I got the credit card's information from someone and I've verified it as usable. I would like to order some stuff but have been overthinking a way of not getting caught. So here's my plan:
1. Order stuff using vpn, obviously through fake email and private session on an isolated computer.
2. Ask the stuff to be sent to a cheap hotel, I'll contact them before using a fake name saying that I'll be traveling there soon and I'd like them to receive a package for me.
3. Track the package and make sure I make a fake reservation on the date it'll
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Don't be a nigger.
just buy game keys and sell said keys on a third party website.
of course, this is fucking money laundering and a federal crime so you know. you do you.
paypal me some money /b/ro
I need food, $10 would really help me out
It's not about stealing, the game name I'll be using is from a guy who's ripped me offas well as the credit's owner.
Nothing is impossible. You will get caught
Ask a fully submissive bottom beta anything nasty
how often do you gget fucked in the ass ?
1-2x weekly
Do you cum from anal?
I can and I have, but partners who fuck me usually do it rougher and not in the ideal pose for me to cum.
What's the most disgusting or slutty thing you've done
w h i c h
Grave of the Fireflies, by Studio Ghibli.
the one me and yo mamma made last night, lmao
Last good movie I watched was Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Doesn't sound that great from the description of it, but it was a really cool movie. Give a go if you havn't already
Shot caller
Ew, what a piece of shit. If you are into political correctness, bad depiction of trauma and illogical random rants about pedophilia and the church then you're in for a treat. If you are a normal human being who mildly enjoys art then it is a cringy piece of shit.
Laws for women:
1) Must be within the age bracket of 18-39. If the woman exceeds this, she must be willing to undergo plastic surgery to correct obvious signs of aging.
2) Must have C-cup or better breasts. Breasts must not register at all on the ptosis scale.
3) Must have less than 20% body fat.
4) Must not be taller or heavier then the man.
5) Must not have unnaturally colored hair.
6) Must not have hair on her legs, under her arms, on her pubic region, or any other location besides her head.
7) Must be able to cook and clean with skill and efficiency.
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we need /r/incels back to contain these massive faggots
To judge these laws I must know what the goal of them are.
I agree. Everyone who doesn't believe in and obey these immutable laws is a massive faggot.
lol you didn't word your post properly
If Chad woke up inside this body how long would it take him to commit suicide?
Chadness would fulfill the body and make it quaxifrimbl
Just a daily reminder that Chads are born not made. Hard work is a lie. The reason women hate you is because of your genes not because "you don't try hard enough".
eh not entirely true
I've seen good looking women with what I would call ugly and slightly out of shape dudes all the time, and half the time the dudes aren't even well off financially. It's usually something like a sense of humor and a huge dick + confidence, etc.
You don't have to look like a model to get a hot chick, that's a myth perpetuated by beta males and permavirgins.
>jew shill who wants to stop white men from breeding detected
>people can't lose weight
>people can't gain strength
>people can't attract a mate through things like money, position, and power
I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body. The baby didn't know what to do and was sad and crying so I decided to take him with me and help raise him. So I decided to daily post a YouTube video of our baby monkey so everyone can see him. Here's my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY m1jZ-9CFQD1inehrhYcIg
Thats good dude. Hope he will do good! Subscribed btw
Odd, usually the dad leaves first
thanks bro
I remember discovering this channel a long long time ago. Good on you for raising the monkey op
thank u /b/ro
Thoughts /b/?
Blowjob time!
I bet she's a lot less cute when she's talking.
post moar
Post a slut/sluts and other anons will rate them
Damn near perfect
waifu thread
Claimed ^^
Nice Papika.
I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads
Still lurking between ques
Why are pedophiles almost always white men?
don't bully reviewbrah, c'mon don't be a normie
check the sex offender registry in ur area. How many of them are not niggers?
> aids thread <
Probably because the only nations that report, and compile statistics on child sex crimes have a majority white population. Statistically white is a global minority by a HUGE margin. Just by the overall statistic of approximately 1% of the overarching global population there should be ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more pedophiles of other races as opposed to whites.
dont you ever try to tarnish reviewbrahs name again you faggot
also shit pic coz i literally just deleted it all.
ill help ya out OP
ITT: games you think only you remember part III
Absolutely criminal how overlooked this was. Even the ps4/vita remake was agressively ginored. Fuck everyone.
Guess I'll dump some of the titles from last thread for the new people coming in
Hunger Games Simulator Thread.
Post an image and a name.
First 24 get in.
Los Negroes Hermanos
this nigga
Pictures you secretly took thread. Go
nice was she a bad girl
love her ass instant chub
No, she wanted a back rub. Y'all know how it goes.
Or maybe not, some of y'all probably aren't in LTRs
You ylyl you lose
Do you guys believe that we're in the same place historically as Germany was exactly 100 years ago?
Weimar Germany was the neo-liberal paradise, with "free love", drugs, homosexuality and other degeneracy. Do you think we'll see a reactionary wave from the general public larger than what we've seen already?
Will there be a Fourth Reich, /b/?
You're fucking retarded.
Spot the fag for 600
How is it not?..
biology 101 son, you will get there if your redneck parents ever stop home schooling you
Where did you pull half of this shit out of? Your ass? Do you have any sources that say that in that time period there was any of that kind of stuff going on? Your ass isn't a source BTW
S/fur part 2
>Still doesn't own a gaming PC
Explain yourselves poorfags and console peasants. ;)
Pic related is my new 1050. Yes you fucking heard right you poorfags a freaking GTX 1050. I just bought for my gaming rig, let me dumb it down for you dumb console retards.
This is a GTX 1050ti, it's a top of the range graphics card (about 100x more powerful than your shitty xbox graphics cards)
Soon I am going SLI this card with a 1070ti and overclock them both to get about 20GB VRAM.
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oh look, a shitty bait
I'm down to talk about pc builds but why do you need to be such a fag about it. Ik it's 4chan but fuck man chill
>Soon I am going SLI this card with a 1070ti and overclock them both to get about 20GB VRAM.
Why does everyone want to be autistic ok this board?
mine costed 2500 and i got a fuckin gtx 1070, i7-7700k ovk 4.8ghz, 512GB m.2 SSD, x4 1tb HDD, wifi, bluetooth, and RGB
richfag spent too much money on your build.
my sis just accidentally sent me this... and I just automatically fucking screened it. dunno what to tell her. what do? (I'm panicking)
>what do?
Stop lying an post moar tits.
the next snap she apologizes for sending wrong
Tell her your cock is hard and to spread and send another pic. Faggot.
The truth bitch
Tell her to lose some weight
can somebody explain this shit to me
how the fuck is there only 56% white people in America? white people are literally become the minority
as they are becoming ruled over by Muslims which is dominated in America by 4.4% more than any European country coming at a whopping 13.2 million that's 1/4 of the whole UK'S FUCKING POPULATION
Latinos are everywhere,
And you are absolutely being dominates by the African Americans your white women get down on there knees bowing down to the black superior male genes
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Meh. No one ACTUALLY cares. Just a bunch of edgy faggots here pretending to care.
Was not on a spacecraft
who actually gives a shit? it wasn't that long ago when we were the minority vs the redskinned majority.
Why, I ask, is this a bad thing?