how it is to have a gf?
bag of sand and coins
underrated post
money pit
Amazing in the beginning, then its just like having tons of chores.
I'm thinking of commiting suicide. My life is shit. What's the best way to do it?
shoot yourself
In the dick
exit bag faggot kys
no, that would make you a lesser being. You must be a jew. I kill jews.
Post your mane.
Sup, /b/, I want to ask for some advice, or just talk I guess.
I'm 21, and I'm currently kind of a NEET. I don't know if I really count as one, because I stopped my studies ~2 months ago, because I had 3 failed courses from the last semester, and I was fucking up the ones I had this semester as well. I just feel unmotivated, the shit we're studying is hard I guess, but it's not something that I couldn't do if I actually put some proper effort into, but I just feel unmotivated. So for the last 2 months I've been sitting at home doing
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The year is 2001. It is the 11th of September. The time is 7:46 AM, one hour before the first impact.
You are standing across the street from the northern tower of the World Trade Center.
What do you do?
Would I know what I know now? Or am I unaware?
You know everything, you know that the planes will hit in an hour.
Call in a bomb threat. Call the media with my threat. Save thousands and heralded as hero as sand niggers slam planes into empty buildings.
go staright to the pentagon to see if the planes really hit that
No ylyl? Shame on you fgts
feels thread?
I wish I could feel something so that i could post it.
Thank you anyway for bumping
I'm pretty sure tonight or tomorrow me and my gf are gonna break up. She's amazing and I'm ok myself, but she's a depressed anxiety ridden schizophrenic that's not looking for anything long term. And I've been digging a huge whole for myself continuously since Sunday night. We work together so I'm putting applications in other restaurants. But I'm not too sad, she kept me from moving to Colombia and I had fun with her. The end.
honestly i cant be on /b/ anymore, its all just a big mess here, i cant remember if its always been like this but now when i browse the main page in catalog mode only this song goes through to my head
its over /b/
So close
Hi, /b/!
I present you my comic. How do you like it?
you 404'd yesterday, is it really worth reposting?
thats all there is to your comic?
How do you quit smoking /b/? I'm down to 2 packs a day and I was smoking 3 packs a day 2 weeks ago
Lock yourself in a cage for a few months
i never really started smoking, but today i broke every cigarette one after the other and that's it
>inb4 have an espresso
Cold turkey and suffering for a few days.
I got a vape, worked for me.
I havent visited /b/ since 2008. What happened to this place? It used to be good.
you're acting as if anyone cares
Rising amounts of summerfags, m00t sold us to some asian fuck, welp, basically, we got fucked.
As if you know how sage works
It was never good
If it was so good, why did you stop coming?
Best nudes you have #2
Last thread hit image limit
I won't be having Internet for at least 3 days, can you guys give me something to fap to?
Gibe me good porn plox
WTF? / Cringe Thread...
Here you go...
Not OP's dog:
Where is he shitting from?Even where is his asshole?What is this
Rate my vehicles.
Pretty fuckin gay OP. What you need is a 1997 Chevy Lumina like me.
CTRL + F (No fwuffy thread)
dubs decides what I do with this giant poisonous faggot
insert in pooper
eat it faggot
let it bite you
Have it bite your dick
Let's fucking clarify the world.
are you mad because you was part of a family where everything was a mess? need to spread some internet hate to make yourself feel better?
sage. kill yourself if you want to clarify the world
i could reply all my life
Faces of /b/ 2.0
rate me plix
26 khv here rate me pls
Mac & Tyrions love child!
Okay /b/, give me one actual good reason to not kill myself today.
you're white
Kill your self
no one cares kys faggot
you're not a normie
You may submit yourself to a stranger as a personal sex slave at any time.
Quads get a free copy of dark souls 3.
Leave steam id with your numbers nigs.
Biffle the Lion
Quads Get
dubs dubs
where is my game?
Goddammit so close!