fat h8- this one's for you ;) my nubian friend
How do fat people dry off after a shower
I absolutely love riddles
Shii you want a pic of mah junk and shii. You gay af.
In this thread we post God Tier Anime only.
Lupin is the reason why Bebop exists.
In fact Lupin is just GOAT.
Lupin is good, it truly is, and nobody is denying that.
I'm just gonna keep praising Lupin. don't mind me.
by the way, it's pronouced Lu-pan, not Loopin, fucking casuals.
FB thread
Time for an art thread /b/.
Post your favorite works of art from any medium.
bored and want to practice Xrays anyone have request?
yeah can u ex ray this plz
yes let me get started
how about this?
quality too shitty
Roll and post moar
Sluts you know
>Sluts you know
Melissa chhem dul
Why the fuck are so many of you racist? There's fucking nothing wrong with being black or Spanish or anything. When you call someone a nigger, do you think you're cool or some shit? Racism is unjustified and just straight up stupid. Why can't you accept that someone's black or muslim? Why do you have to insult them? Why do you base racism on stereotypes? Not all black people are ghetto thugs, and not all Muslims are terrorists with goat wives. You people need to stop with your fucking unnecessary racism. It doesn't matter whether someone has a different
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I agree with you in theory, but I think just the way you talk means you deserve the beating you're about to receive.
I'm just mad that people have to be cunts about it.
hurr durr people are mean and say mean things durrr
racism exists, against white people, moreso than anyone else.
do some research and gain some actual real life experience rather than believing bullshit you read on the internet faggot.
p.s calling someone a nigger is calling them ignorant, stop trying to change its meaning you worthless fuckstick.
revisionist peace of shite yo
Shut the fuck up you fucking racist cunt. Saying nigger is not calling someone ignorant. Take you're fucking trailer park white trash ass back to your mall crawler jeep and go get some moonshine from your retarded friends you fucking hick.
You lost your virginity to your last 2 digits.
r o l l
Gime the goods b0ss
Would put my hard cock in her that I've been edging for an hour
wow beautiful thing
she would be a great little sex toy for me and my friends
she would be deep kissed long and slopy and than given a nice tounge bath
Fictional characters that have made you cum
OP don't go near my children
OP's girlfriend
Y'all never seen super?
Fuck you, some of my best friends are fictional.
Nothing is wrong with that, dipshit. Post 'em
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Posting in this one as the backup I guess
So are we claiming in this thread, the fake thread or neither?
This one
>im clean
well yeah... whatcha ya think was gunna happen?
What's up, any requests?
It is quite dark in this corner
Requesting Julie in a dom outfit
h/fur thread
texas thread
get the fuck in here
the fuck is this? meetups? post texas girl nudes?
Go to bed faggot
Deutschlandfaden Amazon Cyber Monday Edition
Früh am Morgen, aber "wir schaffen das!"
1) Kommerz oder sparsam?
2) Weihnachtsmarktfan?
3) Was ist dir wichtig im Leben?
4) Haus, Frau, Kind?
5) Titten oder Arsch (belege deine Wahl mit einem Bild)
PS4 Bundles (da hat ein Anon nach gefragt)
https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=as_li_s s_tl?fst=as:off&rh=n:300992,p_6:A3J WKAKR8XB7XF&bbn=300992&hidden-keywo rds=B01M1C1L8U%7CB01MSK8975&suppres s-ve=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1479770872&rnid= 367790011&smid=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&pf_rd
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Kiki da?
das ist mal ein schicker arsch
Rekt thread
When your mom throws her sandal and it hits you dead in the back of your head
/r/aww in a nutshell
Fukin rekt a wall m8
/b/, can you solve this logic problem?
I can't solve the last one tb.h
Who's your daddy?
Then take the door on the left.
What's 2+2, one bird will say 5 and it's a liar
Fucking easy faggot
>implying you can choose the right door after that
What, are you a pk or something?
How is that helps you finding the right door you retardo?
You can ask each bird a question? If the first says 5 the other is gonna say the right one
Low energy cuck
Why are most atheists insufferable pseudo-intellectuals? I've met a few rational ones that are cool about it, but a vast majority are literal fedoras.
Hey asshole my ass is flapping the breeze here. Do you seriously think I should do this. Do you need your head examined?
You're such a prick you know that. Are you really going to sit here and say that this isn't a blatent abuse of the privilege when they pull this bullshit. I literally don't want to call them right now.
You can do anything. You can do cs you can do law boy you can sure lay it on thick but when it comes down to it you're be a fucking loosed.
get acquainted with psychology. otherwise fuck off.
I forgot /b/ was a hotspot for high school level "freethinkers" that rationalize being edgy losers by simply being too intellectual for interaction with others.
Pic related? Cuz you look like an asshole yourself.
New secrets/confessions thread anons!
carfinger momfriend
I once started masturbating while my step-father was asleep in the chair next to me. Got "Jerky" as a nickname for about six or seven years now over it.
I'm married but I met a 19yo cutie on Omegle who likes me to be her daddy and care for her and fuck her little holes. She plays little little.
She also loves to eat her own juices for me. And she likes loli too.
I feel a little guilty but it's so fun.
In the morning after my girlfriend goes to work, I'm packing my bags and leaving to go and stay with a girl 9 years younger than her that wants my dick. Tried to break up with current girlfriend and she turned suicidal but I can't be with her anymore without going insane.