Why do so many Americunts not like the idea of free university?
Because the tax payers have to pay for it. Nothing is free.
"free", Taxpayers pay for it and gubment is terrible for efficient use of money.
If everyone can get into college easily degrees wouldn't mean much, also scholarships exist for a reason.
Because I worked hard to get my degree, and I don't like the idea of paying for someone else's. Nothing in life worth getting is easily attained.
They don't mean shit now so...
wie gehts?
was ging am wochenende?
wie stehts um eure zukunft?
zuspät keule
Kennst du diese Schlampe???
Waifu claiming thread. - gotta post fast edition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>drink coffee
>im don't usually drink coffee
>tea is fine too i guess
>this keeps getting longer and longer
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
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Bait claimed before i go to sleep
Lights look like they're on fire.
Yeah. I know /a/ does frid/a/y night osu every now and then. We should all play next weekend
>musical hug
>happy hug
>goes to put on glasses
>miss ear and hit my eye
kagami claimed
What's your major /b/? What do you want to do?
>Electrical Engineer
Philosophy master race.
Only morons actually major in law. When they reach law school (if that's their goal), they're complete and utter tools who can't handle an actual law school education. Fuck off with your law majors.
Chemical engineer
Gender studies. Looked down upon, but literally makes me smarter than any of other close-minded moron majors.
>If you don't reply to this post your family will die in their sleep tonight.
>Only epic dubs can reverse this curse
Rolling. : -)
Hey /b/ros, I was born with a congenital heart defect that I have had to have multiple surgeries on. Today marks the beginning of another one. Let me tell you my tale.
>Woke up this morning hearing an annoying tune coulden't find out where it was coming form.
>Went to take my morning shit heard annoying sound again.
>I hear it once more
>OH SHIT! I know what that is
>I get
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After 6 fucking lines? Sounds like you've got what you deserve. sage
>>Spend 5 hours bored for them to tell me what I already knew.
>Dr. finally comes in and tells me my pacemaker's battery is dying.
>Freak out (Last time that happend put me in crippling debt)
>Get home my Kitchen wench (aka the ole ball in chain) freaks out
>She sets up a gofundme page to help offset the cost. If successful wont cover even half of it.
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give me a break it wouldent let me post it so i cut it in half.
>Green text
>true /b/ro
take a holiday to canada or mexico
Need contributors
Fragrance thread. How does /b/ smell
>Pic is what I'm currently using as signature
Currently smell like Sweat, cum and smelly feet.
I smell like this pussy magnet
I'm allergic as shit to fragrance, so when some perfume reeking faggot gets near me I GTFO.
Sounds like a life not worth living
Be honest: would you have sex with a girl who has a cock for $10,000,000?
Yes, I would have sex with a man for 10 mil.
There's no such thing, so no.
$10,000,000 is a lot of money. so yeah
I'd swallow for $10 million.
left me or right me?
not you at all
None, disgusting af
Which one sucks dick better?
>lying in bed
>start touching vagina
>bring fingers up to face
>discharge on fingers
>it's like a firm gel
>eat it
So, /b/, what are you doing with your day?
filthy woman iughhh
You're saying you don't want any?
Timestamp dat puss
Can't a girl eat her own vaginal discharge without a dude asking for a timestamp?
done some programming, eat some clementines. Now watching Devil's backbone, vaping while my gf is doing something on ipad.
Let's look at guns.
r8 me /b/
Go home faggot
faggot you attention seeking whore, go back reddit
your mom loves it
The beard is not bad I guess.
8/10, would spilt/recommend
OP here. Also check'd. Nice dubs
Fucking fake as fuck
huh, was gonna start dumping but the thingy says that I have to wait 3 minutes to post a duplicata
what do
It took me awhile to notice the bologna
Can you guys help me piss off this bitch she is making my life hell
Not your personal army, faggot
I have nudes if anybody wants them and here is her fb melanie.moskwa
If you can find her address order her pizza from every place in town. She looks like a fat ass. It'll kill her seeing all that pizza at her door and not being able to buy it.
Dubs decide. Make it funny
prepare your anal
for im cuming to yo
Hi Sara, I would really like to meet you sometime and take you home. You shit on my face while I jack off and cum in my mouth. Then you gtfo of my life. tanks.
hi sara how fast can you make me a cucked faggot?
Lemme eat that ass? ;)
Pokebox thread? Pokebox thread.
Do NOT sexualize the pokemon!
I will if I want faggot
Too late
It's too early
Cock tributes you've saved or done for other anons in the past
SUP /b/ im trying to become a dj what should be my name
dj too fat
faggot, or myabe cpatain faggot... no, just faggot
DJ ChromaZone
DJ FatFuck
We are bored /b
Fuck off
these dubs say to kill yourselves
>>677334148 fuck and upload to the cum of alll
Hahaha you fucking tart