Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
love it when she says "i want you want to cum in me<br>that shit was hot
my dick is ticking like a fucking time bomb! AHHHHGGEH789.54EHEKKJKJLEHEHEE i am gonna cum!
im gonna cum gold bricks
i love how she smiles after the cumshot what a qt
totally gonna need this porn
Dropbox links?
bitly cperwich
I have one but if i post it i will get banned
Well unless you post it we don't believe you
Do it faggot dubs commands
we will take the risk
damn... he's good.
fire up them loli folders
About time fam
Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:22:37 No.686039852▶>>686040365 >>686041559 >>686042583
Loli Thread. Post your favorite Loli pics.
Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:24:13...
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Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:22:37 No.686039852▶>>686040365 >>686041559 >>686042583
Loli Thread. Post your favorite Loli pics.
Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:24:13...
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Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:22:37 No.686039852▶>>686040365 >>686041559 >>686042583
Loli Thread. Post your favorite Loli pics.
Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)04:24:13...
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When I first started lurking /b/ about 8 years ago I could not get past page 1 without being close to death by laughter.
But now the most I can get is a few grins per night. I miss those days. I miss the old /b/. In my opinion, the following needs to end:
>waifu claiming
>dubs names/gets/etc...
>unfunny ylyl
>Cuck shit
>fb fap
>waifu claiming
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Wow, I go back to front page and the first thing I see is waifu claiming cunt shit
I'm a good puppy girl!!
Yes you are...
oh shit waddup
Seriously with this fucking shit again lol.
Canberra is a hole and go do something with your life
can you bend over in your panties and look back at the camera? that would be a very nice little puppy
Are those napkins stapled onto the fucking wall?
I'm in the mood for soup and pussy.
Save me from this evil!
A man rolls
pls ygritte
Roll for a wench who can fight
Roll for a fap, faggots (Porn edition)
Roly poly oly
ITT: We are all samefags
all samefag
Literally all samefags
Bubble porn thread ?
I'll take some requests
anyone ?
Can you do her?
for sure, give me a minute
Or thos one dude, please
You're doing gods work OP
>ITT: We're in class
Does anyone have last night's homework?
I call dibs on fuckinh Samantha, m8
Did you do the study guide?
Yea right here school was a waste of time thanks for teaching me that 14 years of my life was all for a paper that says I did it
No she's mine
Shut the fuck up Lyle. Nobody gives a fuck about the homework. Don't you have a Japanese cartoon to go whack it to or something?
From Chad
Lets do this!
lucky bastard
Whoo! Historical area!
How many of you are going to go see the new Ghostbusters just because it's Ghostbusters?
Only you and your sad fucking thread
Litterly no one kid...
This sums it up pretty well
Not me. The only reason why they are remaking it is to put some dumb feminist cunts in place.
Sad attempt to make money off a great franchise.
Fuck this cancer
im bored /b/, what would you do to me?
make you watch me play solitaire
timestamp bitch
I'll help you shop for furniture
you gonna buy it too?
Show you my pokemon card collection
celeb bread
wicked fantasies and fav pics
>sky's pussy
Where my Skybro at?
Moar Kendall
Will dump nudes if interest is shown.
OBVIOUSLY interested fag. DUMP EM
Yes please
What if no interest is shown?
praying to god you have more of them from halloweens or with their hair down anon?
more pics generate bumps anyways.
Worst thing you ever did to ur Ex girlfriend
I ended our relation
Hit her
I put sugar in my ex girlfriends gas tank
Put her info on 4chan and craigslist... email, phone #, address etc. Heard she was getting flowers from some dudes trying to romance here.
I laughed hard. She was a fucking bitch,.
Trust her
Pic related
I'm wicked smart and fascinated by geopolitics, nature, biology and my field of psychology as well as really anything that's fun to think about. Talk to me about anything.
Find aggot
People who call themselves wicked smart usually aren't as smart as they think they are
Whats up with the picture?
>I'm wicked smart
Sure, anon. Sure.
m'boy wik'd smaht
link for daisy's destruction if get trips
no u wont
sauce of OP pic
Need trips
If somebody rolls quads here I will drive to an empty field and have sex with an ant hill and stream it live on Chaturbate
fuck it im bored