Fb fap thread 3
Question /b/,
>be me at work today
>attractive younger femanon colleague and me start the flirty banter again
>she's only been with us for a few months now but there was something from day one and we've been doing it since day one
>however, since she only just had a new boyfriend I never thought more of it then just fun and games (would though)
>but then, today, she suddenly grabs my ass
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no, your just better than most at life
Super faggot for sure... kys
more willpower than I, bro. but it does make you a fag, yes.
You're gay also, you should fuck op..
>pic related OP
Hello, /b/, I am Satan. Feel free to ask me anything.
How's middle school going
can you speak every language known to man?
fuck off
Ted Cruz?
Why don't you just kill everyone and destroy the universe and god?
Draw thread
great job you broke the thread
Ey hombre I'm a third worlder could you send me a gaming PC
Could someone make a gondola for me? I'm having a shittier then usual day.
How old is she,/b/?
Old enough.
kill yourself?
yup.you can bet your ass i jacked off with that.
Either fat loli or too old
New loli thread
other two threads are
Spread loli across all of them
cof cof, bump
>Yes /b/ros it's time once again to ask MR. SATAN anything
Will I Fuck Emma Watson?
Do you love god?
Does she like me?
Will I live a long and prosper life
Why do you do the things you do, even though you know you gonna go to hell. I mean do you really think you can mess with God?
Steam giveaway thread.
post your ids.
trips will get a game.
non-porn webms
Question on the side: How long does it take before I get a skin for my AK-47 and M4 in CS GO?
If you buy it, whenever. If you mean as a drop? Months of playing regularly. From a case? If you open every case you get probably a month or so.
if dubs no fap for a year
if trips no fap for 5 years
if quads banned from fap and 4chan for life
Check my singles
Ain't even scared
dubs get
I summon singles!
Will fap regardless
Waifu claiming thread
>Post pics
Waifuless anon is spoopy but sweet <3
Azusa claimed.
I know... It doesn't feel right. She sleeps with Yui, too. AzuNyan is just my girl... She's my thing.
I had Mugi-Chan as my waifu but the guy who likes Mugi in these threads stole her from me... He was more persistent in the waifu threads than I was.
You know, not dying would be pretty cool.
I'll be back in 20 minutes.
now to ruin this one the one after the last one ever
anyone want to see my GF's pics on join.me or gotomeeting and let me watch you jerk to her? email me [email protected]
she's hot man please continue
I need to get laid
fuckable fat chick?
Of course
Do not fuck fat people, huge mistake.
>fat chick
Pick one
dude have some self respect
fat people are lowest of the low
More of her please
FB Fap Thread 2
was posted in last thread, anyone got more of this babe?
Moar !
You know you want it.
Rekt thread?
Jay.xxvi kik me
Does this 8-ball says the truth ?
If Yes, shall I text her ?
Should I kill myself right now?
Bonus 2?
She have hare certificate of baptism (or some shit) on her wall so it was kinda easy.
What should we do /b/?
Wtf? I can't belive she was that stupid...
Yeah, she was.
How old is she?
In today's news:bitches are stupid
Tune in at 11 for the full story.
Ask for noodz