random images
Is that your sister or something?
Continued from yesterday, a brand new world this time.
Alright /b you decide what happens in this world.
Dubs choose = Minor event
Trips choose = Major event
Quads choose = Anything
Example: They build a blacksmith
Top left corner shows:
Population, Food, Wood and stone
A ship is wrecked on the shores of this mysterious land, only 5 sailors survived.
The survivors managed to salvaged some wood (+5) from the wreckage as well as a crate of bread (+5).
It is cold and winter is coming.
Have a gay orgy.
>the city of op
Gather mushrooms in the forest
Jump off cliff
Hitler and his Nazi army sail to the Island and takes over the whole map
Celeb Thread
loli thread lvl 22
i hope you guys enjoyed yourself. i know i did.
good night guys.
old thread
have sweet loli dreamz anon
bumpty bump
I want to have sex with Mari.
Hi /b/
I feel utterly heartbroken. Me (19) and Josh (19) have been best friends ever since we were six years old and now he simply refuses to be have anything to with me.
We used to do everything, but he has confessed to me he loves me last year, in which I can't return the feelings. He avoided me for a while but is always happy to see me, even happy to accept my offer for dinner dates, cinema, bowling and trips out but I feel he's never really being his proper self.
I sent him a card saying he's really special and I'm glad to have him
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tits and timestamp
let him fuck you ez,,
let him fuck you problem solved.
Fuck off OP. You're the reason why guys can never get a girlfriend.
tits or gtfo
Fragen des Abends
lieblingsgetränk, alkoholisch und nicht-alkohlisch?
bestes mittel um den kater zu bekämpfen?
apropos kater, habt ihr haustiere oder wollt ihr welche?
was fehlt euch am meisten momentan?
langsam ist es nicht mehr witzig
was soll ich der dicken schreiben???
zusätzliche fragen von letzem faden:
wie gehts, wie läufts?
steht für die nächste woche schon was an?
wann das letzte mal so richtig glücklich gewesen und wieso?
was habt ihr euch zuletzt vorgenommen, was ihr auch wirklich durchgezogen habt?
du hast doch gerade input bekommen. besser wirds nicht
>lieblingsgetränk, alkoholisch und nicht-alkohlisch?
Bier, kaltes wasser
>bestes mittel um den kater zu bekämpfen?
>apropos kater, habt ihr haustiere oder wollt ihr welche?
nein. nein.
>was fehlt euch am meisten momentan?
bezahlbarer, guter käse
nude roll game con't
cut the faggot shit
Tits with face
Face with tits
How does it feel that your country only has a pathetic 200 years of history
Superpower in 200 years. Feelsgoodman.
Feels great bruv. Everyone knows our flag, and how much we'll kill to defend it. Long Live the Republic!
And yet in that time we have done more than most nations
Imported technology, achievements disabled
very few countries have a longer history
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
Get this shit out of here.
Were there any nudes of Boxxy, or is she too pure for that shit?
This shit sucks with the 2mb limit
Its just not the same without the sound
it does, but we have to adapt to the new environment
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Sorry for using a small pic, i didn't know it was that small
Guten Morgen, /waifu/.
Post pic of your girl and anons guess if she loves anal or not.
looks either indian or hispanic, both notorious for being anal fanatics
She fine, pics of her feet please.
Looks like she enjoys a good ass fuck every now and then.
YLYL thread, baybee
it's time
check deez
lez see
Drawthread YOU=FAGGOT edition
faggot kill your self
Posting in faggots thread.
sage all draw threads
>saving thumbnails
HG thread
using Mexico City code, first 35 are in!
One Thrust Man
Frog waifu
we name our fav champs for each lane + main position
anons guess what kind of person is behind the player
>country from
>fav porn
>school year
>has kids
>has pets
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Quit league a year ago but back then:
Top Singed
Jungle Zac
Mid Pantheon
Adc Varus
Sill Thresh
north american
20-23 y/o
no kids
music: metal
not doing sports
preferes beer over wine
lives at parents
Top Singed
Jung Shaco
Adc Draven
Sup Nautilus
17-19 y/o
dubstep / trap
playing soccer
not playing instruments
177-185cm tall
maybe austrailian (no idea)
Top: Rumble
Jungle: Lee
Mid: Syndra
Enkidu Loli voice acting thread, you know the game, roll a 5.
I know you don't care but here it goes
roses are red
violets are blue
If i was a car
would you call me nii-san?
forgot pic
I want a kiss.
hey anon, i also want a kiss but we never get what we want. nice dubs
Anybody down for a raid ?
i am
Usual dresscode?
Who are we raiding?
Hell yeah boiiiiii