Oh boy. its that time again.
Let's play a game niggers:
You can either have one of any of these things OR what's in the box. The contents of what's in the box will be revealed after someone roll 69. You cannot exchange your choice with someone else. You must pick one and live with it. You must choose before the box reveal.
1.) Own a pet dragon. The dragon has a feisty temper so you must be diligent in training it or you could end up roast to death. The dragon starts off as an egg and you may choose the gender and color.
2.) Invisibility
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Box me nigga
Roll for Ring
69 get
ronda thread? yes
Literally the face of seth mcflaren
Is that a man or a women?
I want to cum inside her.
Worst case scenario?
I'm really curious what /b/ thinks.
Bumping with pictures of Trump.
worst case scenario: he doesn't win
Obviously. But what's the worst case scenario if he does win?
Anyone else think that some of these posts are campaign research for Shillary/Trump?
your last 2digits are the age of your next sex partner
This better be good..
she looks 13, but akshuly 18
Ok, let's try
inb4 broken hip.
Also rolling
*she looks 13, but akshuly 85
Cock rate thead
Bumping with all my pre saved ones
>duplicate thread
saged and reported
Without flash
Damn /b/ my ex just roasted me.
>Actually thinks I'm a nazi :(
I need help /b/.
My hearts broke.
Gonna kill myself now.
Good, now post tits
>actually replying to that shit
>replying with autism material
fuck off betacuck
Deutsch Thread
ohne auto sage
wie gehts
was geht
>35kg? Wo hast angefangen? Aber, wie bereits gesagt, jeder ist ein Lauch zu Anfang. Hab damals auch mit 40kg BD angefangen, jetzt mach ich mit deinem Bankgewicht Kurzhantel-Schulterdrücken. Bleib dran Anon, dann ist noch Hoffnung für dich
hab mit der stange angefangen, also 20kg. wollte erstmal die form hinkriegen, bevor ihc mich draufstürze
Haley die alte Russensau
>wie gehts
>was geht
Ab heute ne Woche frei
Lasst uns Syrien und den Nordirak mit Uranglas überziehen und den Krieg gegen den sogenannten Terrorismus beenden.
ITT: cancerous youtubers people like for some reason
Leafy fangay spotted
>Pussy faggot, what's it like having mommy and daddy shelter the fuck out of you?
License and registration, ma'am.
Nothing to see here, officer.
Someone send me cat rape
Fluffy thread, get in here
dude that's hot
more pls
Help me fill my loli folder
Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi is very popular loli now.
which asian counry has the most beautiful girls?
thailand obviously
South Korean and Japan.
Thailand has beautiful boys, but that's about it.
>literal sandniggers
Kill yourself
s/fur, ongoing.
I really like this comic for some reason.
Europe vs Isis !
Lets decide the future !
Rules:we´ll take countries in alphabetical order and I´ll always write two numbers one for white normal people and one for living explosives.
You decide by rolling.
Albania is first on the list 3=Europe 6=ISIS
(Albania´s not exactly white but still in europe so stfu)
there will also be round 2 where the real war begins now we are just decidin terrtories in beggining of war.
ayy lmao
Allahu Akbar
ISIS win albania
Andorra´s next
2=eu 5=is
roll for 9/11
pics you shouldn't share
If Hitler had won the war, and Europe was now part of the Third Reich, how would Europe respond to the attacks from ISIS lately?
They would simply exterminate them
i doubt isis would even dare to utter a disrespectfull word towards us
ISIS probably would not even exist as Hitler actually had respect towards Muslims.
Go get em /b/oys
Okay. Hack'd em
>big and scary anonymoose
I don't think they're the virgins the terrorists expected to get after bombing belgium.
yes, yes, lets hack people living like its the stone age. How do you hack brick walls and dirt floors? Pro tip: You can't
Get em hacked!
>man climbs 80 ft / 25 m tree in seattle
>becomes king of tree
>police arrive
>treeking demands smokes
>police bring him smokes
>treeking smokes the smokes
>throws apples and sticks at people below
>ladderbro arrives to talk him down from a bigass ladder
>treeking fashions a wizard
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Anyone care to elaborate?
treeking, not the hero we asked for but the hero we needed
Haha, I saw this on facebook, I'd take a selfie with him! xD
Livestream is complaining hes not yelling loud enough, lulz.
Fucking scum bag Tony Cojocaru beats up a defenseless kid.
The video is on facebook but not sure how to link it on here.
He needs to be destroyed.
(fb slash) kevin.wise.7902/videos/249342385401608/
Choose one
someone mail him a pigs head
How about this?
i should have been in class 20 minutes ago
oh well guess i wont go
also hi badg
heyo cuties
How about this?
imma qt