What porn star have you jerked it to the most?
yer mum, OP
OP here. I was just gonna follow up with Gauge haha.
Share 'em!
My secret?
I actually save the full picture instead of the thumbnail
I am hooked on 4chan.
4chan is hurting. I'm trying to keep it running a bit longer.
I'm leaving my mom' s house at 26 years old to start a brand new high paying job. I just put a down payment on a house.
I'm actually scared about it. I've moved out before and it has never been a big deal - army, college, whatever. But something is different about this time. I think it's for good and I already miss my mom / my town.
I suck cocks secretly behind my wife's back.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Took you three minutes, you're slipping.
I ate a mexicana pizza that murdered my insides several times and made me take a flaming shit.
Same, I feel you. I got to study for a philosophy test on Thursday.
No idea, honestly. Never followed this stuff. We haven't had a president in about 3 years.
What'd you get from the store?
How has Sunday been treating you all so far?
SCP thread
The last three numbers of your post are the number of the SCP you have to face
How fucked are you?
send link template, fag
also roll
Ok so i have to face some tough plant which can create carnivourus slime bubbles. It is vulnerable to fire tho so i should use a zippo if i have one with me.
>sheet music
Not really
This. Also roll
Wir geben niemals auf!
1. Warum so faul?
2. Warum oft so niedrige bump-Freuquenz?
3. Seid ihr gut drauf 1-10?
4. Mögt ihr eure Mitmenschen?
Reportiere ein.
>1. Warum so faul?
Genetische Veranlagung? Wer weiß.
>2. Warum oft so niedrige bump-Freuquenz?
Sonntag, morgen müssen die Normies arbeiten.
Außerdem hat Boxxer einige vergrault.
>3. Seid ihr gut drauf 1-10?
>4. Mögt ihr eure Mitmenschen?
Einige mehr, andere weniger
Deus Vult!
>1. Warum so faul?
Is halt so
>2. Warum oft so niedrige bump-Freuquenz?
siehe 1. aber das muss besser werden!
>3. Seid ihr gut drauf 1-10?
>4. Mögt ihr eure Mitmenschen?
New FB FAP Thread!!
got plenty of her
I bet she spends a lot of time on her knees
any redhead fans here?
Paying the $150 and legally changing my name tomorrow.
Trips decides what I change my name to. Will deliver.
inb4 this thread becomes LittlePol
Well he's baiting hard
Roll for Max Power
Elver Galarga.
New feet thread!
Some porn idk
Join in here
Gay porn
Booty is quite patrician
The last 3 digits of your roll between 1 and 721 is your pokemon sex slave for life. If it's over 721, either subtract 721 or divide by 2. Post a pic of your new pokewife.
I'll start it off with a few rolls/pics
let it roll
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
TECH SUPPORT and shitposting at #/b/drawthread on rizon.net
https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=/ b/drawthread&uio=d4
DRAWFAG LIST, events, resources, faq, and more:
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Could I requesting Marshall from Animal Crossing hugging a guy and saying: "everything will be fine." ?
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
Why so many people don't draw noses?
requesting pinesol-tan
Chubby beauties. Post them here.
i really dig the right girl got more? round and brown is my thing pham
more please, need chubby black girls please
Pics you shouldn't share. Ex edition.
fucking great nips keep posting
very interested... more?
goddamn where she from
hows her pussy and ass
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
Has she done the tracer cosplay yet?
Hope is fading
I think it will be tomorrow
Celeb threat!
How did Hillary and the DNC get away with rigging the primary? We have so much evidence that they fucked Bernie over and everyone is just saying oh well?
The entire system is so corrupt...
I'd rather deal with that after we make sure trump doesn't get elected.
Fuck Bernie. He never had a chance and his followers were naive shit lords.
fuck off tim kaine
Kek I'm not one of those fags who accuse everyone of being shills, but this looks like exactly what CTR would say tbh fam.
Kek ohpee you got me, ur a cheeky cunt m8, ill give ya that
Can we have a feels thread?
I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.
>Be me
>20 yo male
> Im gay
meta level feels
Did you make big cums to your penis?
What is /b/'s personality?
INT-J Reporting in
the faggot
intp here
these things are fucking stupid, you can't categorize human nature so easily...
>you can't categorize human nature so easily...
cryptomarxist detected
Cuckold stories?
Soo ill start!
>i am with mine GF for like 4 years, tried almost all fetishes including peeing, strap ons, SM etc.
>I was jokeing about "hey maybe lets try triangle or ill share you with someone"
>she agrees
>was looking for someone to do it
>Mine friend agrees so they meet
> she sends me vids and photos so i can ejrk
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you're a sad cuck but go ahead and post more pics she's hot
Just watched my gf fuck a random dude for the first time two days ago. It was a rush seeing him be so rough with her!
Damn. I'd let her peg my ass.
its so much hardcock makeing when they threat our GFs like bitches!!!
i really cant understand this fetish, unless its about humilating yourself