ded thred
Trap/Sissy/Femboy/CD thread!
Hi! How are we all today? Feleling sexy I hope!
Y not
Sure :)
Welcome to the dark side of morsix.
/h/ fur thread y /b/rothers
What a lovely thread to wake up to. Good morning.
Strangest porn you have, hit me with your best shot
This is very disturbing
is gud?
Anyone got a better quality version?
Nightmare fuel thread?
If youre brave enough
This ain't scary
Nightmare fuel
It's a fucking whale.
I'm having a bretty good acid trip right now
The eyes are on the lower side.
Nude game part 2
1) post clothed pic of gf, ex, etc and pick a number between 0-9
2) anon rolls and makes request (tits, ass, etc)
3) if last number in anon's roll is op's number then op has to deliver
Topless holding boobs
bent over
Pics you shouldn't share, vol. 1
i share pics i shouldnt at this website here
https://cytu be/r/v4c
If you can't read it then I can't help you.
>no one believes you
Requests? Drunk chubby girl here.
hey, timestamp and sharpie in asshole.
sharpie in pooper
Show me where you shit from.
What are you into?
The only good cracker's a dead cracker
you probably cant afford the ritz crackers, fuckin poor nigger
jacobs cream crackers are pretty good with some cheese
He should have stopped resisting :^)
damn straight
Smash or Pass thread.
Pass (bird face)
Smash, but would need to smash again shortly after. Chinese food and all that
I might smash any of these three if desperate, but i dont find any of them particularly appealing
Emma Watson thread
whats with the limit edition
I was going to stop but you guys keep reeling me back in.
>Maximum file size allowed is 2MB
Fb fap thread
discord thread
Kill yourself.
disgusting faggots
Feet thread
very talented
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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I try not to lewd at all
A shot of whiskey does not a drunk Rory make.
Id love one personally. My dad used to combine them with scratches.
You're just being lewd.
Miho claimed
Hi /b/ mind helping me fill my anime reaction folder? Thanks.
Bumping my own thread like a fag
Meh, may as well.
ITT: Post your soundclouds!
i will go thru them all, give me somthing new, unique or just dope as fuck.
i listen to all genres, and can also produce almost all genres (some genres bether then others tho.
Suck at mixing and mastering, and many of my beats needs some rhymes, anyone up for the job?
This is my music
https://soundcloud.com/outcastsymph onycrew
but i want to hear what u guys make, Post the best songs you made
Any style! i love how people think so diffrent in the ways they make music, the sounds
and styles.
Now show
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I recently started to upload my music, first time in 5 years.
Hope you have a listen, might be a bit basic as opposed to other braindance tracks.
Right on, OP
btw here are some colundi freqs for the people who'd like to know
[27.7, 31.7, 35, 39, 45, 46.98, 55, 59.9, 62.64, 63, 70, 70.47, 73.6, 98.4, 105, 110, 111, 140.25, 141.27, 147, 147.85, 172.06, 183.58, 194.18, 194.71, 197, 210.42, 211.44, 221.23, 264, 293, 315, 342, 384, 396, 402, 420.82, 440, 441, 445, 526, 528, 586, 630, 639, 685, 728, 741, 784, 852, 880, 963, 984, 1033, 1052, 1185, 2675, 3240, 3835, 3975, 4129, 4280, 4444, 4840, 5201, 5284, 5907, 6051, 8000, 9999, 12000
>DIY indie
this is my first ep and would love feedback positive or negative. listen through shitty phone speaker for best results
Really awesome man!!!
This was new for me! intressting!
I don't see an infographic thread.