Are muslims stupid by nature?
I babysit these two muslim children. One of them is 3 while the other is almost a year old.
I babysat two white girls the other day who are around the same age and they seem so much more developed than the muslim children.
The muslim 3 year old's drawings are random scribbles while the white 3 year old is able to make simple drawings and colour in the lines.
The muslim toddler just started crawling and can only say "mama" on occasion while the white toddler is running around and can speak coherently.
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You met two kids they are individuals with different upbringings and IQ's that's probably all it is too it
The ones who go to school usually have beautiful handwriting (a few years older than 3). Attaching a random pic of their art.
Probably a result of exposure to depleted uranium in Iraq
Feed them bleach and broken shards of glass.
Do the world and favour and kill a few muslims.
Just go take a look at how many Muslims have won a Nobel peace prize compared to Jews or indeed any other group, it will answer your question.
From personal experience I can say that most muslims never get much above animal cunning in intelligence.
ngl thats pretty hot
Nice feet
>nice feet
>nice trips
good job anon
What are the rules you live by?
sure was nice of life to hand that guy a knife
destroy goods you transport. dont make a cylinder but a sphere, because it takes longer and why the fuck not. create meaningful sounding shit..
What's right ethically is what the majority thinks, no exceptions
deserters will be shot
Hi today 28/11 is my birthday and i want to buy Saints Row IV, it is on sale and i have no mone to buy it. If someone pls can gift it to me i´ll appreciate it. Thanks!! no/
Bumping for mutual help
Guys I come from the only country that has oil and is literally a shithole and not in africa. Please gift this poorfag damned communist Red orchestra 2, this could be my first game on steam ;_;
Just torrent it, idiot
It's not the same, and begging doen't do any harm
I'd love to get anything, honestly. Wishlist has cheap and expensive shit. ES:O especially would be nice, when looking at some of the less expensive games.
Will be checking wishlist while I wait hopefully, to see if I have keys that match what people want.
New FB/IG thread 2
I can give you some nice chicks if you're interested?
nah thanks anyway, maybe somebody will want
more of these monkeys?
FB/Insta Fap Part 2 Return of the Jedi
Anyone want some nice chicks?
shes a hoe
I'm no stranger to dubs
checked /b/roseph
no way
intense shit
Check em
Reaction Image Thread
whats your favorite pokemon?
mine is gardevoir. she protects me, gives good head, she also makes me sammiches
Also Gardevoir.
Gardevoir is sexy
whats your favorite pokemon?
Fine I'll do it edition
>Inb4 everything
If you're taking requests:
Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.
With you in it.
I was just about to start one too.
I'm so bored today.
Someone describe a saloon for me.
Requesting her giving a blowjob
Think, like, a bar, but in the wild west.
Ask a girl who makes tea in a pepper anything
tits or gtfo
tits or gtfo
tits or gtfo
Tits or gtfo
Fluffy thread.
Roast me fags
your creepyness could attract lots of pussy man
m8 ur hairs faggier than kuhn farming equipment
looks cool, but clothes look like shit.
your mom failed at her Ron Weasley experiment
Fresh bread for all
ITT: We summon mods.
Mods, get o'er here
free cp here
lets make a raid on twich
shes gonna be tough to beat!
i love how she looks dead inside.
op you set a high bar, post more from that set
more like drunk as all hell
There's a difference between a fight and assault
ITT: post your favorite old and dead memes
that one
The oldest meme
Neuer Deutscher Faden mit Niveau
Fragen, weil es ohne ja scheinbar nicht geht.
Welches Buch habt ihr als letztes gelesen, falls ihr überhaupt Bücher lest.
Welchen Film habt ihr als letztes gesehen?
Welche Platte/CD habt ihr als letztes gehört?
Was sind eure Lieblingsband, euer Lieblingsautor, euer Lieblingsregiesseur/Schauspieler?
Was ist euer Lieblingsessen?
Was ist euer Lebensziel?
Hetero/Homo/Asexuell? Was ist eure Lieblingsstellung?
Ok, mit Tittenköder
>Welchen Film habt ihr als letztes gesehen?
divergent gestern
>Welche Platte/CD habt ihr als letztes gehört?
zählt ein nicht-physikalisches album auch?
dark side of the moon
>Was sind eure Lieblingsband, euer Lieblingsautor, euer Lieblingsregiesseur/Schauspieler?
metallica / habe keinen / nolan / christian bale
>Was ist euer Lieblingsessen?
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Reportiere ein.
Was soll die behinderte Bemalung?
>>Welche Platte/CD habt ihr als letztes gehört?
>zählt ein nicht-physikalisches album auch?
>dark side of the moon
Dark side of the moon zählt immer
Trips name my snek
Fuck your snek.
nice snek