What would you do with a million dollars?
buy 4chan and shut it down forever
be free
Range Rover
Get Fat
Buy a $250K house outright.
Buy a 1978 Corvette and a 2017 Corvette
Invest the rest
Pay my debts
Buy a nice car
Pay debts from close family members
Keep the rest for my time as a grandpa
here in germany ?
let me think
>but as much land as i can with 1m dollaris.
>try to have as much woods on it as possible.
>get even more rich, because wood is a fucking moneymachine over here.
now you murricans know how to get rich in fagermany, because wo do not have a country called canada nearby that is purly MADE of freaking trees and NOTHING ELSE.
how do we become richfags?
troll ideas welcome
step one, fuck bitches
step two, get money
1. Suck dick
2. Get money
3. ???
4. Profit
Mine btc on your phone
Write books on how to get rich
How the fuck do you do that?
Post a pic related to how you feel.
I am very buttmad. But I have no pic for it, so this will have to do.
Celeb Fap thread.
Nostalgic faps welcome. Doesn't have to be modern shit.
<--- For example
No preference, really
Dubs names Pidgeotto.
>rolls for Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot ignored
>welcome back, Hivemind
sup, /b/?
That is one magnificent cock. Honestly, I don't know if I'd be able to not suck it, and I'd certainly be unable to resist having it pound my ass.
Are you a guy or a girl?
Post cool guns
Hunger games simulator thread
How to play:
Post an image with a name to enter the roster
24 competitors are needed to get the game going
Takumi's Fujin Yumi
Angry Skel
Sandwich man Shimi Tavori
signing up!
Ramona Flowers
FB fap
Continuing with my sister
Waifu thread
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Have fun!
Plotting murder edition
Rory-sama claimed
>not crazy I swear edition
nth for not knowing what the fuck is going on.
a a a a a a a a
I still don't know how i feel about this lovely twist
>robet cleemed
Dubs gets her face
Trips gets pass to mega set (50pics 5 vids)
Also hi Hitler
for fuck sakes give that link here your wasting our time
This bitch I barely even know asks me to pick her up and give money. Dubs decides what I say.
Suck my balls
Send tits and butt hole and I'll do it.
"kill yourself, get some fucking money off your welfare you stupid fucking bitch, neck yourself"
fuck off you whore
off by one, woah
Post pictures of girls you know, anons say how they'd use and degrade them
Tie her hands behind her back with her discarded bikini top, and then I'd leave her there like that for anyone who wants to fuck her. once she's full of cum, I'd pour sand into her pussy and fuck her raw with a large dildo
ITT: God-tier albums
nothing can top Tool
Puscifer is pretty good too.
So is a prefect circle
Just anything with MJK, tbh
guess her name and i'll dump nudes.
Freddie Mercury
dubs or better gets a hint
Probably a Madison or Sarah
Feet thread
foot http://link.dabebook.com/3
New ylyl thread
>saves thumbnail.
Get out of the chan you fucking newfag
chubby brown girl, thread?
she is paki tho if you guys wondering
More of her please!
Gay shota... no straight shota please.
god i hate straight shota
Lol, wow.
Been seeing some good Links lately! Share what you got /b/!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wx695978 2ourb0v/AABB9jv1OqGSSSZ20mRuhxeDa?d l=0
And yet you post garbage.
Ya? Enlighten us.
No, I don't use Dropbox because I'm not a faggot who needs free 2GB of storage. Useful for a potato on AOL maybe.