Pregnancy Thread
Your girl melted dude
she ant my girl
wannabe baby fucker
Kill yourself
Old thread died
Facebook fap thread
People liked it when I posted this chick a week ago. More?
In a Relationship / Married / Single
When's the last time you got a BJ?
I'll go first
>1 year ago
> Relationship
> -15mins
otherwise 24hours
>being married
Been with my gf for 8 years and i get bjs whenever i want
she so hot
> a month ago
She actually uses cervical scoliosis and with neck pain and fibromyalgia as an excuse.
>A year ago?
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>703178820
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
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Fap to the picture bellow yours
look at that fucking giraffe neck
look at the body
Tfw no loli thread
well yes. move on become gay and you won't miss loli anymore
post more :3
Daily reminder that she's going to win.....and we all already KNOW she's going to win.
I'm just preparing for the SJW/Feminist shitshow the next 8 years is going to be.
So, you're saying that the election is rigged?
Sharpen your triggering and trolling skills to make it 4 years.
If by "rigged" you mean her opponent is an unelectable, alt-right pandering halfwit, then yes.
That's why I'm voting for him.
How is this going?
Needs more Bane
She better be fuckin hot because that emoji is giving me cancer.
Salvageable. Stop being so beta.
You're being way too vulnerable. Unless that's your girlfriend in which case you're doing great.
>cute? you must be a lolicon
Nostalgia Thread
Let's get some feelings flowing.v.2
continued from
>Not having the VIOLATOR dildo Zbot
>not having the most awesome car toy
good old times..
Weird thread
>Muslim mother
>Christian father
>living in Israel surrounded by Jews
trips decides which religion I'm committing to.
Don't, just kys, it's easier.
make one up thats totally different
Alright /b/, show me your daily loadout
I'm 15 and can't own a gun starter pack?
What's with all these faggots trying to act hard carrying knives and guns and shit. You're a faggot.
OP here, i carry a butterfly knife because i'm trying to learn some slick moves on my free-time
Jfc I cringed
Deutschland kurz vor Wochenende Faden.
Heute Nacht im Bett hatte ich echt gute Fragen - weg sind sie
bin da
Hat jemand CM13 auf seinem Handy?
hatte mal Cyanogenmod drauf, dann kamen aber die Android Updates
dubs gecheckt
konnte meine fragen zu CM13 ergooglen.
kommt nicht der 14er Release dieses Jahr noch raus?
Pics yu should share part 2
this girl
I sure do like dogos. ITT we share pics of our pets.
Dogs are okay to look at but keeping a dog is a pain in the arse
House training is the worst part
tell me more about your animal
4 year old cairn terrier, obeys very well for a terrier. No problems at all. easiest dog ever.
She like to walk though and sniff/pee everything for atleast 5 minutes
Drawthread: desoo edition
b..but...well, okay then I guess. Thanks anyway
I...I'm sorry baby...maybe it was just...too soon
My last request
Bim getting hired once more, but for a higher position.
Fuck my life, I awlays end up missing Scribbie.
Welp, I think I should head to bed, g'night bread <3 love ya
Friends you want to fuck
Friend's wife.
Need to get her drunk and just fuck her hard
Nude game: IMPROVED Edition
READ THE FUCKING Rules are simple:
1.Post clothed Picture of your girlfriend/wife or ex and choose a number between 0 and 9.
2.If someone replies with that number (last Digit), you post any Picture they request.
3.Best to make your request in your reply and not later as to avoid confusion.
4.If you post a pic of your girl for rolls but don't put a number, ALL ROLLS on her will count as vaild.
5.Reply only to Pictures with numbers, don't reroll on your roll expecting OP to see it.
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ok, then. full frontal nude with face
Full frontal
2 4 or 6
Tits out
i have a free copy of don't starve together on steam
first one to get trips wins
Looks like a great game, rolling
it is a great game