¡¡¡¡¡Metanse aquí gueyes!!!!!
Por que tantos signos de exclamación? Por eso luego piensan que somos retrasados mentales.
Quienes piensan eso? y porque chingados deberia importatme lo que piensen un pendejos degenerados
q tranza saludos desde chiwas !! esta sitiado el palacio y no pudimos echar al puerco del duarte.
No loli thread? Let's fix that
Okay I'm back lol
Hope you guys like Roll
Creep bread continued
Op pls upload more I'm in love
showing my friend 4chan for the first time. do your worst
Nypa newfag
Hello summer, how was school you faggot?
>showing my friend 4chan for the first time
/deutsch/er Faden
hau ab
Wow. Einfach nur Wow.
Ich komme von pr0gramm wo mich ein Nutzer auf diese Seite verwiesen hat. Was zum Teufel ist das für ein Scheißloch? Das ist doch nicht euer Ernst.
Jedes mal wenn ich mir diese Threads anschaue sehe ich eine konstant andauernde Spamflut voller rassistischem, schwulenfeindlichen und islamophobem Gedankengut. Feige wie ihr seid versteckt ihr euch im Kinderzimmer hinter eurem PC, im wahren Leben schenkt euch wohl keiner Beachtung. Ihr seid einfach nur erbärmlich.
Wenn jeder so denken würde wie ihr kleine Nazis wären wir heute noch...
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Wer r/de hier?
Post ONE cover song that is better than the original
A Perfect Circle - Imagine
I will always love you
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window.
wonderwall by ryan adams
hurt by johnny cash
Though I wouldn't say hurt is necessarily "better", it goes for something different with the song and is great in a different way.
give it to me - three days grace
NEW EU Referendum thread
/b/ edition
http://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu _referendum
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/eu-refer endum/
http://www.theguardian.com/politics /live/2016/jun/23/eu-referendum-liv e-decision-day-polls-remain-leave
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u k/politics/eu-referendum-live-lates t-poll-news-brexit-results-leave-re main-when-date-vote-odds-uk-britain -a7094741.html
Totally didn't steal the last OP.
> Crashing the pound, with no survivors.
lets kick this off with this <3
mfw wake up to leave
ITT: the 11th pic in your reaction folder is YFW you realized you were bisexual
Too perfect
O shit
I don't even know
No dick rate thread /b/? I'll start.
Wow omg/10
I love attention so I post topless pictures of myself on facebook!
>fb fap thread
more like cringe thread
want moar?
5 Cum tributes = I post my tits.
Quads gets my kik.
pic for tributes.
This looks to be interesting. Hope people do it!
Will lower to 2 if 100 comments.
330 checking in
Youngstown. You?
234 here any wins?
740 is in
Any claymont high?
anyone got any Springboro wins?
Ah. Never had a husky before. Had a few German Shepherds though.
sup snek
Any good memes of it yet?
what the fuck is that
What in the fuck is that? Skeletor's illegitimate child??
Here you go
Fuck you Chris I still love you
tank mr skeltor
1st time seeing this, chukled
Thats deep
cock tribute thread #2
That's a little gay
Not as little as my cock!
Strange, unexplainable, yet comedic images.
EU Referendum thread
/b/ edition
http://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu _referendum
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/eu-refer endum/
http://www.theguardian.com/politics /live/2016/jun/23/eu-referendum-liv e-decision-day-polls-remain-leave
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u k/politics/eu-referendum-live-lates t-poll-news-brexit-results-leave-re main-when-date-vote-odds-uk-britain -a7094741.html
How about go fuck yourself. You think we aren't sick of this shit already? I fucking voted and all I want is to never hear another word about this bullshit again.
Lets hope out wins i want to see lefty cucks get kicked in the balls.
>voted but don't care about the results
I feel you anon
>Remain win because of fucking Gibraltar
You know it'll happen
Reaction thread pls
nah, not now
Not seeing any Steam threads worth actually posting, so to shoot off the sale, ill buy a game $10 or under to the first anon who rolls dubs replying with an id.
Kill yourself faggot
Lol what a waste of dubs.
My steam name is senor chippy. Rollin for dat 10 dollars
terraria please?