If dubs you must go to bed and sleep.
you fucking son of a bitch
I havent slept for 2 days. If i will get dubs i will finally get some sleep.
Wish me luck.
OP is a faggot confirmed.
are you ready for this shit
Fuck no don't do it
Oh yeah baby
We're rubbing our dicks in anticipation here
Please don't.
I'm immune to it at this point
I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares
Rolling for green
Labour (ALP)
Not the way things are going m8
blue :)
cute femanon from earlier's got me a little worked up. i sort of feel like returning the favor?
what kind of favour?
CP isn't allowed, anon.
By all means continue OP...
Sharpie in ass.>>692613084
is it because of this cutie, OP?
Tran/shemale/trap thread
I swear this same dude has fucked every tranny on the planet
Wish I was hot enough to do porn
ChristianXXX is an ugly chaser with his own studio. A lot of trannies have fucked him for sure, but that doesn't give him any credibility when he pays out the ass to do it.
Oh and pics are me. I think that was implied but u never know..
Choose your destiny.
No feet thread? Bonus with pussies
Feet thread!
Sauce!! pls!!!
If owned the universe .... would trade for what is in OP's pic..... Fap NoW
more pls
Ugly girls thread.
Yes, they are called the poor.
Nice 9gag meme
>implying 9gag can't be right sometimes
Some people dont care if uts volkswagen or ferrari they just want to drive.
>defending 9gag
Old one died
Bananas not allowed
Fucking banana scum
a new metal band called gigantic faggot?
*slowly claps*
Beg Thread, please any good guy want to gift me any game of my wishlist, or any game at all, you'll gain heaven :3
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/ 76561198053974003/
I really want to get RPG Maker MV but the sale only put it down to $44. But, my wishlist is full of cheap games so how about Never Alone for $4.49?
Please someone get me Shantae and the Pirates Curse!
Really hoping to get a cs:go code to play with my frienderino
you CANNOT gift CS:GO during the summer sale
it is to prevent account smurfing
begging for age of empires 3 complete edition for fourth day
please rich fags
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>692593746
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Yeah, it's better than the original. A lot less bitter and the ending is more rewarding.
Ahh, I'm still gonna be lurking in the thread for a while. Not much else to do.
Winston is pretty cool, same with Reinhardt. Only problem I'm having with the game really is that I can't play it for more than 30 minutes without it crashing.
Hello! How's it going?
You should get some sleep when you can. I'm okay, just drinking tea like usual and thinking about buy something.
I'm worried about what my father will think.. he sorta gave my sister flak for being a osamatsu brother.. tho he was drunk at the time.. still..
Theres a image around 4chan while back of a dude smiling as yuki nagato sitting next to his parents, the look in the father's eyes.. I wouldnt bring that to my own father
Tightest shirt braless pls
Pussy or gtfoo
Fuck off, faggot
I fucking love you too baby girl.
Magic dick reporting in, ready to cum.
Liking the lips, would mouth fuck.
sure fam (:
s/fur round it out
round you say?
Is it working now?
What's the difference between s/fur and h/fur
ITT: Everyone acts all nice until someone gets trips.
Hey! How are you? :)
hello sirs
How is everyone on this fine day?
The last digit of your post is the country you fight for in World War II when you are reincarnated and sent back to August 31, 1939
the reich is right
finland works too
>cum get me commies
Pleasing webm thread
I have none
Same rules, but more numbers and dubs always win when replying to a post!
1. Post a clothed Picture of your girlfriend, wife, or ex and choose SEVERAL numbers between 0 and 9.
2. If the last digit of a reply to your post ends in that number (OR DUBS!!), you must post any picture they request.
3. Best to make your request in your reply and not later as to avoid confusion.
4. If you post a pic of your girl for rolls but don't put a number, ALL ROLLS on her will count as vaild.
5. Reply only to pictures
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Which loli is hottest?
Any Henreader loli is hot. Saw a real loli wearing a bow in the hair today and it reminded me of pic related
Get in here guise, poorly described games pt. II.
>Third game in the series, only one you need to play
>blood and gore
>diverse combat
>fucking huge all around
>guy you play as is daddy as fuck
>fire, shield, calm, slow down, force push
You start. Eventually someone wins.
>Be dude
>dude has to rescue magical purple balls
>dude spends most of the game chasing edfy magician fag that stirs up shit.
Fable 3?
>Shitty movie parodies
>pale ass bitch tells you you're fucking fat
>relatable protaganist