New Thread
Pt. 7
Singles = Nothing
0 = 4 Squares
Dubs = 5 Squares
Trips = 25 Squares
Quads = 45 Squares
Pents = Auto Win
Red army on spics
russians to fats
treefuck for the win on commies
HiroMoot is going to make some changes to 4chan. What should he do?
2 nukes should do the trick
Delete porn boards
Delete s4s
Remove /gif/ and /f/ for starters. Takes up quite a bit. Along with the ones almost nobody uses. (/3/, /po/ (not /pol/, /po/), so on.)
Agreed. A board dedicated to shitposting sounds pretty redundant... Unless that's what's keeping the massive amounts of autism at bay.
cuck thread
post your cuck stories or photos
what would you do to my girl in detail
Fuck off keep it in the thread you already posted in
Here's my gf then, name is Alex and I want to get cycled by her very badly
I'd push down on her shoulders, get her on her knees and stuff my solid cock into her little mouth. As she resists I grab a clump of her hair and pull her into me. She chokes and gags as my cock slides down her throat. As she pushes against me I rock her back and forth milking my cock. Her little cunt gets moist as shes used and spit flows off her chin and onto her boobs.
return of the chubby tread
fat / whale / curvy / thick only
continued from just before
anymore of this one?
need more of her
Family Fap Thread. Post your hot relative(s) you want to fuck.
>already did
damn nice
my stepsister
Fuck /b/ i fucked up, they're looking for her, what do I do
kill yourself
You will be found. Take lots of drugs and hope you don't wake up.
ummm... let her go home?
Weather OP j/k or not
I hope he inspects from
a visit of the
police even if hes j/k
Kidnap a black girl, bleach her skin, and tell them that's Tabitha. Blacks don't give a shit about their own, so there won't be anyone putting the heat on to find the monkey.
But in all honesty, if you're the one that grabbed that little girl up.. set her free, and kill yourself immediately.
You fucking piece of shit.
Professional photoshopper here. Send me your pictures and I'll make fake nudes or bubbles
Deutscher Faden
Was geht?
Feiert ihr den Tag der Deutschen Einheit?
Was verdient ihr im Monat?
Was schaut ihr für Serien zurzeit?
Wann zum ersten mal gefickt?
Schade, ich wollt gerade nen Fotzen Faden aufmachen :(
>Was geht?
Alles was Beine hat, haha ich bin witzig
>Feiert ihr den Tag der Deutschen Einheit?
>Was verdient ihr im Monat?
ganze 0€
>Was schaut ihr für Serien zurzeit?
Mr. Robot obwohl es absoluter Schwachsinn ist
>Was geht?
nicht viel.
>Feiert ihr den Tag der Deutschen Einheit?
>Was verdient ihr im Monat?
>Was schaut ihr für Serien zurzeit?
schaue eigentlich gar keine mehr. lass nebenbei irgendwas von netflix laufen.
>Wann zum ersten mal gefickt?
in ein, zwei jahren vielleicht.
was soll dieses fotzen-faden meme eigentlich?
>Was geht?
>Feiert ihr den Tag der Deutschen Einheit?
>Was verdient ihr im Monat?
So um die 5 Millionen + Zinsen
>Was schaut ihr für Serien zurzeit?
Eigentlich nur Kinderserien. Meine Eltern achten auf altersgerechtes Fernsehprogramm
>Wann zum ersten mal gefickt?
Haha, das soll wohl ein Witz sein
Things you will never tell your gf
>be 10
>field trip with class
>share a bedroom with two friends
>first night
>we show each others dicks like kids do sometimes
>mine started developing while theirs are still tiny
>they laugh at my "gross" adult penis
>we turn the lights off and go to bed
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
are you ok? do you need help?
>be 7
>school day
>free class because teacher is lazy as fuck
>playing truth or dare
>i get dared by (let's call him G) to have sex with... Let's call her D
>we both refuse because 7
>G gives me a second option
>either come to school naked or fuck D.
>eventually decide to fuck D in an...
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
and why wouldn't you say that to your gf, it's pretty harmless, all kids do shit like this
Lets get to know each other better shall we?
>Current time in your country
>Favourite music
>What you're drinking now
>What you're smoking now
>tea (fuckyou)
>Kent cigarettes
3:43 pm
Alcohol (cheap beers and gin)
Tobacco (99% blond)
autechre? Post some
Thai stick
Alright /b/, I have some time of my hands for a game of color wars!
The only rules are that there is no roll limit.
Singles = Nothing
0 = 4 Squares
Dubs = 5 Squares
Trips = 25 Squares
Quads = 45 Squares
Pents = Auto Win
If you represent a fraction, and don't specify where you want to go, the squares will be evenly spread.
Thread #6
Fat pride!
Fats kill spics
spics kill the fat menace
Spics take out commies
Commies attack treefuckers
Give me the dumpy one - I like my sex slippery and smelly
Pics you said you wouldnt share or saved from other anons and want more of
Hey thats pretty good
Current gf, thoughts? Rate? Interest?
Friendly reminder that Sonic porn can occasionly be good
i fucking hate you guys
The one and only reason I'll be saving these if for the future evolution of humankind.
Why there ain't no creepthread?
I don't think anyone wants to be part of this now, but thanks for the bump.
Fuck everyone else. That body is bangin,
I'll do ones I've already posted. Looks like you haven't seen them yet!
>All these dubs though
Real 10/10 thread
Post your 10/10
You have shit taste
0/10 no cock. This is 4chan 2016. Where have you been?
you have nonexistent taste faggot
7/10 elf ears
> hurr durr look at body move without head hurr gather rond record in cellphone.
>White people
>>>706275761 (OP)
>>White people
I mean, I've killed a buck by slicing its throat, but I didn't smile or record it, that's just pretty messed up
I wish I exploded now
Lucky faggots
Muslim here.
Give us one good reason not to behead every single one of you infidels for Allah's pleasure.
>protip: you can't
We are here.
We are Muslim
Islam will dominate.
How do i join isis
Do isis fighters get paid?
Holy shit look at the time!
>Insert watch with crusade written all over it
We will kill you all you apes, in the name of Jesus
Yeah, I think I wanna be a muslim now. I tried bein' gay and I tried bein' a woman while that was still considered "counter culture". Guess it's time to give Radical Islam! it's day in court.
Because Allah doesn't exist.
Go to Syria.
Yes, they get a salary.
It is the greatest life a man can live.
Cock tribute thread.
Someone's gotta tribute this little slut
Celebrity wife/slut thread
first to roll!