claim per anon
>refrain from rp or sexual content
>insult and discuss
QOTT: What is the meaning behind your waifu name?
That's her name : o
AOTT - its a play on both Lolicon and Gothic Lolita fashion. Her last name is a reference to her personality, fluid and destructive.
kagami claimed!!!!
>homu thread edition!!
>kagami means mirror in japanese, that;s all i know!
seriously....insomnia is bad news....i would konata!!
d-deflected?? i wasn't trying to deflect anything!!!
what kinda sick is it??? like a congested feeling??
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Britfag Maki Claimed
Akemi means daybreak and beauty, Homura is related to fire but can also mean happiness or village protector.
Oh... so thats why you like mirror pics so much.
ITT: Post your highest quality reaction pics
I need to build a trap folder help me out.
Ill post my cartoon porn waiting for some shemales
want more?
Post your music (or other people's music if it's really great). Be cool and give feedback to others too, either on SC or on here.
My stuff: ertine
>Progressive Pop
(dark) ambient, just launched.
Pretty beautiful, definitely something I could appreciate
I've never actually received any feedback from anons, anything is appreciated.
Not bad, Anon.
Each dubs will decide my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week, starting with Monday's breakfast and ending with Sunday dinner. Im very interested to see what ill eat.
Chewing gum found stuck to the underside of a bench at a bus station
chef boyarde
Jewish forskins
Your own feces
Perth, Australia Voyeur?
bumping perth fag here
I have more of that girl just waiting for someone to contribute
I have none, dump more of her?
I will when someone else posts something
Porn webm thread
YLYL thread?
roll for it
op here trips get harley
I'll bite, rollin
So anon, why don't you tell me about yourself?
>Activety that you enjoy most doing (ie: taking a walk, hanging out with friends, smoking weed, etc)
>Job/College course
>Favorite show
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite movie
>Favorite drink
>Favorite alcohol
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This thread was a pretty good success earlier tonight so I have hope.
Blacksmithing, urban exploration, smoking, music
Adult highscool, because I had to leave to take care of my grandmother. There was no way we were going to put her in a nursing home. Just the smell of that place, the stale piss, the nigger nurses... Fuck that.
>See activities
>That's 70s Show
>70's Rock and most music before that, all the way to...
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OK Mr fbi profiler:
>Activety that you enjoy most doing (ie: taking a walk, hanging out with friends, smoking weed, etc)
>Job/College course
Night receptionist/business and it
>Favorite show
>Favorite genre of music
Anything but metal
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W-what are you talking about, anon... This was a thread earlier, I swear.
Ehh, 7/10
At least you're healthier than I am.
How does that work? You put on some white noise, burn some incense?
>painting lead soldiers/reading
>Warehouse supervisor
>painting lead soldiers/reading
>Dr Who (the 63-89 series, not the 2005 reboot)
>I'm not into music
>Gangs of New York
>I don't drink alcohol
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What do I say, 66 gets it.
Hey Shania! Do you like niggers?
I love cocks.
What the fuck are you doing here, you goldfish looking fuckmouth
Hello there Shania!
You seem like a really fine young Woman.
Want to get to know each other better? I'll pay for your drinks if you want :) :)
How depressed is /b/?
Do the test and post results
Shameless self-bump
>Very High
>Very High
>Very Slight
Whoopdi-fucking-do. Nothing I didn't know already.
As expected.
Nothing new, still sad to see though
I'll show you something before you die, what you're looking at are merely singles
These are what I call godly dubs
>These are what I call godly dubs