Waifu claiming thread.
Apple edition
Previous: >>692944498
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
you know who i am
>early bake
That was a whole shift...it did not feel like one.
facebook fap
Which one of these two sisters?
fb /sara.l.neal
Non-Porn Webms
Happy 4th of July Everyone
I hear it's a mexican delish, just like this one
You know the drill. Dubs decides
You are a faggot
You already fucked up by allowing the English autocorrect
You fucking slut
clothed/unclothed thread
Please let there be 100's moar
Is there any more?
see link
Im back.
All knight of the southern cross decked in white welcome.
Is it fucking you again
> still not getting the argument (admittidely there are better versions than OP's but the point stands)
> still talking like a retard
>Is it fucking you again
First time I posted it.
The girl on the left of what I posted is mixed race and viable. Same species. But if you want to go further. Girl on left would have human/denisovan/neanderthal hybrid heritage and woman on left would have human/neanderthal hybrid heritage. Big deal. They're both hybrids.
>>692937317 skull structure completely different, ankle structure completely different, skin pigmentation completely different, pheromone composition completely different ( this is why black women smell like shit to you ... fyi) brain completely different... science has been corrupted by apologetic white guilt libtards that think we are the same species.... WE ARE NOT! they are animals.... if they are free to walk among us why not give that gorilla in the SF zoo that knows sign language a fucking drivers license and SS# and let...
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r34 thread
celeb fap bread
porn webm
oo baby
mfw i kept fapping
Derail this shit
Pics you said were for you, but wanted to share with the world
She's cute
My fiancée
Reply or else
hustle well, sweetheart
Here we go again
nude with bride dress
Ff with face
cum on face with wedding dress
Since steam sale is ending today i wanted to know your must have games.
Bonus points for <10$
pic unrelated
shameless selfbump
there is nothing worthwhile on steam sales anymore.
Must have games.... Any of the Retro Final Fantasy games such like 3,4,5,6,7,8, 13,13 2, Lightning Returns 13, Rivals of Aether, Ys series, Electronic Super Joy and Hunipop, Enviromental Station Alpha, Lili Child of Geos
If you can manage $2.50 extra you can snag up a $12.49 of Dragonball Xenoverse
already got that
also checked
shes already dead nigger
Fuck your posts OP
I've never replied to one of these and she is still alive. Lord Kek protects me from your evil magic.
Commit suicide, please.
frigg off
Deutscher Faden
Wie gehts?
Was gibt es zum Mittagessen?
Wie würdet ihr eure Kinder nennen?
Wie lange seit ihr am Tag hier?
Wie viele Schuhe habt ihr?
>Wie gehts?
>Was gibt es zum Mittagessen?
>Wie würdet ihr eure Kinder nennen?
Weiß nicht. Nicht Kevin oder so.
>Wie lange seit ihr am Tag hier?
Zu lange. 2-3h vielleicht.
>Wie viele Schuhe habt ihr?
2 Sneakers, 1 Halbschuhe, 2 Joggingschuhe, 1 Fahrradschuhe (Klickpedale, ziemlich eingestaubt), 1 Gummistiefel
Wie würdet ihr eure Kinder nennen?
Anton oder Lisa
>Wie würdet ihr eure Kinder nennen?
Rooooooooooobert oder Adolf
Ficken, heiraten, töten?
Traps/shemales/crossdresser/mental- illness
Post whatever floats your boat. Lets give it a shot
>tfw you want to be a crossdresser/sissy, but you have a very manly body
100% fuckable if you ask me
Femanon here. Would you marry a girl who had a black ex?
no ,just like i wouldn't marry a girl who has had sex with a canine
>Would you marry a girl who had a black ex?
one of the girls ive fucked had previously fucked a black guy on a trip to america. She was 13 and a huge slut when she did it, and he was 20. I didnt care at all, i thought it was hot.
would never date her tho, or any girl who fucked a black guy. Fuck them? any day of the week
Yes because I have no Social Darwinist prejudices
i'd be ok with a girl that fucks dogs... but a girl that fucks niggers?
fuck no bro, you gotta have some basic decency.
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>692940703
>Claim your Waifu
>No Claiming Waifus that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
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Challenge completed. You fags best be grateful.
Shiro u need to let me bake
you know the drill.
I'm jewish
I dont eat pork