YLYL only shit you've lost to addition.
Gfur, birthday party continues!
i wish he was my bday present
you and me both
So who do you think will win?
I think it's gonna be russia.
> 2016
> still giving a fuck about ESC
After Austria (my homeland) won the contest, I pretty much lost interest in it.
Germany has a good chance of winning this year.
>> pic related
>After Austria (my homeland) won the contest, I pretty much lost interest in it.
indicating your interest list with Conchita's Wurst!
Sweden again maybe. Hungary a dark horse
post yfw france is in the last 5 again, for the 20th or so consecutive year.
[spoiler]I am french. feelsbadman.pepe[/spoiler]
Hey /b/
I was attempting to con a fellow anon and probably would have gotten away with it but I felt bad and admitted it to him.
He had already held up half of his part of the deal and was going to give me another key today or tomorrow.
I offered to give him a couple of old uplay keys I've had sitting around but he said it was fine and thanks for coming clean.
So here I am giving them away.
First to roll even dubs gets Uplay key for Splinter Cell Double Agent
First to roll odd dubs gets Tom Clancy Endwar
Be sure to post your steam profile link
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Also general steam beg for poorfags
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170146558/ roll
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170146558/ reroll
ITT: we post dead memes
OP is a faggot
ITT: we post our jobs, income and how much we like it out of x/10. I'll start:
Balloon seller at an amusement park, about 2000$ a month 2/10, sandniggers threaten me on a daily basis.
i make emotes, overlays, etc for internet personalities - 600$ a month if lucky, 0/10 dont goto art school
Buying and selling shit on the internet.
Varies between 3000-4000$ a month 10/10 life is gud
What do you buy and sell?
legit burglar. self taught
10/10 love it. proper thrilling like
earnings obviously vary drastically
but the most i ever made in one haul was 5grand
IT manager, Pre tax £3888.05 a month. 5/10. Pays the mortgage
/b/ I need help. Can you determine how mad my best friend is?
>months ago I post some snaps of her in bra here
>give account names
>fucked up
>she forgives me
>im a fucking retard and post her pics again
I just want to fucking die
May aswell post them again OP, you are going to an hero anyway.
Post them
Why would Op do tha
For us /b/ros, he is fucked anyway - what's the harm?
You finding her again
so /b/ I fucked up
I may or may not started canada wildfires
Should've set a town on fire not the poor trees
started>not started ?
Why'd you think that?
As selebration of may 1 we starded campfire and didnt put it out when we left
jerk off to nicki thread
The only thing I'm fixin' to jerk is a rope around this baboons neck
hey /b/ lets do some world building?
every dubs is a true fact about the new world. you can say anything you want about its inhabitants (or lack of inhabitants), geography, societies/religions/ even make up new laws of physics. every dubs is true as long as it does not conflict with another dubs. once something is set it cannot be taken back. lets see how far we can get this world.
im gonna start off by rolling for a planet name
rolling for planet to be named "/b/"
because why not.
in planet /b/ there lives a society of fish people who can breathe oxygen through air and water.
and also a society of cat people who hate fish people.
these two peoples are at war.
rolling again
No Cringe/Beta Male Thread? Fucking FAGS.
>>thread pic though
This is YLYL worthy
Heh beta fag
>it only took him 3 days
He should be beaten to death in the town center after his actions were cited to him as a lesson to all men, don't do this.
Bestiality thread
>newcastle, australia
>never done beast but i really want to.
Yeah right
I live in Brisbane. People generally treat me as less than human, therefore I could be considered inhuman and fall into the catagory of 'beast' therefore having sex with me could be considered beastiality therefore you should come to Brisbane and have beast sex with me and after I'll order pizza. After you leave.
Fuck im into it too but then i see people getting arrested and it keeps it a fantssy. Doesnt help i live on a ranch
Ok /b/ your making your own snuff movie and she is the star. How does she die?
By being killed
Is that a fucking batman tattoo???
Hmm, probably killed after being brutally raped by someone knows she saw the face has to be disposed of, raped her because she accidentally saw or over heard something she shouldn't have
>>684091912 <--------- is a future serial killer
anyone know her name?
please help me
I want to know too.
>tfw guaranteed replies from assblasted retards
wat wat wat?
dude what's your problem?
rate/cuck/what would you do to them thread.
partner/ex/friend edition.
You know the drill.
Would love to show her my toys. she looks like a bondage freak
I'm such a loser. I thought she had a piss bottle and my bladder quivered.
That would be some odd colored piss, anon....
when little girls die they all of sudden become very heavy?
rigormortis, dude
The father is picking up his dead daughter. You think that's easy?
Dead weight. Our living tissue supports itself.
Thats as stupid as filming the fireworks during new years eve
OC from the other thread still up.
Continuing last dont share pic thread
Post some back if people want more.
More of her?
all the same girl, haircolor just changes.
What video games do black men play?
Sports cuz it's the only thing they're good at.
Lil B being an exception, he likes j-rpgs
Her thighs are way too big
thats it
Whatever vidya they manage to steal.
What do you think of my joint?
I r8 8/8
I prefer to inject though, get way higher.
it got me pretty high
fucking weedfags
u r cool
nice b8 m8
Is anyone here a good xrayist? Do the best you cam for legs and panties, hopefully more. Do you like a challenge?!
Xray thread
Bump pease
Furthest i got
Ne1 plz rspnd
Oc in pic
I'll have a crack..... Bump for me
moar plz