Waifu claiming thread
The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to an absolute minimum
>Naps are NOT a good idea.
>Post fitting, no over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!
Best Demigod Claimed
Friendly reminder that Chen is the most hated guy on /waifu/.
i like chen
He posts with an image.
kagami claimed
im fine lol, thank you for your concern though, i really don't see why people think you're a jerk....
i don't think that's right
Again? Didn't know you were before?
But that sucks. Weren't you saying that same number earlier?
Roll em
Trips trips trips trips
1,5 or 7!
Roll trips and I'll chop it
Rolling for autism
op will not deliver, op is faggot
Timestamp or gtfo
Goodnight sweet prince
He was a lord you faggot
He literally just existed for people to hate so the fans would feel good when he died
That's not good writing
>He was a lord.
someone went from 0 to salty in record time jesus christ
Oh for fuck sake.
Then how come at a viewing party we have for GoT, a bunch of people there thought it sucked that he died?
Ramsay was a fucking boss.
New asian bread
yes please
Why do Americans want guns so badly when they are literally killing machines?
Because they want to be killing people, not machines.
Already have one. I got it for the impending muslim invasion. You eurocuck will understand once it's already too late.
paid shill thread
The only person who is truely responsible for your own safety is you
Sup fags richfag here
Post with no replies gets $500
No money for anyone. Traps fags hitler potato
Ahahaha look at me lol, I'm trolling XD
celebs youd fuck
Even more now that she's dead
ITT Medieval Times
Singles = Peasant
Dubs = Knight
Trips = Lord
Quads = King
Quints = Emperor
Sexts = God
the singles comment with the most replies is the village idiot of the thread
Joules: Imma get medieval on yo azz
Rolling for lordship
This post not ends in dubs. Also rolling for this Jailfu Thread
rollin for one of the ones that you can see the crazy in their eyes.
Rolling 4 tha win!
because no one else has done it yet
I think that's every bottoms' fantasy.
As a switch, I'll take either that happening to me or me doing it to my bf.
Think I'll post scalies today.
anyone have any smooth .gif ?
ITT: anons say how they would fuck your wife/gf
general cuck thread
i'll start: here's my gf
and here's her from the back
Legs over my shoulders while I slam her cervix so hard she is screaming for me to stop before I cum so deep inside her when she's not on the pill
yea, sure it is
you don't believe me?
any ideas on my daughter?
what should I vote fags
out you cuck
Vote out mate, go on /Pol/ they'll red-pill you and explain why.
if you CBA, just vote Leave.
brexit will be economically devistating. vote against it
odds - get shot
evens - slip away
dubs - smoke grenade, next 5 anons safe
trips - sniper ricochets off the helmet of the anon, poster above drops dead, bypasses smoke grenade
quad - take a shot at sniper
odd quads - hit spotter
even quads - hit sniper and win
quints - martyr anon that takes last bullet sniper have.
Whats the behind the tre....
Kill me nigger
reeeeeeeee sniper get out
nigga run there's smoke
try it you commie fuck
Waifu claiming thread
The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to an absolute minimum
>Naps are NOT a good idea.
>Post fitting, no over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!
Tristana Claimed
Alls my life I has to fight, nigga.
I just made one too. Refreshed and saw yours.
Let's get rollin', bitchez
Rollerini spaghettini
Blind roll
If doubles, next get is triples
druid roll
Hey /b
Post the first photo you find.
so basically if the ugly people losers couldnt hurt the attrative loser people and popular people the ugly way the ugly people will be worthless and ugly like the ugly hippo loser women n the ugly guys losers
and the ugly people losers are just ugly and just bother you like the ugly guys losers or the ugly hippo loser women that smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly and lame and ugly
and the ugly people losers hurt the popular people the ugly way and doesnt say anything cause the ugly people losers...
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Ummm, yes please
No cute girl thread? Well now there is!
I'll start it out with some OC.
By cute did you mean landwhale? Or did you just choose the wrong photo?
Dang she a cute
Bruh careful with that.
Lotion stings your eyes, dawg!
This is fairly ambiguous.
Is he using the lotion to ejaculate on her or is he simply throwing the lotion at her?
A teapot with a miniature fedora