/r/ Moss hanging upside-down like a bat asleep, and urinating during her sleep. Getting her body wet, like little trickles of urine running up her body/head, as well as dripping off her. And even though her wings might cover it, a likely peek of her puss too?
More refs can be found here, although I REALLY prefer it to be of her more "feral" form. http://imgur.com/a/k6HGL
sup guy
hey, wth IS this?
nigga you know nobody is going to do that
Potato computer.
Wow there are so many dubs up here
Yeah like these
Or these.
Watch these.
Finally these.
Surely there will be dubs to be had.
i'm killing myself tonight. if this thread hits the bump limit then i'll stream it. if not then thanks for everything /b/
No you won't.
No timestamp
Guys whatever you do, don't let this thread hit bump limit. We have to save a life! Don't respond okay?!
No one cares if you live or die faggot, it's your choice.
However if you are gonna die you may as well go do heroin, experience DMT, fuck hookers, get aids and give it to as many people as you can, and just have some fun. That's pretty much what I'm doing right now.
what's the key to happiness?
living your dream
coming inside of a woman and calling her mommy
intelligence is the last thing that would promote happiness
Be white
white supremacy thread?
pictures. black woman slave sex and humiliation.
white man.
black obedience
I would not bang that
music edition
I have more tea pics than music pics.
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
also skin tight realistic scaily sex suits have now been added to my research roster.
I don't have much music either quite honestly.
You seem to know your music, and since we're on the topic, suggest me some Romantic era stuff if you would be so kind, stuff like Tchaikovsky. I like listening to that kind of music, but don't listen to it enough or know enough about it.
How fucked am I, /b/?
Will I ever be able to get a loan?
What is your score?
you can fix it. get a secured credit card, use it and pay it off in full and early evry month.
You need some Dave Ramsey in your life.
and 810
knew someone that had a low score, but finally got a stable decent paying job. he would go to a cash advance place, take a loan like 500$. then pay it off after a week. after awhile his credit score got over 700.
me im a poor nigger, but i got a credit card, use it for gas and liqueur, then pay it off at the end of the month, my credit score is 712.
There's always ways to build your credit. How did you get it that bad? Get a 500$ credit card only spend money that you could pull out in cash. Use credit card and pay it off every month. Don't get carried away and build your credit then you can move to bigger things like a car loan
Wouldn't the interest rate completely fuck him? Either way, that's some good self discipline..
/b/ Tell me why you dont worship my niiga baphomet
jamey blaze spotted
i dun wanna :P
cuz worshiping things is dumb, go make a sandwich cunt.
Satanam in aeternum
Anyone got dropbox spaghetti?
In case you haven't seen it already, my beloved GIF collection:
What is the point of these threads?
People fishing for CP, but in reality they only get pasta.
are you kidding me? i love chicken pasta! chicken alfredo is bomb
nice digits + (you)
what the FUCK
All the Goyim come today to steal my golden gets. Save some for the rest of us.
Tell us about your day :3
Cut penis!!!!
Skin your penis and pour salt on it
Knife in pooper
Hello 4Chan-Random!
We are "Elder React" From Youtube.
As purposed by many of our viewers and commenters from youtube and reddit we are doing a "Elders React to 4chan - Random!" show right now! yes THIS IS LIVE ON AIR right now guys!
can we haz some reactions?
lnk to live feed?
all links are allowed remember this board is about freedom
Elders React to Sage.
>this board is about freedom
Post CP then kid.
Sage goes in all fields
Waifu thread
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Have fun!
Stay inside edition!
I fucking love Radiohead.
Right? It's weird seeing someone so buffed out acting all cute-moe
It's like seeing something I shouldn't have kek
a a a a a a a
((hey everyone))
Belarus claimed
>Я хачу беларусь мець сваіх дзяцей.
Ask a guy whos transitioning to female anything. I am 50% into my transition btw
pics or gtfo
do you know that no matter how you mutilate your body, you will never be a woman?
How long do you think it'll be until you regret irreparably damaging your endocrine and reproductive systems to live out your autogynephilic fantasies?
I know
maybe later, this is more of a q and a
I'm not agp hon
Slutty girls kik names
Enjoy my good man
P.s. she's a hard nut to crack
Looks 16 but she's 19
Send her a dick pic immediately if u want to get her aroused. She likes to be spontaneous.
No porn webm thread? Porn webm thread
Lily Rader - Runaway
Ask a Mechanic anything
Its been a while since ive done this
Whenever I do these it gets a bit hectic so just know I will try and get back as soon as possible
i have a stuck spindle nut on my infiniti. I've torched it and broke 2 breaker bars. am i fucked?
Thoughts on the reliability and snow capabilities of an '06 330xi? I'm purchasing something to go out to North Dakota with and I'm making sure to do all of my research.
What is the spindle nut on?
BMW is really nice with performance and reliability. Snow really depends on the driver though and sometimes the tire. However, if things break on it, have some money set aside. They get spendy
the spindle nut's on an 03 m45 driver rear axle
Have you tried oxyacetylene?
daily /evalion/ thread
was youtube in the right to ban both her accounts?
video here: cheekyvideos.net
People say it was wrong to ban her cuz freedom of speech but one of youtube's community guidelines does not allow hate speech and her whole channel was based off a political party that was all about racism, lol.
Does she have a blog or something, cant stop watching her vids
Daily reminder to reportand sage all schill threads for this illiterate attention whore
Post pictures to get COCK Tributed (COCKED on) and do some requests yourself. Everyone contribute for a good thread.
PIC RELATED - I will fulfill a few requests so post the pics you want COCKED on.
Show your white dominance towards asians!
I know the op is fake, just bumping in case anyone else would like to tribute.
let's see if he responds to the Asian hottie above
>Not OP but I'll tribute