To People who want to see Trump win.
Hilary has been further ahead then she should be. She uses really old irrelevant events of Trumps past to make him look sexist and racist. We know he isn't but no one else really cares. Hillary supporters believe that Trump supporters are a bunch of animals. Well I think that needs to change. To do this we will do one thing. We go on Twitter Facebook Etc and make fake accounts to spread the hashtag #DeathToTrumpSuppoters
Sounds dumb at first. However it's the kind of savagery we need to finally slander Hillary's name
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I don't understand how that's different from Hillary's actual supporters.
>Hillary supporters believe that Trump supporters are a bunch of animals.
na, we just know you're a bunch of idiots.
>To People who want to see Trump win.
>Hilary has been further ahead then she should be. She uses really old irrelevant events of Trumps past to make him look sexist and racist. We know he isn't but no one else really cares. Hillary supporters believe that Trump supporters are a bunch of animals. Well I think that needs to change. To do this we will do one thing. We go on Twitter Facebook Etc and make fake accounts to spread the hashtag #DeathToTrumpSuppoters
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Roll for waifu. No second try allowed.
It's Hunger Games time! It's a 48 game so submit your tributes!
ASCENDED joins the game
taking requests
Oni reporting in
I'll do one more draw
Overwatch Rule 34 thread bonus points for Tracer
You've got my bump
I just want some Mercy ass.
Would /b/ like a dump of my ginger wife?
Tons of pics and webm of her, make requests for more.
ass fucked pls
Right ot the point.
Anyone out there?
You've got five seconds to tell me why you're not voting for Donald Trump.
he grabs all the pussy and theres none left for us :(
What post No.707196774 said. Rich bastards be stealing the pussy
same reason i avoid stepping in shit
both candidates are shit
This is the only time in my entire life that I wish I was American. Voting for trump would be an honour
I will be here for an hour.
give her some d
Cock this mom
Her please
plz cock my gf OP
Best of /b/ thread.
but /b/ is only for hillaryfags/traplovers/footfetish/jewhaters/polfails/quintadubadub nig with his arms/fb fap/pic of girl say what do to her/same rekt webms from 1998/creepshots/gay stuff/bi stuff/loli shota etc
there is no best of.
there is only faggotry.
they aren't even replying to the chopped off toe pic.
worthless faggot go post your loli where you belong.
samefag tries to get people to think he's an oldfag
GenerousOP here leftover giveaway
some cuck is trying to steal my game lol1
"21 keys trips only" Kek leave steam id
Dubs = 1 key
Trips = 3 keys
Tripple me
What if i sent you nudes on kik?
They say 4 times the charm. . . .I hope. . .?
FB fap 3
just discovered this girl, hnnnnnnnnng.
more volleyball girls
i want more!
"The Great Loli Marathon of 2016"
lvl 43:
The Legend Continues....
Accidental duplicate threads were created last time around so....,
Continued from:
lvl 41/42 >>707189054
lvl 41/42 >>707189191
I want to have sex with Mari.
I went to sleep at 30 and am back now
Let's keep it going /b/ros
shieeeeet its marifag
so, how do you tell when a loli is into you?
With location and info options
Pic relate
Where and tits
6, toronto
Face and tits, first name
7 uk
spend well pupper
Spend well pupper.
spend well pupper
spend well pupper
spend well pupper
Zpends whll pooper
Celeb Thread Part 2
Are there Katy perry's nudes ?
Please /b/ros let me believe
Got 21 Steam Key's
Each Trips will get a free steam key
OP will deliver
post steamname / steamlink
Op will never deliver
Xx_PutinMcMemelord_xX Roll faggot
>op won't deliver
"Wake Up Becoming A Girl/Guy" thread, go! Femanons, your roll image is coming up in the next post...
What would you do in your final moments of masculinity/femininity? I'd probably fire up my camera and record the entire thing....while jacking off one last time, of course!
Shameless plug: >>707195456
Femanons, here is your roll image. Who/What would you fuck first? Your best friend/girlfriend, or the first random male/female you meet? Have fun, and please let us know how you would enjoy your new dick!
Shameless roll
Oh boy
Mom x Son thread
What he said x2
You Cringe You Lose thread
What is this?
This morning at about 7am, whilst still drunk from the night before, I decided to do something dumb. I went for a walk in town, found an area that was reasonably away from most people, I stripped off completely naked, put my clothes in a bag, and left them there, then ran around for a while, whilst running naked i turned a corner and a woman on her morning run saw me. She looked at me but kept on her run, she looked back a couple times, i stayed in sight of her for added fun of being caught. I don't know who she is, but now there is someone in my home town that has seen...
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holy. fuck.
No wonder cuck porn is a thing nowadays