ITT: We go to the Chinese 4chan and bring back a souvenir.
(〃`д´ )∧∧
〃/ \) ( ´ェ`)
(( (( ⌒つつ
not bad
which one is the /b/ equivalent
I can't read fucking shit. This Google translation is the worst.
Ohio scumbag keeping his family living in filth exposed by anon
Another anon who lives near by is heading over to serve justice
Now we wait
Anxiously awaiting Tallfag's report.
Pre-emptive bump
God damn, how do people live in such filth.
THis is... This is just sad guy's
Hunger Games thread.
>First 36 get in.
Previous thread: >>673477359
Mr. Bean
Tiger 2 Tank
best thread
Draw me a good Bowie tattoo.
Why isn't everyone my best friend?
Like seriously.
Bad people aren't even real.
It's only misunderstandings.
Let's kick things off the right way!
Requesting a buff Captain Underpants!
i can fap to this
Is there anyone else here who hates tattoos (or those who have them)?
can you elaborate on what it is you don't like about tattoos?
i don't have any but am thinking about getting some
chicks with ankle tattoos... the only chick i'd be like "we've been stuck in this elevator for 3 days... i'm still not sure if you're worth fucking".
I do. They're supposed to have a specific color but in the end their color is just overwhelmed by the color of the skin making it almost unrecognizable.
i dont. but i have 1 so....
I like Tattoos
They tell me who NOT to hire
ITT:Games you think you only know of.
Someone's got to have played this too
Never played it but ill be buying it soon
Give op your weirdest, most unsettling pictures.
James Franco a baller
damn that's really hot.
Lets see if /b/ can count to 10
If you do, I'll post a webm of my sister blowing a horse
>inb4 niggers
Let's actually try this time, faggots.
dum dum
i have come to accept you for whatever you do. there is no issue with that.
No need to thank me
Whatever you say
Fuck, another very sexy ass.
>tfw no butt to moaterboat
feels bad, fam
How do you guys all know each others names and whatnot?
It aint easy being royalty
Fuck outta here, knave!
Behold, your new emperor!
The emperor won't arrive for quite a while
royalty get
Actual micropenis guy here ama.
Pic is me.
timestamp or gtfo. then i will ask
how do u piss?
Sorry dude. Maybe next lifetime.
another quality thread. thanks op!
Creep creep
More off this ass
Damn daniel
Kinnda blurry.
Last one I have.
>Quads for Video
come on. continue the shit posting. lets go
Bumping faggots. Fucking original op.
Fluffy abuse
Friend passed out
drunk dubs decides wut we do to him. There are extra tacos here to put up his ass
clean your fucking bathroom
Haha I'm at his house. Wanna see filthy shit?
Sharpie in pooper
Leave him be, his life sucks enough as it is.
flush that fucking toilet you animal
Just got a new girlfriend.
Who is hotter, my current girl or my ex?
Be honest. Here is my current girl.
And here is my ex.
current is way hotter
wrong strawpoll
wtf they are both Asian so why is the poll Whites vs Asians?
need to see teeth.
I support this man
Dear god why?
so you support autism as well?
So does this.
Good choice. The only choice.
Bump. Dubs do make America's great again, this is well known
No cringe thread? Cringe thread.
beyond cringe
posting with hot oc
I feel ill
s/fur cont..
Zootopia was amazing...
glad you enjoyed it
heard fair things so far
Pretty obsessed with it lately, bought the movie poster and had it framed, bought the infinity figures, preordered the bluray
Collecting all the high quality rule34
Pokemon box 4
Ape booty
Im tired imms ko soom
Did I beat spiderman?