soccer moms
the op of this thread
Old people
FB Fap Thread
Forgot about this friend, showed up in my feed today. She got hot. I should message her.
please tell me you have more?
my fav
clothed big tits thread
Alright lasy thread didn't work because you autists refused to use connecting words like "To", "the", "and", etc
ITT we write apology letter to Leslie Jones one SENTENCE at a time and mail it to her when the thread reaches 300 replies
>This is gonna be a long letter
Dear Leslie Jones:
Sorry that anons on twitter
e-raped yo fatass
But let us not forget that you are a nigger
Did I mention that you're black?
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Get out the pitchforks.
Awwwww. I won't track in mud this time
What are you up to?
Just chilling, watching tv.
I'm gonna claim this qt here
Heya fran! Whats good in the hood of my favortire scientist??
Whoever did that cat girl one is awesome
YLYL thread. Only the very best /b/.
Why aren't you playing League of Legends?
Cause I respect myself
no you don't slut
It's a mongoloid magnet
>wanders on 4chan
>respects himself
>as if
still checked
Accidental / voyeur / creep
Draw Thread: Rare EHG Edition
Can I save this rare EHG?
>shitty thread kek
Smug-san, I wanna butt touchs with your firm butt.
If you're taking requests:
Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.
With you in it.
Requests and stuff?
No, it's mine.
Good old YLYL thread. No bananas
Deutscher Faden am Nachmittag
Wie geht es euch auf einer Skale von 1-10?
Was gab es heute zu essen?
Wird Boxxer jetzt ein Normie?
Weltfrieden oder Weltkrieg?
Wer soll neuer Bundespräsident werden?
>Wie geht es euch auf einer Skale von 1-10?
so 3
>Was gab es heute zu essen?
>Wird Boxxer jetzt ein Normie?
Mir Scheissegal, hauptsache er wird irgendwas
>Weltfrieden oder Weltkrieg?
Bin mitlerweile für Krieg, dass nimmt sonst kein Ende mehr.
>Wer soll neuer Bundespräsident werden?
>Wie geht es euch auf einer Skale von 1-10?
8/10, ist so verdammt heiß
>Was gab es heute zu essen?
pizza (selbst gemacht)
>Wird Boxxer jetzt ein Normie?
ne ich hoffe der ist tot
>Weltfrieden oder Weltkrieg?
weltfrieden nach krieg gegen muslime
>Wer soll neuer Bundespräsident werden?
ist egal, der hat eh nichts zu sagen
how does it feel to have your country raped by muslims? And having your political elite hate the german people and them wanting the german people to "die" out?
>Wie geht es euch auf einer Skale von 1-10?
>Was gab es heute zu essen?
ich kann so früh nach dem aufstehen noch nix essen
>Wird Boxxer jetzt ein Normie?
steht ihr so auf den typen, dass ihr dauernd von ihm labern müsst?
>Weltfrieden oder Weltkrieg?
Wunsch: ersteres. baldige Realität: letzteres. ohne muslime wären wir heute schon ganz woanders, was den sozialen, moralischen...
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its all your fault, fuckin murican jewlovers...
The RNC sinks to a new low.
Gov Chris Christy took it upon himself to play judge, and jury with lies and rhetoric against Hillary Clinton. Calling her out on a bunch of made up lies, and not even having the balls to do it in a debate style format where she can defend his baseless accusations.
Holy fuck, republicans have hit a new low, just when you thought that they couldn't get any worse.
and you make this post on 4chan, when you think republicans have hit a new low? get off my site
Been two days and I haven't heard anything but Hillary bashing. Would be nice to know what they plan to do if they actually win.
They literally don't have a single rational item. I say rational because "hurr build a wall" is far from rational. Trump, the GOP, and their supporters are so stupid that they could probably be legally retarded.
>ITT: WE WAIT FOR >>695555555
In the mean time...we roll
Post your GF/Wife.. Rate and comments
Brazilian 21 yo
Any pussy/asshole pic?
Living in Asia and Europe. Have an army of women I bang regularly. Tell me what to message them.
Old thread 404ed
so you are in HK and Tokyo mostly, right?
do you speak chinese or japanese?
what nationality are you?
what job do you do there?Does it give oyu access to wide native social circles?
I was in Japan last year and have similar expiernces form just randomly appraoching girls on the street. Unfortunately the langauge barrier is quite high.
Well I'm mostly in Europe lately. I can speak English, Spanish, and Chinese.
I'm a programmer by trade.
Women are easy, just put yourself into situations to meet them. Business networking events, clubs, walking around, referrals...
Shit. Missed the previous thread. Pls post someofthebest again
can you post full pics they sent you, here?
I laugh imagining some chick OP fucked a few months ago is getting a message from him while he's halfway across the world asking them weird shit. Enjoying pics too.
OP, when do you stop and then talking to them? How long do you go between messaging them?
Send one pic related and ask what they think
Shitty oc i made. Also, did that one go to bed?
fb fap thread 2
Girl from church
Steam Giveaway Game!
OK im back if anyone remembers(pic related). other thread i posted earlier died so heres a new one. ill be giving out 5 20$- game of your choice to 5 lucky winners just follow the rules and play the game.
Post pic that fits the category i ask for..Roll dubs with pic and u instantly get a game
-post your steam ID together with your roll
-you can reroll as many times as you want
-no repost of pics
-if you rolled dubs but pic posted doesnt fit the category then your roll becomes invalid
CATEGORY: Nude, Glasses,
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Glad to see that you're back once again OP, I'm the anon who tried to save your earlier thread (yes I did not suceed)
I'll just start rolling and will add the required picture in the next rolls
Can I post cute cat pictures instead...?
yeah i saw the thread just before it died..
are you the same guy from before... no you cant sorry
ITT post the worst thing you've experienced
Getting shot. It's not like the movies where you fall over and lay there. You roll around in agony in a pool of your own blood while a searing hot piece of metal is ripping up your insides. Not to mention getting picked up is pretty painful and being wheeled into an all white room and getting preped to cut open is terrifying.
How did it happen?
I used to be a security guard. Niggers happened. I killed one of the other guys though.
Unlucky man, thats really shitty.
How did it feel as it happened though, alot of people say its like a hot white pop that feels like its ripping a hole in you, but like give us an in depth explanation, im curious
Like getting hit really hard with an intense burning ache and then pure hell.
Time for a GTA IV Cover Montage thread, we certainly didn't have enough of these yet!
Post your pics, dubs win the spot. 00 may choose which spot it takes. (Either you always post what spot you want in CASE you get 00, or the one to first reply a spot to the post decides, even if it's not the original poster)
New celeb thread /b/ros
Anyone wants to fap to celebs on kik?
So who wants to fuck these thighs?