Hey /b/ would you fuck me?
im sorry, what gender are you?
Let's make this quick
nudes for better analysis
Hell Yess!
No Rekt Thread?
Trap thread
Hey are you still around?
/b/ roll u dirty peasents
lets go
Roll, hoping for peasant so I can join the anarcho-syndicalist peasant commune.
Which Pokemon Go team is the most cancerous?
Can't deal with my aryan swagger.
They are all literally the same.
>Team is literally 95% retarded kids and dudebros
>mfw Valor loses all its gyms when school starts
>mfw I have no face
wtf lmao
Fuck you
Deutscher Faden
Titten und Temperamente
Diskutiert über euer Leben und andere belanglose Dinge
1. Bist du ein Neet?
2. Hast du Weiber am Start?
3. Noch Geld übrig am Monatsende
4. Auch kein TV mehr schaun?
Naja fast
Ne. Nur noch was ich aufnehme.
>1. Bist du ein Neet?
>2. Hast du Weiber am Start?
>3. Noch Geld übrig am Monatsende
Schon eigentlich, joa
>4. Auch kein TV mehr schaun?
Ich guck noch manchmal amerikanische krimiserien oder mal abends nen film wenn guter trash läuft
Guten morgen meine Herren.
>1. Bist du ein Neet?
Habe eine Arbeitsstelle.
>2. Hast du Weiber am Start?
Glücklich mit meiner Liebsten zusammen. Zusätzlich Sexualbeziehungen mit Partnern beiderlei Geschlechts.
>3. Noch Geld übrig am Monatsende
Mehr als ausreichend.
>4. Auch kein TV mehr schauen?
Es gibt leider kaum noch gute Sendungen.
Haha du Hundling
Stimmt im TV gibts kaum noch sehenswertes
Sie schlucken unsere Gebühren belügen uns und strengen sich gar nicht mehr an.
Die Privatsender kann man ohnehin vergessen und bei den öffentlich rechtlichen gibt es nicht viel sehenswertes.
Das letzte wirklich gute war der VeraFake und der ist schon einige Zeit her.
/b/ I can't handle this shit.
I literally hate fat people. Whenever I see them I am filled with absolute disgust and disdain. Whenever I have to interact with them (which I do often, considering I work at a bulk food store) I'm just full of rage and disappointment. They've squandered the beautiful human body they were blessed with. They're a mockery of the most advanced creature on earth. They also happen to rack up obscene amounts of medical bills that my tax dollars pay for just because their fat shitty body is falling apart, and they cost companies
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more fatties for my black cock
>cellulite riddled ass
No, she's gross as fuck
Hang yourself stupid nigger
If you hate fats then why do you force is to look at one?
Gonna post some animations, see if this thread kicks up.
I'll do some proper dumping if more people show up.
Girls you know that you've fapped to more than 10 times. #3
Very tight...I know for a fact she doesn't do anal so it'd be her first time...and I ever got my cock in her ass I'd never listen if she said it hurts.I'd force every inch inside her tight ass as she screams and moans telling me to please stop and that it hurts. I'd just tell her to shut the fuck up and take the cock.
I want to rape this bitch to death.
/b/ I'm making an RPG but I just need the characters, help
Gets with no pictures, or pics not representing some sort of character will be ignored
protagonist: Reginald Cuntswab,
>fucked 18 girls
where you at /b/
She's my wife.
be nice to all the girls in high school
the ugliest get hot and rich
21, fucked 2. Love of my life just fucked someone else so I guess the dick game ain't too strong. RIP me.
Fap roulette
Shota thread.
Fempen edition.
CHRIS, if you see this message me on kik @ PrinceofSh0.
Cringe thread?
What do the women and the weather in oceanside have in common? Heavy marine layers
Leucadia fag here. You in north county?
what app is that
would you faggots stop making north country threads
creeps me out i might accidentally see some /b/tard irl
Hey /b/
I'm about to try crack for the first time
Can /b/ give me any tips/advice?
Don't smoke Crack
dont fuck up your life
stick the crack pipe into your urethra and break it off
it's less painful and pointless than getting hooked on crack
Don't smoke crack
Remember this thread 2 years from now when you're life is a fucking mess
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
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You normally go to bed right as the sun rises, so around the 4 hour mark, the heat is really settling in. It's a project to get a full night's sleep.
>Freedom Bote is a Slav?
Yes you are~
My friend sat in a chair right after I got up and asked me why the fuck the chair was so hot. She's been saying my ass is a furnace ever since.
Doesn't sound too terrible...
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still here
nothing major really just kind of sitting
>final claim
Your waifu doesn't exist.
Best waifu still here
Just some dirty hoors stuffing their mouths with some dick!
Moar sucking dick with cum on face. Will post what I have.
more of OP girl shes cute
Phone fags show your wallpaper
Pic related
This is one of the reasons why all of you will forever be virgins
Can't wait for ep 18 it's supposed to be their biggest effort. Also nice trips
sexy pregnant thread